Super Robot Wars

I just beat pic related.
Holy shit, this game is amazing. How come I've never heard of this series before this installment? I looked into it and there's tons of these games but for Japan only? Why?
I hope future installments get subbed too. Anybody else first timers here?

>How come I've never heard of this series before
Because Sup Forums is normalfag land

Shameless bump I guess

>looked into it and there's tons of these games but for Japan only? Why?

Because of the anime license involved. There are still problems actually and even the english version you played was actually never released outside of asia. So it's technically still not localized.

Is that the battleship yamato?

Yes, and it's OP.

Now that you've played one in english you can pretty much play any in japanese since the menus are basically the same.
Only way to experience the story is through online summaries/translated playthroughs, which is a shame really.

I reccomend playing the PS2 games, especially Z and OGS+OGG.

Emulate the OG series. Play J and Alpha Gaiden which are also translated.

Then start playing the japanese only games. I recommend Z1 and MX. Been a fan of the series ever since I was a kid. Made me into a /m/an

So this game has an English sub? This isn't just a hot localization meme?

>Made me into a /m/an
When I discovered the series with @3 back in high school I shat myself when I saw Gaogaigar, Mazinkaiser, Gunbuster, Valkyries, the Evas and Gundams together.
It introduced me into Dancouga and Macross 7 too.


What did he mean by this?

At least it's not as bad as dropping D altogether just because of some annoying faggot pestering you online.

Harming 1000s of people just because of one guy is fucking retarded

I'm still sad about D.

...At least AP is almost done.

Moon Dwellers is better, way better animation than V

Because it's hell having to get licensing from all the people that originally licensed a series in the west due to it being a crossover series. There were some translated but they're all OG games.

Plus Sup Forums doesn't really talk about SRW. It's mostly talked about on /m/ for obvious reasons.

Too bad the enlish version sucked. Hopefully they'll use the V guys for the next OG. That would be amazing

Op here.

I was looking at the alpha series too? How are those?
And the portable games?

Yes, there's an actual completely translated version barring voices.

Moon dwellers is also in English

SRWV is def contender for GOTY for me. Love that music.

Btw, the general is on /m/ if you're interested.

@3 was great, man.