upgraded my PC to play new games on ultra

> upgraded my PC to play new games on ultra
> played witcher 3
> can't enjoy other video games anymore because nothing surpasses it


Spent 1100 on a new computer, Get EVERY game I ever wanted.... Nothing fills the void :|

>game with shitty gameplay ruining other games
I get it that games with interesting sidequests are rare but ruining other games? Really?

Pick up a different hobby

This. I fucking love W3 but come the fuck on, ruining every single other game out there?



> fantastic characters
> fantastic story
> amazing ost
> amazing graphics
> set in a good lore that that was established by two previous fun games

the bar went too high up

there are tons of videogames out there but most of them are so garbage they are not even worthy of recognition. i admit i mostly like RPGs so that narrows it down even more although i am open to other genres if done very well

buy PS4

This game is fucking boring lmao

*takes a deep breath*

Well, at least you'll always have W3 to play.

if i could enjoy it a second time i would. i already finished my adventure i won't get thrilled doing the same thing over again

>fantastic story
Go read a book you troglodyte


>fantastic characters
>Here's muh sooper speshul kewl girl named Ciri who can teleport and who has white hair and a scar and she's sooper awesome and anyone who hates her is a bad guy but she's also sooper strong and awesome so she just teleports behind them and kills them with her sword. She's also queen of this kewl kingdom but she doesn't really want to be queen because then she couldn't go on adventures and kill people and monsters.

I guess you're just thoroughly fucked then.

This is the average Witchertard, the game doesn't actually have to be good, it just has to look good enough to justify the money spent on their rig.
>no mention of the gameplay
Wow what a surprise, not to mention that quests are shit and exploration is mostly done through your magic GPS and stink trails. Only the main story has good quests and even then the final act is a nose dive in quality. The villain is awful and the game only gets a good antagonist in the first DLC. Combat is God awful and piss easy.
But hey, his beard grows and the textures are pretty!
G-d I'm still mad at this shitty board for shilling me into upgrading my PC for a mediocre game. At least I still have emulation.

This, read witcher books when you are at it, they are great.

then stop playing video games and stop making dumb fucking threads

Sad to see that pretty much shit taste
Well, whatever, atleast have fun with that one "bar went too high up" game of yours

>play witcher 3 because goty and shit
>first hour is talking
>combat is down syndrome as hell

game is fucking boring, I rather play gwent

Sounds like you need a nice big dick up your ass.

Only games worth playing this generation:

Witcher 3

Not sure what else, I've played pretty much every notable release this gen apart from Persona 5.

yep, as i said in the OP. was hoping for a "hey there is this great game that you probably would like if you liked W3" but if there was such a game i probably would've known about it already

sometimes you just look for something that doesn't exist. i've been waiting years just to enjoy a game as much as i did W3

only saw small fragments of them so i might've gotten the wrong impression but it didn't captivate me. i'm not really a fan of genre fiction i liked the games because well. they're games

still not against the idea completely but i'm looking at other option right now

Ignore the retard trolls children OP. I know that feel. You would've thought Witcher 3 would've raised the bar for video games, but nope, everyone else afterwards just keeps putting up sup-par garbage.

How can some slavs just completely outdo everyone else?

>go to Sup Forums
>make shitcher shill thread
>can't enjoy regular shitposting anymore
