ITT: Stupid shit that blew you mind as a kid

>taking the Station Square train in Sonic Adventure

Unlocking the Spider-Man Unlimited costume in Spider-Man 2000.

name a more iconic scene in vidya

>beating the Elite Four in Pokemon Gold and unlocking Kanto
Then every pokemon game afterwards felt underwhelming for not letting you explore the previous region.

>Scripted sequence of Sonic running towards the camera

The same scene but done better in the next game.

Not a kid, but the UNATCO director telling you not to enter the women's bathroom in Deus Ex. How did he know???

This is why I feel like gen 2 is the pinnacle of the series. Never played past BW but that was also great, pretty cool story and scale.
Whataya, some kinda perv?


The upside-down castle in Symphony of the Night.

Just wanted to know if there were some items there :^)

Never watched this aside from once as a kid. The costume is so cool.
I used to think that was a dumb way of extending game time but modern games being released mostly unfinished made me appreciate it way more.

The village scene with all the tanks and explosions. Blew my fucking mind.

>as a kid
How old are you?
You're probably older than me.

Christ that cover

Half life 2 e3 demo

as much as Sup Forums shits on uncharted it has a lot of memorable action scenes. that whole chase scene where your trying to save your brother was cool as fuck

Max Payne slow mo kills

I was 13

logging into a members' world and crossing into a members' only region.

Out of all the tripple A games made with normies in mind it's one of the better examples, Naughty Dog does a pretty good job at making casual shit that still has some merits.

I was right then.
I was 11 in 09.
God, I wish I could go back.

>plugging in a second controller to help survive the torture scene in MGS

the enderdragon in minecraft

You think you have it tough?

I was 17 in 09. Life is suffering, kid.

It's the equivalent to a Hollywood action blockbuster. You know deep down at it's core it's a pretty shitty movie, but it's enjoyable/satisfying enough to sit through and watch. Uncharted games are exactly the same, except the watching has a little bit more interaction (barely).


What are you still doing here, old man-san? Don't you have taxes and responsibilities to attend to?

I discovered Sup Forums late. I've only been here for a year and 1 month.

Why would you admit that?

>SMB, getting stucked in some Bowser castle because you need to go in the right labyrinth order to proceed
>Sonic 2, Super Sonic getting stuck in a pit full of spikes

This reminds me
>play Astro Boy for the GBA
>finish the game
>bad ending
>credits roll
>play the game all over again
>events change because Astro kept his memories and can change stuff
That was amazing

the majority of dawn of the dragon. idk why, but it was just some big magical adventure that blew me away as a kid. the huge environments with the disney-like music, fighting off waves of enemies face to face to protect warfang, fighting a boss literally the size of a mountain, it was just so breathtaking for me to see a huge adventure like that unfold.

How were the post trilogy Spyro games? I heard 4 and onwards weren't good.
>>Sonic 2, Super Sonic getting stuck in a pit full of spikes
We've all been there, brother.

This was my fucking shit as a kid

Not him but Dawn of Dragon's the only one of the "Legend of Spyro" games worth playing. And it's pretty poor at that (crazy seeing an user who experienced it in *childhood* though). A New Beginning will bore the shit out of you, and the second one is just badx especially with boss fights.

Hero's Tail is also alright. Besides those two, the series beyond 1-3 is a total slag.

>crazy seeing an user who experienced it in *childhood* though

When did the Legend games come out, late 2000s or something? I played 2 at age 3 and I'm 19 now. Didn't think most people ITT would be that young when I made this thread.

finding new fatalities and ultras in killer instinct on snes, we never had a guide or any source to search them. Also when i saw my friend playing pokemon stadium for the first time, that shit was incredible at the time.

Bummer. It's really turned to shit and I don't see why anyone new would browse this shit site.

lurk moar newfag

Dawn of Dragon will be a decade old next year, so someone could have been 9-10 at the time and been old enough to post here. A New Beginning came out in 2006.

I'm 23 and Spyro 1 was actually my first video game. Ripto's Rage will always be my favorite though.

>being this guy

>Breaking the hubworlds in Sonic Adventure and finding ways to go out of bounds
>Breaking invisible walls so hard you get into other character's levels
Was honest to god the most satisfying thing to do in that game

When me and my brother found out how to make teleporters in the Marathon map builder.

Sound like my age, yeah. Dunno if people cared about Spyro around that time. Kids playing platformers would be playing Ratchet & Clank or Mario Sunshine.

The stars are not actually flat

Jew Grumps called, They want their "opinion" back.

When I played Casinopolis for the first time and went to play the Nights Pinball, I was blown away at how well they captured Nights in a Pinball table. I was literally the only kid who had a SEGA Saturn in my area, so obviously I played Nights.

>The final boss of Half Life 1

>Chasm: The Rift
>aim to baddies arm, shoot it off
>stays alive until shot properly

This stuff blew my mind.

Had a fear of the sea and all the shit knocking about in it, this fuckin scared the shit out of me as a kid

This reminds me. In the first Spiderman movie for gamecube, it blew my fucking mind when I found out you could play the story as Harry Osborn with his own moveset and dialogue.