Other urls found in this thread:
I already played every worthwhile game on the platform and the online for every game that isn't smash or MH is dead so thanks for trying
>have my 3ds hacked
>don't play online games
Like I give a shit about online. I'd be on Showdown if I still played Pokemon.
We've gone through this a million times, it's only an account ban which blocks only the 0 online features worth using while eShop and Freeshop still work and even then the ban can be undone in 5 minutes if you REALLY want to play MH or get your Pokemon out of the bank.
I'm in this boat as well.
Oh FUCK, now I'm going to miss out on all those great 3DS games with online play like
>freeshop still works
Oh no, now we can't use Nintendos absolute garbage online network that I never even connect to.
>can be undone in 5 minutes
Yes by copying the data from a separate unbanned 3ds, if you don't have that then you're fucked.
I've had my 3ds for years and I have not plated online once. Doesn't affect me.
That's a really fucking weird laugh animation.
It's so silly, if they had banned Freeshop usage I would understand but they only banned the useless part of the 3DS' network functionality. They could have even locked the system as a whole down as they're known to do but they chose the least harmful option.
Unbanned public friendcode seeds are everywhere, just check vg/ if you need one.
>gets banned
>h-hah I d-Don't even care I d-dont even play video games t-that much even though I spent hours modding my stupid 3ds
You're a pathetic faggot.
fuck I got tricked into hacking my 3ds now I can't play federation force :(
The public seeds got banned too you dolt.
that's cute but I use a second 3ds for any online activity so okay
my fire emblem fates 3ds xl is banned
my pokemon 3ds 20th is not.
same games, same bootstrap9, same luma 7.1.
i dun get it.
You're a pathetic faggot.
What does it say? I can't read Arabic.
>install CFW
>on cfw
>not banned
Just patiently waiting to get nabbed.
Just played online in pokemon and had no issue
I might care if Nintendo had any idea how to make an account system, but they don't, so I can still play MK online on Switch.
>just check vg/ if you need one.
There hasn't been any public new one posted since yesterday, link or shut the fuck up
>can still access freeshop when banned
>can still install cias when banned
where is the issue?
They /get/ banned. The bans aren't instant though, and they come in waves. You could reasonably pop in a random seed and play for a few days before you need another. It's not super convenient but it's long enough to get some serious playtime done while they work on a permanent solution.
Has anyone who's not on bootstrap9 been banned? It's all I ever see and the ban wave came right after it was released.
>install CFW
>pirate Sun
>play for 30 minutes and never touch it again
Glad i didn't give them my money
some a9lh are reporting it.
I dunno why you'd ever switch cfw though. the 3ds doesn't have much longer to live and bootstrap doesn't seem to do much different
Menuhax+EmuNAND oldfag here. Still banned. I leave SpotPass on though
You can't purchase from the eshop, which is ironic I suppose.
>freeshop is still available
>they don't even brick the console like other companies, they just ban you from online
>you will most likely be able to unban yourself in a few days anyway because 3ds is just that broken into
wow it's nothing
Because that fucking author of Luma3DS dropped a9lh support
All I've ever downloaded from freeshop is Pushmo. Fucking Pushmo, and I'm banned. I've given Nintendo hundreds of dollars and this is how they repay me.
Hope I don't get banned. I actually wish I could unhack my 3DS since I just hacked it to uncensor some games there's pretty much no new games coming out anymore.
>I've given Nintendo hundreds of dollars and this is how they repay me.
shouldn't have stolen then retard lmao
Big who cares. Why switch unless you need to? For those that play shit online, just wait until 11.5 hits. Otherwise, just don't update. There's no reason go anyway.
I had the same shit with my ps3. I don't get the end game though. Like you can't give them money anymore, guess you'll just have to get it all the games for free.
this. I copy games to sd and install that way.
Pokemon honestly.
I would also play smash.
>shouldn't have stolen then
I "stole" $9 worth of software. Unfortunately for them, this means I will not be purchasing anymore nintendo games legally.
>had cfw for a year
>play online all the time
> not banned
i haven't used my hacked 2ds in months, glad to see i'm not banned. i don't even know wtf hack i installed. i think i have FBI, freeshop, luma and some shit i don't really understand
>shop at a supermarket every week
>one week decide I want to steal a bottle of wine
>they bar me
>not having a burner 3ds you just use to play offline games
> I've given Nintendo hundreds of dollars
So, you've bought a few games. Grats man. What a great supporter. Get fucked.
I wish it was, but it's not. I've only had cfw for 2 days kek
I got bored of monster hunter and smash, the only 2 games I played online.
There's all those great jrpgs and strategy rpgs to look into anyway.
> Buying 2 of the same handheld
I have less autistic uses for my money
it doesn't even affect going on the e-shop so I mean
The difference here would be that you have free groceries for life and only buy stuff from the store to support them.
They can't block freeshop because of how it works.
their online is garbage
I have tried every single fucking thing suggested to me and it still doesn't work
their shit servers just straight up refuse me. I don't know if it's my router or what
mysteriously I can always connect and play with one of my friends, but no one else in my friend circle
I stopped using my 3ds and am still on rxtools
the important part is that I stopped using my 3ds so I know this doesn't effect me
they can't detect who downloads via freeshop vs. legitimate eshop downloads so this is either a lie or you're retarded
Don't play online games?
It's worked for me for like a decade and some change.
excellent bait
and now im too lazy to update or change
Monster Hunter
That's it
Any clue why people are getting banned yet? There doesn't seem to be a pattern.
>not getting a dual nand xbox 360
I'll miss playing pokemon with my friends that don't even play anymore, I will legit miss playing mario kart tho
>I have less money
>forgot to turn off Spotpass
it was fun while it lasted Sup Forumsros
Probably best if you don't anyway, this ban seems only to catch more recent mods, people on really early/primitive softmods seem perfectly okay from what I've seen.
How do you know if you're banned?
I don't know how they detected it. But I'm banned. Probably because i have b9s/luma
people speculate it's based on your activity when you connect online so they'd know if you ran any unlicensed applications (like freeshop or fbi) and that would be grounds for the ban
but right now all we know nothing, there's a fuckload of information noise with a lot of shitposters and children trying to cope with their bans through shitposting in between
What if I've been on cfw for years but have stayed up to date? I just went to b9s, I hope that isn't it.
I guess now I can't play all those awesome 3DS games like... I mean, online games, like... well...
Do anything online such as play a multiplayer game or view the friends list. You'll figure it out real quick.
Just wait for the fix, it's not permanent.
>tfw hacked my 3ds some weeks ago
>have downloaded about 50 games+DLC through freeshop the last few weeks
>played online almost daily in MonHun
>updated to b9s yesterday
>downloaded even more games and DLC this morning
>check if im banned
>not banned
I'm still able to go online in Monster Hunter.
how does he breathe?
From your 3DS Home Menu:
1.) Go to System Settings -> Internet Settings -> SpotPass -> Sending of System Information -> Select "No".
2.) Go to Friend List -> Settings -> Friend Notification Settings -> Show friends what you're playing? -> Select "No" -> OK
3.) Go to eShop -> scroll left to Settings/Other -> scroll down to Settings and select Software Recommendations from Nintendo -> Select "No" to opt out of sharing information about your Nintendo eShop page-viewing history, purchase history, and the titles that you have added to your wish list. - > Select OK.
You have now privatized your entire system.
that may be but you can still download from freeshop even if you are banned from using the online services because of the retarded nature of the ticket system
so I still have no fucking clue what that guy is talking about
Probably bad news, I'm hearing a fair number of reports of people on b9s getting shitcanned.
It's probably too late, they already have your info if you've not done this before but you should definitely do it ASAP just in case.
>waahh they took my stolen goods
easy there snowflake
Who didn't have this shit since day one? You think corporations are your friends?
>ever turning on wireless connectivity on a hacked console
I only have Pokemon Sun and I'm currently at 11.2 since I haven't updated for quite a while.
Can I go to the Festival Plaza? I can't view the Friend List because I need to update but if there's a banwave I wouldn't do it.
> I have neetbux for my autism
Sure, that's fine. You could probably just go to Miiverse too, if you can make a post there then you're golden FOR NOW. The bans come in waves so don't get uppity yet. Also I don't think updating means anything as far as bans go, as long as you can safely do it as your firmware allows then I can't see any reason why you shouldn't. Probably best you hold off though just in case.
literally how
>I'm still able to go online in Monster Hunter.
You're not banned from any game then
>3ds hacking threads
>keep asking why can't nintendo just compare purchase history and tickets and installs and whatnot
>everyone calls me stupid and insists it's impossible and undetectable
>this happens
I can't even laugh I might be banned too but I'm too scared to check.
Not banned, but I'm honestly trying to think of games that this would affect, but so far all I can think of are first party games.
>Pokemon XY/ORAS and Pokebank
>Mario Kart 7
>Monster Hunter
>Kid Icarus
>Animal Crossing
>Mario Golf
>Mario Sports Superstars
>Fire Emblem
>Luigi's Mansion
Out of all of these, the only ones that aren't dead or friend-only are Pokemon, Mario Kart and Monster Hunter. Pretty much anything else can be played locally or doesn't really matter if you can't play online since the single player's fine. I don't see how this would make a big impact on a lot of people, unless they were really into Pokemon or Monster Hunter.
> banwaves
See you in a week
Nintendo and Capcom probably use different servers.
Man, I'ma be honest I'm not even a piratefag because I'm too lazy to crack my 3DS, but you literally sound like a fucking faggot. Did some software pirates touch you when you were a child or something?
It's outright online play that is banned.
You can't smash, mon hun, or poke online. Still can locally though
You can do eshop and miiverse because those are nnid shit and separate from this ban.
Funny though, the message is for temp AND perms bans. We don't know which we have yet since we have zero idea what is causing it.
So does Streetpass still work it we are banned?
If you continue to download from the freeshop what's the point of the ban?
They pirated his virginity.