Something needs to be said

All of the nu-Sup Forums faggots pulling the "lol Sup Forums is triggered again xD" bullshit are completely wrong.

It's not about rednecks people being villains. It's not even about white people being villains. It's about the fact that Ubisoft are the ones behind it. They politicize *everything*. Ubisoft can be more accurately described as a ministry of propaganda than a game developer at this point. If a normal developer were behind this, I really don't think there would be any controversy whatsoever. Judging by the comments I see here on Sup Forums, I really don't think anyone's complaining about their white christian feefees getting hurt, despite the picture being painted by the "lol umad?" fucks. I think the backlash is more subconscious than anything else.

Just looking at the cover art, this actually looks like a really fucking awesome setting, and it's certainly a breath of fresh air for this dying series. I want to like it. I'd probably give it a pirate if it were coming from a developer with an actual interest in making games instead of of pushing narratives. But this is Ubisoft. Don't even pretend this won't be steeped in didactic political grandstanding. You know they want this to be a commentary on "look at all these bigots in america who voted for trump!". All I'm saying is that context is important before you dismiss backlash as being nothing but crybaby Sup Forumslacks who can't stand to see their race being portrayed in a bad light.

>inb4 an influx of smug non-arguments about "le triggered alt right racists xD"

Other urls found in this thread:

>If a normal developer were behind this, I really don't think there would be any controversy whatsoever.

youre taking this pretty seriously user...

All threads about this game are shills trying to stir up controversy for attention.

Are you implying those fags are a normal dev?

>hah this faggot dares to have an opinion on something

>Sup Forums aren't triggered
>let me make this long, shitty post telling you why we're totally not triggered guys
sage and report

>a corporation whose goal is to make money is being political
again, who gives a fuck, OP?

Name 5 games where a narrative is pushed from Ubisoft, Cleetus

Sup Forums is just your boogeyman for everyone that disagrees with you, now make a coherent argument to why OP is wrong

I wasn't here to see how people reacted to this, but Mafia was always a series about, wait for it, the Mafia. Shoehorning in "muh civil rights" just reeks of bullshit. Not to mention that the game itself is trash. But whatever.

>those nu-male haircuts

Wow, way to give me easy mode, user.
>Watch___Dogs 2
>The entirety of the Ass Creed series besides the first game is revisionist history in varying degrees. Especially Syndicate.
What do I win?

>let me tell you what will happen in this game that hasn't been released
how can anybody prove him wrong
was far cry 3 racist against crazy black bitches? or far cry 4 against chink fucking shits?

Funny, everyone that disagrees with Sup Forums is an SJW boogeyman

>Make game where muslims are the bad guys with evil rituals
>get killed by moderate muslims

Not really. You're just mentally ill mate.

I enjoy this joke

The threads on Sup Forums are just Australians saying who cares Far Cry is a shit game.

>let me tell you what will happen in this game that hasn't been released
Ubisoft is so predictable at this point that I honestly think I legitimately can give you a pretty good idea of how it will play out, yes.

There's literally only one

I am literally not capable of feeling strong emotions about an ubishit game.
FarCry 3 was boring as fuck.
I didn't bother with 4.
5 has a better setting, but it most likely will be more of the same stale design that made Horizon partly shit and will make FC5 full shit

and even if it's a full on "whitey christfags are evil" propaganda, then what can you do? I won't buy it. People who will buy it are retards for buying an ubi game in the first place, why should I care if they get white guilt on top of it?

Imagine being this fucking asspained.

But then again, look at your average Sup Forumstard.

You sound upset OP

Nothing, because you proved absolutely nothing. Aside from having a black guy as a protagonist, what did Watch Dogs 2 do? Aside from Syndicate, what did the AC franchise ever do?

Look at this savior of the white race

100% this.
At any rate their E3 presentation will probably be interesting. Who wants to bet Aisha will do something to get boo'd?


you're back from the antifa rally already?

considering millons of kids consume this shit i would say it should be taken seriously, as with all popular forms of media.

Golly, look at all these non arguments.

Alt-babies are the new hypersensitive SJWs
Look at them wail and beat the floor every time somebody insults their daddy Drumpf

The truth hurts, doesn't it? Sup Forums really are just thin-skinned normalfags.

Its hilarious how much Sup Forums and the alt-right shit on blue-haired tumblr feminists when they look like this

I can understand being upset about video games, but how can you be upset over cover art.

oh man I love
>villain sits down on cover surrounded by misc. war materials

Stop shilling yourself you waste of oxygen. Every fucking thread with this shit.

Oh wow, what a looker.I bet he is fun to hang out with lmao

sweet argument bro; got another?

>the_donald is Sup Forums
but that's where you're wroing kiddo

Fuck off Daniel

>Pepe is now completely normiefied
Thanks, Sup Forums, you fucking faggots

Oh fuck we're Bush era again.
I bet these stupid bitchboy fucks will come here too bitching to no end about white genocide when GTA6 comes out

I would take a dozen more two scoops threads over you crying over Far Cry 5. Get over yourself. It's a fucking video game, not a personal attack on you. Unless you're a Protestant cultist living innawoods. Then it might I guess.

As someone who lived in Montana for three years, this game looks surprisingly accurate to that fucking backwater shithole.

>but they politicize everything!
All we have is that box art. You're the one trying to get offended over something you know basically nothing about.

pretty sure Antifa was the thin skinned people during the recent berkeley riots.

how the fuck do they expect to club motorcyclists if they wear helmets.

>Sup Forums
Last I checked, Sup Forums is the fucking wild west of political discussion and thedonald is just a circlejerk

Could you please put "far cry" in your posts so i don't have to manually filter it?

Can we just go back to talking about vidya without everything being about misogyny or white genocide? It's going to be a shit Far Cry 3 rehash that we'll all forget about a few months after it's out so who gives a shit? You just know this Ubisoft going the EA route of stirring up shit to drum up free publicity for a shite game and everyone falls for it every time.

Is it?

Watch Dogs 2 was literally about hacking Nottrump's campaign to make the bay area great again.
Ass Creed took "Leonardo da Vinci may have possibly been bisexual" and turned it into "Look at this absolutely flaming faggot Leonardo da Vinci. He's gay btw in case you couldn't tell"

On top of that, they preface every one of their games with a literal virtue signal about how many ponykins and kindergenders work on their dev team.

t. globalist cuck

>pretty far right views, think all muslims should be literally exterminated (britbong, yes i'm mad as fuck about manchester)
>still dont get the anger over this

who cares ? there's plenty of games with bad guys who are nigger, russian, gooks, blah blah blah, but you're getting so triggered because this one is white supremacists ?

who cares, at least it's something different for once you thin skinned sjw like faggot.

I am mad

ubisoft politicized the previous farcry by shoehorning anita sarkeezian as a sympathetic rebel character

and lets not forget Watchdogs 2 and their fuck the whitey story.

>get over yourself
>makes a long winded, unnecessary post

wew lad, take your own medicine

Support my patreon and I will.

>literally proving OP's point



lol triggered drumpfkin?

>he figured me out. better type lol like my life depended on it

Five sentences is long winded, wew, we're really shit posting now

>FarCry 2397y29378356
>the bad guy is a charismatic crazy man

oh boy, i'm sure this one will be different!

That's surprisingly accurate

>Aside from Syndicate, what did the AC franchise ever do?

.t zero effort bait

> It's not even about white people being villains. It's the fact that Ubisoft are behind it.
Surrrrrrre. We have your one opinion, then hundreds, if not, a thousand, here saying otherwise from people who are are 'triggered':

Turn on new comments, read down

OP what are you hoping to accomplish with this thread?

There are several Far Cry threads up. Post in one of them you stupid triggered racist.

>It's not about rednecks people being villains. It's not even about white people being villains.

Rednecks by definition are white. their necks are red because they absorbed sun and got a tan on the back of their necks, which came the slur.

you can't call a farm nigger a redneck.

>oh no i better post and say this is bait. I-I'll show'em

come up with an argument instead of being a passive asshole and we can have something constructive to talk about.

Funny, everyone that disagrees with you is Sup Forums

Another one of these? We get it you triggered babies, move on

>yfw the only people getting offended on Sup Forums anymore are Sup Forumsacks


How is it "a breath of fresh air?" It'll ne the same fucking Ubisoft the Game game that they've been making for years, but with fighting rednecks.

That's for SJWs, faggot. Sup Forums just gets baited or provoked.

So sad you've used the term "triggered" so often in your life that now you use it to describe literally every time someone objects to something.

.t globalist cuck isn't an argument against anything I said, so what is there to argue than to continue the chain of shit posting? What the fuck did any of that have to do with globalists?

You realize of course that by throwing a shit fit about it you're playing right into the marketing department's hands right?

If you just ignored it, it would be another mediocre ass game from a mediocre ass studio-- and they know that, so they go out of their way to rustle jimmies for free fucking advertising.

Faux outrage is literally the most cost effective way of promoting something that there is-- and you fucking mouth breathers keep playing right into it.

Nobody cares about DuneCoon Decimation version 5,197,102.

Nobody cares about Nignog Knockers: San Andreas.

Why do you give a shit a game in which you wander around the woods murdering cracker spawn?

And everyone who disagrees with you is a sjw globalist cuck who wants white genocide

have you ventured onto Sup Forums?

those people are beyond being offended. they are actually going out of their way to make an impact against the status quo and have succeeded many times.

>Watch Dogs 2 was literally about hacking Nottrump's campaign to make the bay area great again.
That was 1 mission. The actual villain was a liberal fuckboy. Pic related you shill.

>"Leonardo da Vinci may have possibly been bisexual"
"Little is self revealed about Leonardo's sexuality, as, although he left hundreds of pages of writing, very little of it is personal in nature. He left no letters, poetry or diary that indicate any romantic interest. He never married and it cannot be stated with certainty that he had a sexually intimate relationship with any person, male or female...The only historical document concerning Leonardo's sexual life is an accusation of sodomy made in 1476"

You started with a franchise worth of accusations and know you're down to none

>all the "lel triggered drumpkins" posts in this thread
I didn't give a shit at first, but you're really making me think OP has a point.

In mafia 3 they shoot in sight becuz thei r racys
In mafia 2 there are several crimes with different police behaviors like arresting you to ask for a bribe.

Oops, here he is

>>Sup Forums
>Last I checked, Sup Forums is the fucking wild west of political discussion and thedonald is just a circlejerk

poltards need to get the fuck off

your race is bound to die out anyway

yeah meme magic is real and all that praise kek etc. The only thing they accomplish is hunting down law breakers at protests and finding the HWNDU flag

Globalists don't like white america so they aim to villify it.

your argument that started this chain of shitposts

also the founding fathers is Protestant. a lot of americas also are protestant. the point is vilifying a group of people like you inadvertently did in that post.

>it's one of these threads again

>All the "le everyone you don't like is Sup Forums" posts in this thread
OP has no point

triggered is when a bitch baby snowflake sees something that he don't like so he decided to let everyone know how triggered he is by bitching about it
do you like FC5's portrayal of its enemies?

Sup Forums is a bigger circlejerk though. since the phoneposter spike, it has been nothing but a circlejerk with everyone false flagging each other into a tizzy

you forget? they were responsible in getting isis bombed to hell in syria.

that's more impactful that a cuck's flag.

>muh safe space
You must be one of those guys.

You autohide the f-word? Why?


So Primal vilified tribals? 4 vilified Chinese? 3 vilified Islanders? Stop being retarded. The globalist Boogeyman isn't out to get you.

Far Cry has always been about FUN settings with beautiful locales, charismatic and COOL enemies with personality, getting to explore the villains lairs, macho fantasies, survialism inna woods

There's nothing offensive about killing white mercs in 2/3/4 or Vaas's cool pirates in 3. It's fiction, it's made up, the badguys are supposed to be cool, people actually liked Vaas more than teary weenie Jason

Ubisoft are not making cultist survivalists in their own secessionist kingdom to make them bad, they're making them because they're cool. The protag will probably be some ex-cultist who pissed them off. Now you've got a neo-western set in Montana with explosions, charismatic villains, adventure and survivalism

Fuck realistic enemies. People like me actually like crazy, made-up enemies loosly based on real life rather than gritty real enemies. I know Sup Forums wants islam attacked as much as judeo-christianity, in real life I want the same, but in video games I don't want to be bogged down in Mosul over and over again shooting ugly, unappealing durkas in the slums over and over and then you have to find Abu Al-Baghdadi and stop him and his endless clones of black-clad durkas with AK-47s... yawn...

SJWs think this game will be on "their side", it probably won't. It will probably be full of "problematic' masculine fantasies and poaching that got them mad in FC3, it will probably have cool villains with cool weapons who make many 15-34 year old white males think "wow, would be cool to quit my job and join these outlaws"

the_donald thinks this game is against "them". It's more topical now than 10 years ago, but fringe militia groups are not a major player in politics. They live off the grid, rarely vote, mostly just fight with park rangers and FBI... literally an isolated fantasy realm