Whaat's up y'all Marcus here also known as Epic Name Bro

Whaat's up y'all Marcus here also known as Epic Name Bro

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Who? Oh, right, the souls guy cucked by his nip wife. No wonder he went to his twitch shelter hugbox after losing "his" daughter.

>losing his daughter

Also known as EpicNoBaby

Of all the people you could randomly hate for no reason, why him? I don't get it

He's a beta male.

I don't get it either

Watch his late streams, you will understand.

Seriously what's the matter with daughter thing

Lost custody.

your group think narrative is real funny, when its not true

See We hate most in others the things we hate in ourselves.

Jap woman thought she was getting alpha western man
Found out it was just otaku in aryan clothing
Ditched him like a bad pair of shoes

>if i keep repeating it ! its true!

>ENB marries jap woman
>impregnates her
>child dies in her womb
>tries again
>new child dies
>third time
>child survives
>ENB takes wife and child to his shithole in Mississippi
>wife is disgusted, divorces ENB and obtains full custody of the child
>ENB never sees them again
>proceeds to become an extremely frail beta who can't stand the pressure of Youtube comments and moves to Twitch

He said it himself.

>if i keep covering my ears ! its false!

ENB looks like THAT

None of this is true, is it? Last I watched he was talking about his daughter and wife living with him in the US. What's this about divorce?

He used to. He started looking like this since he was cucked.


lol people honestly believe he's still hooked up with the jap when jap people absolutely hate facial hair to any degree. He's hideous to 99% of japs


>o to japan as teacher
fall in love with japanese girl from broken home (father abonded her)
get married quite fast, have child, move to america
she gets pregnant again despite using protection all the time
can't really support the child well after just moving and quitting teaching job in japan for youtube but will try
miscarriage and bloodborne fetus talk triggers him
turns out wife was cheating on him, got pregnant and aborted the child. there was no miscarriage
get seperated
fighting for custody of daughter but unlikely to get her from shitty youtube job which now makes less money

>switch over to twitch and makes low quality more frequent content in desperation and fuck over fans by overmoderating and being stresses asshole. disables comments due to trolls saying shit about his daughter and starting a big campaign to make him look like a drug addict (which would ruin custody chance) which bothers him much more now, most viewers think he's an easily offended SJW faggot

>trying to be a game developer as his dream but has no formal training and his game looks like shit

>meanwhile DSP is fucking his 16 year old cousin driving a BMW in a gated community with his own house and getting supported by patron autists and haters publicity.

holy shit

jesus christ talk about JUST

Fuck, you weren't kidding. It was all true, even fighting over custody over the child. That's some fucked up shit. I wonder how many anons have been sending him pictures of him and his daughter when they were happy and together just to troll him. I feel bad for EpicNameBro.

>guys, guys, it's ok
>voice breaks

r9k posters

Holy hell his whole life got butt blasted.

He never got cucked.

Wasn't the story like this?
>Want a second child
>Impregnate wife
>Wife had a miscarriage
>He discovers that it wasnt a miscarriage, she did an abortion without telling him
>"she's not the woman i thought she was."

at no point does he say he lost custody of the child, its a divorce, they fight for custody

The child is with her mother right now, in Japan.

Marcus has really has earned JUST FUCK UP MY LIFE haircut. That wife of his sounds like the biggest cunt ever. I'm going to learn from this and stay away from daddy issue girls.

>if we spam shitposts ! itll ru in his life! the courts totally look at his twitch streams! LULZ! EBIN FOR THE WIN!
you are like 12 years old or some shit, no, faggots, you're just trying to bully someone who you think is worse off than you

he lived in japan teached japanese, worked with dark souls creator, met him and ate dinner with him and the dev team, married a japanese girl and had a child

while your dumb ass is sitting on Sup Forums spamming JUST JUST JSUT over and over like a dumb cuck from reddit

man that's really sad, hope it goes well for him

>Realize my current girlfriend never had a father

But she's pure to the level that everything sex related terrifies her

DSP laughs at ENB's misery

And people say Asian (specially Japanese women) make for the best, most "traditional" wives. Jesus fuck.

Hey Marcus aka epickcuckbro, go fuck yourself with your dead fetus, faggot

the lesser of the daddy issues evils at least

His wife does sound like a cunt but he doesn't seem like good parent material either, he does twitch streams for a living.

>do i fit in yet

>he lived in japan teached japanese, worked with dark souls creator, met him and ate dinner with him and the dev team, married a japanese girl and had a child
And now it's all ruined. His dream crumbled to pieces and he proudly wears the Crown of the Cuckold King.

That's the ugliest jacket I've ever seen

don't bully owen thanks

>Marrying a Japanese woman

>you get a ear for escorting the host to the boss

What else could hsve happened? Try explaining to a court your job as videogame streamer. Fucking betas chasing the yellow dream, man.

>falling for White Male Asian Female meme

reminder real life isn't anime

say it with me

Well, he just sort of fell into this sort of career, and it seems to pay him well enough, so why not keep doing it?

Anyway, regardless of what he does for a living, I think you're wrong about his qualifications as a parent. He's obviously very passionate about his daughter, and has always seemed to go out of his way to make her happy. I know he's put off making videos and and cancelled streams just to spend time with her on multiple occasions.

Even though I was assblasted that he basically abandoned his youtube followers to move to twitch (I have a hard time fitting streams and VODs into my schedule, so I rarely see anything he does anymore,) I feel like out of all the vidya-related "celebrities," Marcus isn't one of the ones who deserves Sup Forums's ire. Can't we just leave him alone? It sounds like life as kicked him in the nuts hard enough lately, and I don't feel like he deserved it.

When an asian woman settles for an american man she always expects him to take her to her idealized and romanticized version of New York where she can live like a celebrity.
When ENB's wife saw the rancid backwater shithole he calls home she probably passed out.

>wife was cheating on him, got pregnant and aborted the child. there was no miscarriage

holy shit that's monstrous

how do we even know that part is true

Family issues aside, he's just really frustrating to watch.

>finally goes to play through Bloodborne+The Old Hunters
>does some kind of challenge run
>keeps dying to a chalice dungeon boss, ends up summoning help
>gets really frustrated and stops the whole playthrough because he isn't having fun anymore

At least his earlier videos are still pretty good.

This is a lesson to you all: foreign women are only well-behaved as long as they stay in their foreign countries.

As soon as you take them home to a feminist country, their innate female nature awakens and they become degenerate western sluts who will divorce you and take you to the cleaners for everything you have. The only reason they don't do it normally is because they don't have the opportunity to do so. Give them the opportunity, and they WILL fuck you over.

But people never learn.

>turns out wife was cheating on him, got pregnant and aborted the child. there was no miscarriage

Is this LITERALLY true? Like, he actually said this and you can get me a link to see it myself? I'd believe it, but since we're in a JUST and ENB hate thread, I feel like people will say anything.

He might be a good guy but he did everything wrong.
He never got a real job, married a damaged asian woman and abandoned his main source of income to protect his feelings. It's only natural to say JUST

Anyone got a picture of his wife? I think we saw her in one of his early videos when he was showing his apartment in Japan when they lived together. I wanna see the face of evil.

i watched his videos from the start, on dark souls jp release and really enjoyed them.
didn't like the direction he took later on, but fuck me that sucks. poor guy.

This. Someone post that gook vagina dentata.

I don't think she ever appeared on video.
Asian women all look the same anyway.

>I want to be daddy's chosen undead!
>dies in the womb