Thoughts on Enter the Gungeon?
Thoughts on Enter the Gungeon?
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Gets boring fast
Too much damage scaling and little variety
Its fun but the grind for 100% is retarded.
Not awful, but balanced towards the wrong denominator of people.
>Runs take forever, unlike most Rogue-lites
>Heavily limits the number of A and S rank items you can find in a run by reducing their spawn chance with each subsequent A/S item
>Make some of the best items in the game B-Grade with a few D that are very very good too
>Make all content a slog unless you have good RNG
Also, this still pisses me off.
Especially since it counts towards your A/S limiting factor if it pops out of an A or S-rank Chest.
Good colorful game with a shitton of content. have fun.
Too slow
Shit combat
10/10 design everywhere
I don't mind the slow pacing, but the lack of variety and too large emphasis on RNG kills the game for me. I never feel inclined to play it, unlike Isaac, which I will fire up a game of at least once a day.
Too hard. Fuck boogie for tricking me into buying this
This. I love everything about it but the fact that it does not have a proper campaign. It's just that same 3 or four floors with copy pasted shit over and over again until you get sick of it.
Enemies kinda spongy. Otherwise good game.
100%ed it its fun people who complain about bulletsponge enemies are just shitters who need to gid gud
there are a few annoying things about it though its still a fun game to complete and i enjoyed my time with it
The STRAFE(R) gun is top tier and better than the game it promotes
I think level scaling was a mistake. Instead of just introducing more difficult enemies they include all the old ones but with tons of health. And the biggest problem with that is that there are so few ways in Gungeon to get more damage. Probably 75% of your runs you'll never find a damage up and you'll rely entirely on finding one of the top tier weapons.
Getting a good weapon is such a pain in the ass because they all have fixed damage and you can find even useless junk in high level chests. Usually you'll get a good room clearing weapon early on but never find something that's good against bosses or in bullet hell and it's always super disappointing when you find some peashooter on the 4th or 5th floors.
Items aren't much better since you eventually fill the pool with tons and tons of HP-ups. Health is great but it doesn't improve your damage, make enemies easier to kill, or do anything to actually help you stay alive. And there are item combinations like Issac but because guns are so shitty and items are so shitty you'll be lucky if you ever see a combination work out.
Needs a faster pace
Don't elaborate on what the "few annoying things" are or anything.
>bullet sponge enemies
>unsatisfying guns
>samey dungeons
>almost no variety in builds and runs
Shitty Isaac, basically. I liked the visual style but thats about it.
I'm waiting for the Switch release so I don't put any more effort into my PC version that won't transfer over.
So, I really wish they'd hurry the fuck up since its on other consoles now.
I wish it wasn't so shit.
well a few of the things you need to do in order to complete the game get a little annoying towards later for example the hunting quests or getting those shortcuts that arent even that usefull except for the bossrush mode
also the last stage with the lich if you dont have an orange or something that heals you you are fucked
also there is only one useful character (the marine) the rest i have just played once just to get each ending for every character but afterwards i would just stick to the marine
>unsatisfying guns
objectivly wrong it has some of the most satisfying guns i have ever seen in a videogame
also comparing a game thats not trying in any way to be like isaac to isaac is disgusting
It's basically nuclear throne for people who are bad at games.
I personally though the marine was one of the weaker characters.
Feels like winning is mostly the matter of luck.
If you don't get a good gun early on, you're fucked, and even if you do, you're still fucked because ammo runs out immediately. Enjoy pewing at the boss and scaling enemies for 3 hours.
With other action roguelikes, like BoI, Spelunky, RoR I feel like I can consistently beat them even if I get crap items, Gungeon just fucks you over
really? he just has more accuracy thats why i always used him
I wish the aesthetics weren't so kiddie-friendly.
It's cute, but combat kind of sucks dick when there's no blood and the violence is cartoony at best. Makes the action really unsatisfying.
>people still believe this meme shit
its a gameplay centric game if you cannot beat the first boss with the starter weapon than you just suck dick its not even really that hard
you will get a gun on the first room either fucking way since its always 1 item and 1 gun in both chests i really dont understand this if you are good at the game you can beat pretty much any boss with any gun
and i fucking suck at shmup games and still beat it without luck or any of that shit because you dont need it the game even rewards good play by giving you an extra heart container for beating the boss without being hit
>most satisfying guns i have ever seen in a videogame
Nuclear throne did guns better. They sound better and have more impact.
Robot also has passive accuracy boost with his battery bullets as well as massive 20 round magazine. Marine also has the 3rd weakest starting handgun within the 4 starting characters. He's a good, safe character but he's just not fast enough at clearing for my tastes. The Bullet blows everyone out of the water anyway.
oh yeah i was just talking about the starter characters
oh yeah should i get nuclear throne? done with isaac and gungeon now and i liked them both will i like nuclear throne too?
Not really, guns are weak and make no impact. The first weapon is snarkily called "Pea shooter", because why wouldn't you want to start the game with something that feels like shit. But the problem is, most guns in the game are pea shooters, you grab a megashotgunofuberdeath and all it does is knock the enemies back a bit while making a fart sound. I beat the game with a gun called Scrambler because it's bullets home and I was able to completely disregard shooting and focus on evasion. It's not a good sign when you want to forget about shooting in a game with "GUN" in it's name
good aesthetically, horrible mechanically
seriously the design is all over the fucking place, i can't tell if this is supposed to be too easy or too hard or too unforgiving or if it's handholding too much because nothing makes any fucking sense and you're not given opportunities or elements to support any one difficulty
it's like they tried to cater to casuals and hardcurr twitch streamers at the same time by violently flipping a difficulty switch throughout every level and boss encounter
i'd much rather play nuclear throne or pretty much any other twin-stick shooter out there
i liked hero siege better
Oh, the expected "git gud" reply. Listen, I CAN beat the first boss unscathed with a starter weapon, but why would I? It's gonna take forever and reward me with something retarded.
Wasted way too many hours just to realise it's unbalanced and too fucking random to make your effort feel worth it
tables get in your way more then they help you
touhou boss fights are absurd for what they expect you to dodge
Nuclear Throne can be pretty fun but you shouldn't pay money for it. Most of the challenge comes from getting a bad spawn location and dieing instantly or bad enemy spawns you can't really deal with.
NT is faster paced. Sadly locked at 30 fps but still a good rogue-lite. Pirate it or get at summer sale. I personally had more fun with NT than Gungeon or Isaac but that's subjective.
I like the convict, the snub-nose just works for me. ETG has its moments it's just too strict at the front and too loose at the back. By all accounts your drops should get better when you unlock new weapons, but the rating and rarity system just makes it boring. There are some cool weapons, but there are more than a few boring ones, and you might end up sticking with your starter pistol anyway for conservation. It gets old fast.
huh i feel completly different about it i dunno m8 i loved most of the guns in the game and found uses for almost each one of course there are some joke or plain shitty guns in there but thats just part of the game
i really dunno mate maybe i just shoot faster than you and thus enemies fall down before me much faster? you really have to shoot fast too cant just hold the mouse or button to shoot you have to press multiple times if you shoot your gun fast the enemies die fast too
like fuck me the polar star remember that gun? that shit is so satisfying to use there are just so many satisfying guns in gungeon i really dont understand the critizsm here
I like it.
I've beaten every past, killed the lich. Unlocked every unlockable.
The item drops might be a little bit too random in this game. Some items are too shit, some item combinations are too OP.
maybe you just suck at the game if the first boss takes for ever with the starting gun i usually get him down in 2-4 please dont tell me 2-4 minutes for a boss fight are too long just because isaacs bossfights dont last even a second please dont be that type of person
look i just understand what its like to be like you because i too couldnt beat the dragon back in the day so i hated the game because i sucked at it plainly but then i just gud gud and here iam 100% the game isnt even that hard you just have to shoot fast
The game gets fun once you unlock caped Bulletkin. That broke OP sword will carry you literally to Lich and solve all your ammo woes.
the game is a shitfest UNTIL you unlock Bullet, then it actually becomes fun as long as you only use him.
i cannot into the sword at all....its that little dash it makes whenever you attack with it if it wouldnt be there the sword would be my favorite weapon i really tried too but i just couldnt
pic example
Twice to hell clone run, with Ring of chest friendship and skeleton key feeding an insane damage bonus from Unity.
You just gotta get used to it, man. That little dash helps you get in range for that little slash+beam combo letting you 1 shot mobs up til floor 3.
Unrelated vid
well its not like iam ever gonna touch the game again i know they released an update not too long ago but i got all out of the game i wanted iam just done