Developers of Far Cry 5

>developers of Far Cry 5
GOTY confirmed

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Only Pajeet looks professional.

Pajeet is also the only one knowing how to program

I count maybe 4 guys. And 3 cute girls, the rest are SJW tier.

Pajeet is also shooped.

Small team.

why doesn't ISIS take care of those instead of innocent young WHITE people?

The random Indian man in the back.

No way am I buying this game now. I thought about giving it a chance, but I refuse to support this trash.

It makes sense now


Not even gonna pirate this shit.

If true, predicting 6 distinct flavors of "take that, dad!" characters.

I'm really interested to see the vision of that time traveling steam-punk transgender Howard Stern clone in the front row.

The usual credit screen is longer than this.
I guess they locked the coders deep underground.

How legit is this? Got any proof? This is Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect tier team.

12 of them identify as male, you trash.

>itt: people who can't reverse search a fucking pic

Pajeet gonna be a busy man, the rest of them will be too busy writing blogs to do any actual work.

You're all idiots


>IMGD Students, Faculty, Alumni to Showcase Talents at Gaming Conference
Try harder faggot

This is even worse.
The cancer isn't contained at just far cry but it's spreading everywhere.
I sure hope Pajeet didn't fall for the memes while he was there.


8 MORE YEARS!!!!!!!!!

Prove it to me, OP.

Your time is over white fascist pigs.

Fuck white people

It isn't legit, the reposted it back when andromeda came out

never going to buy this game, not even if if they give me a -90% off

Far cry is shit anyway now though.
It should had ended at 3. Now it's a rehash cash grab

>*shits on your street and tells you to buy FarCry 5*

What to do

Have him try and explain how the Windows environment works in front of a sleepy classroom then I will turn 366 degrees and walk away.

Are those...
Are those two white males I see???
If PATRIARCHYsoft doesn't fucking FIRE those two I will BOYCOTT this game I had no plan on buying.

because they are allies

serious question

google shows nothing

is this a meme, or is this really the team of FC5 ?