>Monster Hunter 5 won't come to the Playstati-
Monster Hunter 5 won't come to the Playstati-
Other urls found in this thread:
>trusting anything posted on Sup Forums
>because this user is normally right
>Sup Forums users
What the fuck?
Fuck finally. Monhun on a proper console again is long overdue. Hopefully the cancerous pokefags will stay away and online will be good again.
>the tip comes from a user that has been on the money about Monster Hunterr games before.
Aw man, is that Anonymous guy I am always hearing about? That dude knows everything.
tripfags exist unfortunately.
>Rumor originating on Sup Forums
How desperate for material can you be?
a tripfag perhaps?
>trusting Sup Forums
>trusting Sup Forums
Tripfags are universally delusional basement dwelling retards, even more so than the average user. None of them would have this kind of information.
The only MH tripfag that I know of is the guy who used to spam /mhg/ with his bad rumors that almost never came true unless they were a safe bet like a G version of X, this just sounds like someone saying that MH is becoming Dragons Dogma which is stupid.
I hear 2chan occasionally has correct anime rumors, i don't think I would extend it this far though.
The project video for Bloodborne originated on Sup Forums, and everyone called it fake.
I'm not saying "THAT WAS REAL SO THIS IS REAL" but Sup Forums rumors have come true before.
> memeians of the galaxy
Go back to plebbit. Dog.
Dont really care because I know it will be a 3ds port with shit graphics.
Sup Forums rumors that are real generally dont read like Christmas lists.
This reads like someone who hated Monster Hunter describing their perfect Monster Hunter game.
MH5 will be a Playstation exclusive, but MH5G will release the following week on the Switch.
No it didn't. It originated on some guys hardrive, who either stole it or was a Sony rep doing a bullshit marketing ploy. Just because they chose to post it first on Sup Forums, doesn't mean that Sup Forums is at all reliable. If he posted the video on pornhub first, would that website suddenly become a reliable source of information because of "muh historicals"?
>it was on Sup Forums first but it doesn't count fir arbitrary reasons
>open world
And just as with Dynasty Warriors, people will be too busy giving a shit about "exclusivity" and general console warring to notice another franchise falling into this trap.
solid snake will be a playable character in mh 5 xxx g+ chek my nubs
If people started posting video game leaks on pornhub, yes, it would be a reliable source for leaks, dipshit.
>E3 rolls around
>Monster Hunter 5 announced
>It's scorpio exclusive
>nintenbabbies think monhun is their series just because capcom actually wanted sales and put the games on the 3DS instead of vita
>surprised when they realize that capcom is not a first party nintenbro developer
is there a more deluded fanbase?
What I'm saying is that Sup Forums would only be reliable if there were many people on the site actively seeking out this info, such as through contact with lower level employees who might be in the loop. There is no evidence that Sup Forums users have additional info over, say, red.dit. Just because some non Sup Forums user decided to leak something on Sup Forums, doesn't make Sup Forums any credible.
Wtf am I doing, I'm arguing with a probable retard
No it wouldn't you retard. See By your moron as backwards logic, IGN is a supreme leaker, since it frequently gets information about video games before the general population and discloses them first
I don't think you know what a leak is
exactly, capcom want sales so they will put in on a portable and not a home console because that sells better
the switch having few units sold is irrelevant because monhun is a system seller
makes no difference to me i own both consoles anyway but switch release seems more likely in my opinion.
But it already is open world? How else would you describe their maps
>open world gameplay
So the moment it comes back to consoles (maybe) it gets absolutely ruined. I knew Sony would find a way to ruin everything as usual.
Potato, potahto you faggot. Find and replace "leak" with "information". 100% chance you don't have a gf m8
This would be something
I dunno man toukiden 2 did a good job on making open world
>It originated on some guy's harddrive
Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein didn't break the Watergate story, it originated from Deep Throat's mouth.
Capcom either goes where the guaranteed money is, or makes somewhere where the guaranteed money is. They will not sabotage themselves and try to play to an inherently smaller pool of guaranteed sales by going to a home console, which has invariably sold lesser than their handheld counterparts WORLDWIDE. Even on platforms with a comically larger installbase (Wii, PS2), it never sells even closely to their handheld games. Why bother breaking this trend now when it's obvious that history will simply repeat itself?
>A news leak is the unsanctioned release of confidential information to news media. It can also be the premature publication of information by a news outlet, of information that it has agreed not to release before a specified time, in violation of a news embargo.
So no, it's not 'potato, potahto'.
>Monster Hunter
>Open world
>No timers
>No quests
>Rumor originating on Sup Forums
>This increasing normality of scouring Sup Forums for trustable rumours
>open world gameplay to give it more Western appeal
>getting rid of the timer and missions
>The tip comes from a user that has been on the money about Monster Hunter games before
>anonymous Sup Forums rumours
who is this "Sup Forums"?
>a bunch of rooms connected by portals is open world now
I see that 'open world' has lost all meaning.
This rumor is wrong, I'm an actual capcom employee here to tell you that Monster Hunter 5 will be coming on the Game.com system, you can trust this leak because it's from Sup Forums and I am a trusted user
>tfw don't care what Monster Hunter comes out on, just want more Monster Hunter
Jesus christ, Capcom, give me a dick to suck already.
>tfw ywn suck off Jhen
It's not from a trip
MH5 coming to PS4 has the same likely hood of Frontier or DDO coming to the west.
DDO is a possibility, especially with the DD:DA port on PS4 and xbone, it's the perfect waypoint to say "HEY WE SAW YOU GUYS LIKED THIS STUFFO N PS4 CHECK OUT THIS MMO WOAAAAAAAAH"
>current gen Monster Hunter
>still looks like a PS2 game
>still have to wait for the attack animation to end in order to turn around and attack behind you
>still have to sit through a drinking animation just to heal that leaves you wide open while the monster tackles you into a corner where you can't escape, getting hit repeatedly until your hp is depleted, reducing the reward and sending you back to base.
>underwater monsters
>CoG porting their platform to the west for a minor audience
Yeah, good luck with that.
sounds like ur bad
It's entirely possible. Unlikely, but possible. They need to try bringing it over eventually if they want to try building up rapport for their mobile titles.
You're not supposed to be healing when you're being attacked retard. Either zone out, farcaster or wait till it targets something else.
>I'm too stupid to know when it's safe to perform actions that take a long time to complete
They don't need local servers for their mobile games.
>Capcom had jack-shit for Nintendo's Switch launch
>the first game they release is an ancient fighting game that can only be considered a relic in the gaming industry
>and they price it for 30-40$
Fuck you, Capcom. Even fucking Konami has more brains than you.
He posted it again
If you expect them to be able to grow a mobile game without opening a new server for western markets to appeal to players aiming for "number 1", you're a fool. Crossover events can also be an enormous part of that, and would help significantly. NOT having some semblance of a capcom online community would just be a bad idea, when there's a massive fan base that's all but translated, capcom could easily license/outright buy the english patch for DDO, it wouldn't be the first time a company has done something like that.
Fuck you anonymous, you told me that talcum powder would solve my problem but it only made things worse. What's worse, now I have to deal with this stupid fucking kangaroo.
>Defends the healing animation but not the rest.
if you're this bad then don't play it
MH5 on PS4.
MH5G on Switch.
>still looks like a PS2 game
>still have to wait for the attack animation to end in order to turn around and attack behind you
Many can be clipped and redirected, but yeah the game demands that you position yourself before committing to attacks. It's what makes Monster Hunter Monster Hunter.
>still have to sit through a drinking animation just to heal that leaves you wide open while the monster tackles you into a corner where you can't escape, getting hit repeatedly until your hp is depleted, reducing the reward and sending you back to base.
Kind of like the above. You need to learn the monster, when you have openings, when to heal, yadda yadda. It also encourages you tough love style to not get hit in the first place. Makes you learn monsters. What a pain in the ass. Also reduced rewards? A small fistful of zenny? Carting doesn't reduce carves or items obtained from monsters. Only zenny and it's only a very small amount.
>underwater monsters
Literally no excuse, a valid complaint.
People are really thirsty.
>is there a more deluded fanbase?
Sonybros who keep thinking they would go back to a console and pay more to sell less in japan
>A rumour originating on Sup Forums
alright here's the news motherfuckers, my inside sources tell me bloodborne 2 is coming out and it's going to be exclusive to the sega dreamcast
spread the word
If MH comes to the PS4 it will be released on the PC. And once it gets released on PC the franchise is dead.
>starts a thread on Sup Forums based on a rumor from Sup Forums and treats it as credible
Damn, that's retarded.
I shiggy diggy
>Miyazaki starts laughing at the concept and demands they make a Dreamcast port
>Value of Dreamcasts shoots up to the fucking skyline
>The PS4 port is in indefinite hiatus due to the insanity of Dreamcast Bloodborne