Why don't you own a VR headset yet?

Why don't you own a VR headset yet?

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no games

I don't wanna upgrade my PC again and find a good area in my house.
I will probably pick up a PSVR headset if it goes on sale, though.

I don't own one because it isn't cheap

There will never be good games on anything VR related.

VR gets cheaper because...

you don't have anything to play other than "visual experiences"

They make me sick... Even the good ones

This comic is already fucking stupid on the second picture
VR still isnt cheap
I would have to pay 300 for at least a gtx 970 100 for a power supply
a new case to hold it
a new cpu
a new board for the cpu
and then spend 800 bucks on the headset which has nothing but unity garbage

Here are some games that people say are worth buying VR for:
>Resident Evil 7
>Rez Infinite
>Eve: Valkyrie/Gunjack
>Until Dawn: Rush of Blood
>Sportsbar VR
>Pavlov VR
>Smashbox Arena
>Doom 3 (VR mod)
>Serious Sam VR
>Raw Data
>Arizona Sunshine
>Elite: Dangerous
>Rec Room quest mode
>Google Earth VR
>Minecraft (VR mod)
>Robo Recall
>Superhot VR
>The Climb
>NoLimits 2
>Fruit Ninja VR
>The Unspoken
>Half Life: VR

VR isn't cheap yet.

>Google Earth VR

>a screen inside glasses with a wii mote inside

It's not VR unless you upload your consciousness into a virtual world.
This shit is literally just a glorified Virtual Boy.

Not willing to spend 1000€ to be a beta tester for a nogames machine.

that's quite a list of crap i can't honestly say i care about. really, fruit ninja vr.

>VR is cheap now
>VR has games

The implication by panel 4 is he had to wait at least two decades for VR to be worth playing.

Good point... I guess.

You'll be surprised how cool it is. Plus it's free.
>Serious Sam
>Half Life

I like those games as KB+M games, you can't say the games are better as VR when they were designed not with a headset in mind. you're opening a whole can of worms.

why is he immortal

>super hot
it was fun for like an hour playing with motion controls will just trivialize it
>half life
aged like milk
Pretty much every game that gets ported to VR is fucking stupid because you know how fast you could beat it if you didnt have unintuitive motion controls holding you back

so why does the VR kid slowly morph into an ageless hipster?

IMO the main problems with current VR Headsets is the long wires (It's possible to get a wireless thing, but it adds latency), No eye tracking (upgrade kit for the Vive is being made), and relatively low resolution (hardware limitation).

his mere intelligence sustains him because he didnt fall for the VR meme

Why are reddit comics always just one giant strawman?

because I'm not convinced by mediocre strawman webcomics.

I saw that Neptunia is getting a VR game and it made me want to get a PSVR.

It's a curse he brought upon himself for waiting so long for VR, now he must suffer forever as he'll never be able to enjoy it.

>look at all these ports and games no one that matters gives a single fuck about
>look at all these games people are suggesting are worth caring about to justify the hundreds they wasted on something that's been in their closet for months on end collecting dust

VR will always be a fad made specifically to steal money from new generations of gamers. After VR dies again, which it will, it will come back in maybe 8 to 10 years and try to do this all over again.

I never said the games were objectively better in VR, I was just counteracting the guy's posting saying that all the games were crap.

he means the other guy you idiot

I only have one because my brother decided to buy one.
He hasn't touched it for months

wrong strawman. the VR faggot doesn't age at all, and clearly looks like the same faggot just with a tweak in the hairstyle.

>comic that actually says it takes an entire lifetime for VR to be good

Why the fuck would you buy VR using this comic as a basis?

Cosmic trip

What video game related webcomic isn't either boring or a giant strawman?

ok, a mix of crap and ports.

Nintendo doesn't get away with it here either.

The comic doesn't mention sickness that vr causes. The most important part. Not spending $800 to get sick in 15 mins for the rest of the day.

Although my $75 gear vr is great for porn and since I don't have to move I don't get sick.

>no one that matters gives a single fuck about
I saw people in an earlier thread saying that Pavlov VR is good, but then again I'm pretty sure anyone who posts on Sup Forums doesn't matter.


There are only a handful of really good ones. They include:

Cosmic trip
Budget cuts
Tilt brush

Are they actually making the Switch VR headset?

Anyone who suggests anything positive regarding VR is someone who doesn't matter because they are a giant retard.

>No eye tracking
depends on the headset. I think the fove has it by default


death by epilepsy would increase if headsets were mandatory in the future. something zuckerfuck clearly has some interest in.

>paying money to wear some heavy ass peripheral on your head just to play mobile games

I have a smartphone ans even on that thing i never play mobile games. Shit is for girls.

How convenient.

Why would you buy a ps1 20 years ago and not wait 50 years to play Ps7?

virtual boy exists.

You only get motion sickness in shit games. Really shit ones. Problem is most devs are shit.

See this list of amazing games that give no motion sickness.

vr is shit

I have severe motion sickness I can barely play FPS games at all. Let alone with a headset on my head. Would only buy it if I had bulimia

It is convenient I agree. Very handy for instantly knowing when to completely ignore someone.

Virtual Boy had headtracking and motion controls?

Love how you used my favorite console of all time for a strawman argument.

Fuck off.

the counter argument about VR is always the health and safety of it, something VR faggots are willing to ignore.

if people are willing to ignore glaring problems with something, they are idiots, no question.

>would only buy it if i had bulimia

Okay. That actually made me laugh out loud.

>Plus it's free.
For the small price of $999

>if people are willing to ignore glaring problems with something, they are idiots, no question.
A lot of games that Sup Forums love have glaring problems.

That sucks man. I play Serious Sam in my Vive and it's fucking wild.

the wii has those.

headtracking actually was a concept that could have worked for wii, there was a game that toyed with the idea of putting the wiimote on as a hat and letting the system work that as a head tracker. EA of all people came up with the unused concept.

I agree.
It's so much easier to simply disregard any opinion that isn't the same as mine.

Because the future is bleak and depressing

Why do you make assumptions on nothing

annnnd if people ignore those glaring problems or refute those problems poorly, they're idiots.

because it's a gimmick, like motion controls. can be a fun experience, especially in short bursts, but doing nothing but that gets boring fast and it has nowhere near a good or big enough library to attract me.

If games have problems it's a good thing VR doesn't have any.

There is literally no game that is absolutely free.

I bought the $15 Cardboard thing from Google, you just slip your phone into it.

I liked the demo stuff you can do with the Cardboard app on android, but most videos are in pretty shit quality on youtube and its hard to control the screen.

But the VR porn is out of this world. You can't go back to your regular smut after that.

>If games have problems it's a good thing VR doesn't have any.
I don't follow.
Are you saying that as long as the system is absolutely perfect, it doesn't matter the quality of the games?

How much are you paid to post this?

I'm waiting on Vive 2, and most regular games don't support VR even with injection.

Wait, I could get paid to do this?

All of those are complete crap and suck in VR.
>look how I stand on one place like a retard and use kinect 2.0 controls!
And you didn't even mention any proper VR games. VR is made for flight and racing sims, faggot. Go fuck yourself with your casual bullshit. Trying to fit VR tech into games that are completely not suited for it is just pathetic. You are the reason no one takes VR seriously.

you'd have to sell your soul to jews. but yes.

The main problem I have with VR is that the Headset resolution is too low for my liking (1080×1200), but I know this is a power problem
>VR is made for flight and racing sims
Mind listing some then?

being an early adopter is a meme though
they are stupid as hell for buying the hottest shit
but they are necessary

i really don't want to shell out $800 for fucking Job Simulator and other trash games. I'll gladly wait until some good shit comes out first.

>good shit
Define what you consider to be 'good shit'?

thats just advanced motion controls though, you could do the same with your hand

Reasons the comics said. VR is just meh at this point, and I want the Holo deck experience :(

Ace combat 7 and Gran Turismo sport you dumbfuck

>guy in the background ages and dies from salt

head tracking is also advanced motion controls. it's all gyros.

VR is a stupid gimmick that is self limiting.
FPV Drones, however, are where it is at.

I get motionsick easily so I wouldn't be able to play any of the non-gimmick games.
Plus I wear glasses and don't want to get contacts just to use it.

It feels to me like VR is going to end up like motion controls, very popular for a while and then a slow decline in popularity.
Maybe not though.
If they fix all of the giant issues with VR as it is now then I might buy one later.

i'd be salty too if I had to miss out on a multi thousand dollar holo game arena with real laser weapons

Not him but something that uses the capabilities of VR to it's full extent. At the moment, it's just a glorified personal display. So it's impossible to define what good shit is since there is any good shut for VR aside from waifu sims.

>"good shit"?
The question mark goes inside quotations.

Video games are already fun without VR


Both of those will only have a select number of things playable in VR instead of the whole game (just like Trackmania Turbo which only has 40 VR tracks).
Some better examples would be:
>Elite: Dangerous
>Eve: Valkyre
>DiRT Rally
>Project CARS

>until dawn
Stopped reading there

I'm waiting for the killer app that's been hinted to hit around Christmas.

I mean, that is the resolution per eye because most of the high end stuff has two screens.


>something that uses the capabilities of VR to it's full extent
Everyone says that Robo Recall is the current VR killer app.
So you didn't catch the rush of blood thing and realise that it's a spin-off, you dolt.

I still don't have PS4.

>ignoring the wrong opinions of fucking morons makes me a bad person

Okay. Go buy your VR and your games and whatnot. Do whatever you want.

I like long ass wrpgs and jrpgs. Does not really work with VR.

>wrong opinions
Opinions are subjective, you fucking cunt.

what is psvr?

Still about $700 if you count everything you need for it.