NASA Super Speedrun Bros 3D Land

Now: Super Mario 3D World
Then: No More Heroes

Too late, archived just as I saw it.

>Over 3 hours of No More Heroes
Bit too much for me.

>No More Heroes 3:20:00

How does everyone feel about IT (2017)?

you guys missed the best run

Nmh is a great game but a terrible speedgame

I love wii gta clone shovelware

Hope it's just as comfy

wtf? is this Sup Forums? I thought I was on Sup Forums

I appreciate the thought, my brother of African American descent

Is it true that they removed the VOD with it?

Seems like it.


Why what happened

>3:20:00 run by a numale cuck

yep gone...

having originally missed it, glad I hurried up and watched it during the tranny run and other crap

Drunk IRL shitposting for 4+ hours.

Game looks like Killer 7.

>Dead stream flashbacks

Oh my god this is a boring run, and it has to be 3 hours long of course

>Oh my god
what is it that attracts you retards to this website?

As if "oh my god" is the worst thing on the board when we have shit like "cuck" being misused in every thread.

Wish this game was on PC, MG Rising Revengeance was pretty great with mouse controls.


No more Heroes? More like No More Thread!

Speedrun to archive PogChamp

>Complaining about oh my god
Nigga if they had used "OMG" you might have a point

is this event always this much of a failure

If only romscout was here

It was a massive success this year.

Last year was a failure though.

>what, the far cry vid is gone?
>was it local recorded?

Why would it be gone?

Things suddenly got interesting



I haven't watched twitch for a long time, which addon is required to view those danged emotes. This shit really annoys me for some reason.





Is this a particularly bad run? This is just as entertaining as a GDQ..

>wah waaah I want a more lowkey speedrunning event with more freedom for the players like the AGDQ of old
>gets it
>waaah waaahh this is too boring
Sup Forums just doesn't know what it wants.

You're exaggerating my post. A few weeks ago, anons got me hyped saying this is a better representation of speed running and I was excited to see what that meant. This feels just like a GDQ with cursing and no audience memes.

>no audience memes.
far cry 3

>Sonic Adventure DX
>Sonic Adventure 2 Battle


>was there literally nothing you could do?
>yea I am dsp
Gotta say he knows his memes.

Does anyone have a link to the Farcry 3 run?

The VOD was deleted

vod died
no local
some fag has it

>this dick sauce just accidentally set off Bad Girl's insta kill attack TWO TIMES IN A ROW

did twitch delete it on purpose or did something fuckup?

make that three

what the fuck is happening

*Three times


Three times now

The fuck is this guy doing?

Three now. Choke time.

It was a total shitshow. Bad for publicity.

literally DSP tier

Fuck now I'm mad I missed it. What happened

>Under estimate, every time.

If he does it a fourth time just cancel the run

There was a noisy game of Mafia on the background to start things off.,


He finally beat her.

>almost dies again

He came so close to fucking up again.

I enjoyed the first NMH more than the 2nd

Nigga stole my bike

>Racist sticker

>Literally labelling people as racist

>racist stickers


>no local
fake news

It's over



Wow. Killer.

I like this run.

>Crusader of Senty is next

why must that be next instead of now, I want to go to bed damnit. it's a kickass underrated game.

Schedule says Wario's Woods is next. Which one is it?

What's with gay couch today?

>no hard r so it's okay

reminder that if you let this stream go unreported you basically support slavery

It's real, nigga!

so it is, crusader of centy is tomorrow. thanks user, now i can sleep.

>that vampire troll

what do you mean?

>I just want to assure you nobody in this room will be passing on their genes

Thank God.


What the fuck is this jsrf autism?

What's the song they use for this N64 commercial?

Was that the runner? kek

One of the guys on the couch.


Sup Forums stream generously running an ad for a reddit marathon.

I love HornyAnime!

Why does she wear the horns?

Because she's a slut.