I want to play a Fallout game.
Should I start with 3, NV, or 4?
Also what about the first two? Are they any better? They both seem like they didn't age really well...
If this helps I loved Oblivion and couldn't be bothered by Skyrim.
I want to play a Fallout game.
Should I start with 3, NV, or 4?
Also what about the first two? Are they any better? They both seem like they didn't age really well...
If this helps I loved Oblivion and couldn't be bothered by Skyrim.
Other urls found in this thread:
If you haven't played any then just start with new vegas using unofficial patches, anti crash and 4gb unlocker. Then go back and play the rest depending on how much you like NV
Seems reasonable.
I actually tried to play Fallout 3 but it looked bland and I was bored of walking through underground stations all the time.
Forgot to add I want to play the one with best quest.
New vegas has a better story and is better written. if you thought Fo3 was bland you'd probably like new vegas.
I'm not sure if you'd think that Fo1 or 2 were too archaic if you're just now playing them. Have you played games like divinity OS or other action-point-based games?
I played Diablo 2 and enjoyed it.
Also Path of Exile.
That's about it.
I'm gonna start with New Vegas.
I should probably look into the mods too, right?
just get some quality of life improvements and don't go crazy yet. Get YUP, anti-crash, 4gb unlocker, better first person camera.
maybe the jsawyer mod if you're looking to start of with a hardcore run right off the bat. All of that shit can be found on the new vegas nexus and it has an easy mod manager that comes with it
>They both seem like they didn't age really well
What does it even mean? How can a fun game "age"? Does fun have an expiration date or something? You seem like a faggot, stick with Oblivionouts from Bethshit
Well I mainly want it to run good and maybe get some graphic mods.
Also is it a good idea to by the game or should I just pull the trigger and pirate it?
Oh and maybe the mod that gets rid of the loadzone in freesize and the strip. The name escapes me at the moment. I think it's called Freeside Open and something else.
You can just pirate a repack of the GOTY edition tbqh. I know you have to jump through one more hoop to use the 4gb unlocker but it isn't hard to search for that version. And all the mods I listed will help it run better. it's best if you just play as close to vanilla for your first time as you can, so you can appreciate the mods you use later.
Or, I dunno. Play it vanilla now and as you go along, you might notice shit that you'd like to change. Then you can go peruse the nexus at your leisure.
Can you Obsidianfag """""""""purists""""""""" explain why you like New Vegas so much when it's just a less interesting expansion of Fallout 3? And why is it so beloved when it makes the same "mistake" of being apocalyptic when "society should've rebuilt itself by then". And why would a game about nuclear fallout and radiation and the apocalypse be about a civilized world?
New Vegas is a fine place to start, but you should definitely play the first two as well. The first one has some noticeable cut content, combat's slow and the UI isn't great, but everything else about it i wonderful. Same goes for F2, except there's a restoration mod that puts the cut content back in and I would highly recommend you use it.
play fo3
and run straight into the dream chamber to beat half the game instantly
speed run that bitch
Adding to this get Mod Organizer, not NMM. And do not install the Freeside Open mod, it's an unfinished mod that is extremely unstable.
>And why would a game about nuclear fallout and radiation and the apocalypse
Fallout was never about this. It was always about society collecting itself back and disputing over the land. FO2 already had highly organized technologically advanced cities that utilized nuclear power and AI technology.
>it's just a less interesting expansion of Fallout 3
opinion, not fact
I figured NMM would be better for him since he can just push downloads to his desktop easily and a first timer wouldn't have to fuck around with it as much.
I used Mod Organizer to mod Skyrim but it was pain in the ass to make all the graphic mods work.
Lewd mods were a lot easier
Sure but still it's worth to learn how to use MO, it's worth it in the long run.
>They both seem like they didn't age really well...
bullshit, the first two are good in their own right.
I know it's worth it in the long run but if he already said MO was a pain in the ass for skyrim I don't want him to have a bad impression of NV before he even plays the game if it's frustrating.
But it's whatevs OP follow your heart.
If you're going to go back to FO3 after NV, I'd suggest Tale of Two Wastelands. The quality of life improvements from NV make FO3 much more bearable.
Fallout 1 is very short and gets you the taste of the universe. You can probably beat it in one long evening.
Fallout 2 is big and awesome, and probably has the most roleplaying potential
Fallout 3 doesn't exist, still sad they never made it
New Vegas is pretty fun but constant shooting gets fucking annoying and builds basically don't matter.
I fucking love fallout 2, it might be difficult to get into but once you do its alot of fun
I don't understand the question. Why would you not just start with the first one and then play them all. The first 3 games were free on GoG.com
I'm gonna take it slow and won't lose my shit over it.
Someone suggested hardcore mods but I want to play this game for the quests and writing.
I'm not really into survival.
Play Fallout 4, the others are garbage movie games
What's Fallout Tactics?
It's a squad based tactical shooter and isn't really an RPG. it's not terrible though.
Yeah just skip jsawyer mod then. Aside from the previously mentioned ones I guess just scroll through the top mods in the nexus and see which ones look good.
Commandos is wasteland
If you feel like getting more creative, you can also get Project Nevada for gameplay reasons.
Might be better to do for second playthrough though but it really does add a lot.
OP aka faggot here.
I read everything you posted and I decided to start with Fallout New Vegas + mods
Any other suggestions?
always put extra trash bags in your trash can, so when you take the trash out you don't have to rummage around under your sink for a new one
F1 and F2 aren't that bad, you just have to adapt to their rules, and it'll be painful (especially when you never played an isometric, turnbased RPG before) but the outcome is even more satisfying).
For the other Fallouts
mod Fallout 3 and New Vegas together (a tale if two wasteland), but be careful with other mods, since it can easily ruin your whole savefiles.
Fallout 4 is an whole different thing, i'd say, if you want an sandbox to explore in build your shit in it, go for it. If you want to play an good RPG, avoid it like the plague, and wait for some good total conversion mods for it
Avoid 3 and 4 at all costs. Absolute garbage just like Skyrim that shits all over the lore, writing, quest design and gameplay principles of the series.
>How can a fun game "age"? Does fun have an expiration date or something?
There are plenty of games that were great for their time but got obsolete after the release of similar but superior games. Also the thing that ages the most is the UI/GUI. There's so many games that are almost unplayable for someone who isn't used to the archaic mess that was a UI in, say, 1998.
Well I have extra trash bags right above my trash can so that works too...
Any other suggestions?
Skyrim doesn't shit all over its lore though. It's actually consistent.
but you're completely right about FO3 and 4. There's no arguing that.
You can make your own popsicles out of juice, toothpicks, an ice cube tray, and some plastic wrap for those hot summer days
Fallout 1 is better than Fallout 2.
How about you don't be a faggot an start with the first game.
Repostan my list for recommned first timer mods:
Very extensive bug fixing mod : nexusmods.com
More fixes for YUP that required the use of NVSE : nexusmods.com
Quickloot menu, will save you a LOT of time in the long run: nexusmods.com
Simple yet effective save replacer for NV because the vanilla autosaves and quicksaves are highly prone to corruption, crashing etc. (CASM is too cluttered with unessecary features in my opinion): nexusmods.com
Fixes the UI to make it more PC friendly: nexusmods.com
Reduces the amount of crashes: nexusmods.com
Minimizes stutter: nexusmods.com
Fixes invisible walls inside cars for example so that you can shoot through the windows: nexusmods.com
Easier FOV adjusting: nexusmods.com
How's the writing?
I had some problems with fallout 1. I found it extremely easy to play, and very easy to break. I couldn't complete the game because I ended up killing things before I received a quest for it, so I ended up breaking everything.
Whats there to bitch about FO1/2 GUI? It's aesthetic and functional as fuck
people might call this heresy but for real get a mod to change the damage in game, both FO3 and NV are sooooo much better if both you and the computers are doing about 3x-4x more damage. i cant go back, its a whole different game.
if you decide not to do this be prepared for some bullshit, i.e unloading full mags into peoples chests just to watch their health bar drop to half lol
There are exceptions of course, these exceptions are coincidentally almost always true classics of their respective genre.
I've never cared to writing and in fallout 1, you can breeze through the game without even knowing what the fuck you're doing.
another thing i want to add to this is that if you do decide to up the damage it also makes it so that just about every weapon is actually viable
That's why I don't want to play it.
NMM is a broken piece of shit, use FOMM.
What's wrong with it? I've never had a problem
This sounds interesting but 2× more damage would be enough.
Don't get any damage multiplier mods. They sound good on paper but the execution not so much since there are so many variables in the combat.
Well in New Vegas you can be bored walking through one room shacks with useless junk instead.
Okay. I didn't really want to change gameplay
Why the fuck wouldn't you want to play Fallout 2, nigger? In terms of RPG elements (writing, role-playing, quests) its still one of the best things ever unlikely to change because games get dumber and dumber. If shootan, graphican, and firstpersan are so important to you, why even bother with Fallout franchise? Load up D44M, or another game that does it well without bothering you with stats and talks
Is there anyway to speed up all that boring/tedious walking in both of the games?
Oh I have a kink for voyeurism so I'll be okay.
First person and shootan is least important for me.
As I said at least three times: I'm here for the writing. If it's so awesome as you say I gladly try FO2
>fallout 2 writing
>what are mods
>this is reddit, this is memes...
Honestly, play NV first. it's a good introduction for newcomers as a means of establishing the world. Play 1 and 2 only if you enjoy the setting. If you like more modern RPGs, the isometric feel may be jarring for you, so it's better to have some motivation behind (eg an appreciation for the setting) before diving in.
For curiosity sake, I would play 3, but only via the Tale of Two Wastelands mod for NV. Ignore 4 and Shelter.
I can't be the only one who prefers the world of Fallout 2 to 1, but I prefer the writing of 1.
1 feels far too "generic post apocalypse" at times. There is nothing particularly wrong with that, I just personally prefer the direction 2 took in regards to making the game a post, post apocalyptic game, which is seldom done.
The writing in FO 1 and 2 requires you to do a lot of quests, talk to NPC and think meticulously to piece things together and understand the wasteland with what information you were able to get
You can ignore it all and play the game for a lesser experience but you can do the same in 3 or NV but get the backstory tossed in your face due to writing
If you want a Fallout game and refuse to play 1 and 2 then you're not looking for a Fallout game
If you enjoyed NV but couldn't appreciate the predecessors you aren't looking for a Fallout game