whats the Sup Forumserdict
Whats the Sup Forumserdict
Anyone who buys it unironically, most likely suffers from a brain tumor known as communismus bolshevismus. Side-effects of such tumors are weak baits, obnoxious behavior and abhorrent grammar.
The game isn't out yet/10
normie schlock/10
if you enjoyed the transformer movies of bethesda's fallouts, you'll love it
Might be good
as long as I can join these guys
It's racist as fuck
Seems like an interesting setting, hope it's good.
>Still no Blood Dragon sequel
Shit was too short
it'll be good, if you can play as Ben Garrison
How come nobody ever talks about how this is a blatant ripoff of RE4 with some modern day subtext sprinkled on top
I'll buy it, please, stop the shilling
said the anime poster
If you don't get the fuck off my board I'll fucking kill you and fuck your tight little asshole and cum all over your pathetic corpse you faggot
Sales/10. Idiotic right wingers have given this game tons of free advertisement already
I hate identity politics as much as any of you and I am so far right I'm almost a national socialist, but I've been a far cry fan for much longer than I have browsed Sup Forums
that being said I'm pretty hyped for the reveal tomorrow, anyone who is genuinely upset at this poster is an insecure autismo
We don't know anything about this game yet, so we can't really give an opinion about.
you do realize that picture you posted exposes you as liking penis right
>tfw always liked Redneck themed games.
i'm really happy desu
Anime posters are weak, thin-skinned faggots that don't even lift.
If it's all white, it's alright
looks good, would have preferred something more exotic like the locations for 3 and 4, but hey I think I'll still enjoy it.
>implying hicktown USA aint exotic for non-americans
Poster ids when
Hi NMA-kun
>create controversial enough promo picture targeting white people/christians
>no need for further action, Sup Forums will shill unconciously the game for you
>will sell millions
someone at ubisoft's marketing team got a promotion
fucking marketeers/10
I'm more interested in Far Cry now than I ever have been. I'm a sucker for waco cult standoff type stories. Kinda weird how they all look like an indie band instead of actual christfags but eh it's a neat aesthetic.
>no need for further action
Inbred racist alt right bigots got triggered by it.
They think anyone cares about their dying worldview.
They better buckle up if they think this is bad. Pretty soon, every game will be about exacting justice on drumpftards.
Do you shoot Antifa members or play as one?
If you want an actual good "christfags are crazy" game, try Outlast 2.
You play as a Native American fighting off the foreign immigrants who took your land and killed your people.
I cant believe they just remade Assassins Creed 3
"white man steal our land"
"brother bear tell us about white devils in mountain town"
Fucking kek
It's Ubisoft and will be shit. Anyone who buys this has no right to ever complain about gaming.