To people that say the Switch's first year lineup is bad, what are you comparing it to? because the PS4, Xbone and Wii U's were way worse.
To people that say the Switch's first year lineup is bad, what are you comparing it to? because the PS4...
this image literally contains the ONLY games worth owning on the switch for its first year. If five games for a whole year is good enough for you that fine but its not for everyone.
It's better than none, like all of 8th gen.
Every Nintendo console other than the Wii U.
Also consider Sonic Mania and Puyo Puyo Tetris.
It's difficult to compare to the other eight-gen offerings because they've been out for so long, and (not Xbox) have managed to amass some really solid titles. Not fair to compare PC here, since it doesn't really operate under the "first year lineup" clause, but let's be honest. Comparing Switch's first year to PS4's first year lies on what you personally value. I think Switch has made much stronger games in its first year than nearly any Nintendo system had beforehand (maybe SNES?), but PS4 had a much smoother launch, with no real hardware hiccups and giving its fanbase exactly what it wanted.
The nihilist part of me wants to say that all launch line ups are subjective and the best one is literally whatever your favorite was, but it is noteworthy to sow just how many first party titles have been made for Switch in such a short amount of time. (MK8 Deluxe is a port, but still.)
>only 1 new IP
>splatoon 2 is literally an expansion pack for full price
PS4 and Xbone had a pretty lackluster first year, they launched with the usual Call of Duty, FIFA, AssCreed and other multiplats that were also on the last-gen consoles, they had very little in the way of good exclusives.
Snipperclips though
Hey Disgea 5 is great man.
>Re-released WiiU game
>The gayest looking boxing game ever made
>Not out yet, derivative Mario sequel none the less
>Pretty much made for fapping, also sequel to game nobody bought
>Available on WiiU and not even very good
So this is the power of Switch.
Why does everyone point to Zelda and MK8D? that's like pointing to The Last of Us Remastered and The Master Chief Collection and bragging about new games.
SF, Dissidia Duodecim, and Theatrhythm say hi.
And Last of Us got ported within a year with next to no differences in content.
Are you implying I was dumb enough to buy a Wii U? First time for me hope we get every good game from Wii U's library.
3 ports, a motion control tech demo, and a legit mario game.
I mean, I guess?
Zelda is a new game, its just also on Wii U, it isn't a re-release like Mario Kart or TLOU.
(You) have shitty bait btw
>PS4, Xbone and Wii U's were way worse
That's not saying much, all of them had notoriously bad launches. Consoles having shitty launch libraries has unfortunately become an industry standard, because manufacturers know that with enough hype, idiotic consumers will buy them anyways. Anyone with a lick of sense knows to wait until actual good games come out.
Pictured: actual Switch's first year lineup. Since when are non-exclusive games part of the console lineup? Might as well include FIFA at that point
Counting Zelda and MK8 port is being dishonest. Splatoon and Odyssey alone are enough to sell the console to anyone with taste though so I'm not sure why you would have to.
It's essentially a port. They worked on it for like 5 years on the WiiU before it was decided that they needed to port it to boost the switch sales.
But you don't need to buy a Switch to play Zelda if you already have a Wii U. So if you already have a Wii U, the only new games coming out this year are Arms and Mario Odyssey.
>two of those are just the same game rereleased
>two of them STILL haven't came out
>only 5 games for the switch in a year
BOTW is great though
>no xenoblade
So the the PS4 and the Xbone had nothing at all? Oh, sorry, I guess the PS4 had Knack. Much better.
>open world Mario and two online shooters
>the state of Nintendo
>two online shooters
>HURR Splatoon 2 is a port
But Sup Forums told me nobody bought a Wii U, so Zelda is a new game to far more people than not.
What do you mean nothing at all? Those aren't launch games for Switch, they're year 1 games. PS4 had more than Knack 1 year after release.
Last of us is more like mario kart than splatoon 2. Both being ports from previous gens. Dissidia 2 was shit and it wasnt ok then either
Dreamcast, any launch that isnt dc is auto shit
>implying Arms isn't an online shooter
It's not a fighting game if it's ranged combat.
>UNIEL isn't a fighting game because everyone has fullscreen normals
Really made me think
Good thing it's out on PC as well then
The lineup is bad because none of the games look good. That's just me tho. Evidently I'm not the target market, and that's OK.
You're forgetting about the PS4 wobble.
>Modern Warfare 3 is a fighting game because everyone can hit each other with fists
See I can pretend to be retarded too
>you can emulate it therefore its not an actual exclusive
Nice goalpost
Yeah, it got a second Call of Duty, AssCreed and FIFA. Oh and Infamous 3, can't forget that all-time classic!
They had multiplats, most of which were also on the last-gen consoles, but were sorely lacking in good exclusives.
Compared to Killzone, Driveclub, Infamous, LittleBigPlanet 3 and Knack in PS4's first year. Both are pretty shit I guess, it depends on where they go from here.
As opposed to the PS4's one on its launch year?
I don't have a console and I play the game. Makes it pretty non-exclusive doesn't it.
XC2 says hi.
>Wii U game
>Probably Sonic 2006 tier
>Probably good
>Wii U game
If you didn't have a wii u, it's pretty good. But everyone on who likes to play games got a wii u. Zelda BotW was on wii u. Splatoon 2 is just more splatoon, but now you pay for online, that being said, splatoon 1 wasn't worth $60 by itself, but was worth it because of how it trickled out content and updates for a good year or so. Mario Kart 8 was on the wii u. That being said, the lineup is solid for newcomers who didn't get a wii u. under their launch line up, Splatoon HAS to come out for there summer quarter as it still has a huge market with kids. I'm personally not sicked for Arms because 60 bucks, but for a lot of people they seem okay with that, so it's fine. I guess. I feel like to a lot of people, Mario Odyssey is the first big reason to actually get a Switch, and I'm pretty sure Nintendo knows that. There marketing strategy so far is 8/10. I think it's really good. Just sucks because I'm clearly not the set demographic right now.
>this shilling
Come on guys, this is silly.
Yes it is, but most of us bought it 2 years ago on the ps4
It doesn't matte how lackluster the other console's first year was. Nintendo decided to release their console this late in the generation so they have to compete with libraries that have been established for years. Comparing the PS4 and Xbone launch titles to the Switch is completely pointless.
Also, I'm sure its already been mentioned but Zelda and Mario Kart are multiplats, they don't belong on that list.
Two of those are Wii U games.
>binged rushed botw on wiiu
> wanted to wait for all dlcs, winter to replay whole game on switch
>have this fucking urge to replay it now
Fuck this game
delete this
Needs a version with Rabbids Kingdom
It will get delayed
>But muh december launch
Wrong, there won't be any new switch games coming out in december. Mario Odyssey will be nintendo's black Friday and Christmas title.
June: Arms
July: Splatoon 2
August: Virtual console
September: Fire emblem Warriors
October: mario rabbids
November odyssey
>Last of us is more like mario kart than splatoon 2.
That implies they made TLoU remastered better than the previous version in a way.
delete all childrens games and ask me again
thats right you have no games
stay mad
Well, PS4 doesn't have any exclusives, neither does xbox.
And PS4 still doesn't have 5 exclusives worth owning 4 years latet
Dude, wake up. PS4 had Bloodborne and that was it, for like a solid 2 years. The PS4 was Not worth getting until recently. Sony fuckin knew this and were hard pressed to push out anything worth while. There are totally games worth getting on the ps4 NOW. right now I have like 14 gaems and still nothing from what came out in January February except for like 2 games. Pre 2017, ps4 had no games. The meme stopped being a thing after around, meh, December-January.
>It will get delayed
Unless the building they're working in burns down in what, the next two months? Then it's going to release this year.
August is Rabbids.
There is a huge difference between Horizon and Zelda
Paid reviews
Actual reviews
Next thing you know, Nintendo shows Smash 4, Hyrule Warriors Deluxe, Pokken 1.5, Mario Maker and you'd claim Nintendo won. As a Switch owner, this makes me extremely sad because the chances of this happening is pretty high.
>paid reviews
>not horizon
Looks like somebody forgot jim cuck sterling
Not that guy, but I'm still holding out that they'll be releasing something say like 2 other games, Rabbids not being one of them, not denying it exists, it's just that I doubt that Nintendo would slice out there release schedule for a pretty much purely Ubisoft development aside from probably just some contracting and checkup.
>mario rabbids
This is confirmed to be August/September.
October will be something announced at E3 like Pokemon or the Zelda DLC as well as third party ports, FE Warriors could also come out in October.
Xenoblade getting delayed is a 50/50 and based mostly on the localization.
Development of X finished in early 2015 so Xenoblade 2 will have been in the works for over 2.5 years come December.
It will come out in December like X did or they'll push it to March as there's definately going to be a Mario and Sonic Winter Olympics game in February provided they didn't cancel the series (2016 sold 500k on PiiU and 700k on 3DS so it could have been cancelled).
They'll win with SMO alone. People are hyped as fuck for that game.
>what is XC2
>what is Fire Emblem Heroes
>what is Mario Rabbits we still no nothing about the gameplay so fuck off
>what is Puyo Tetris
>what is Fast RMX
>what is Snipperclips
>what is Bomberman R
>what is Blaster Master 0
>muh Wii U ports
if you're actually implying anybody gives a flying fuck about Wii U owners
you're more pathetic than what you're trying to make people out to be
3 of those are Wii u games (Splatoon 2 is essentially the same as 1)
friendly reminder that console war shit in 2017 is still autistic as fuck and no matter how much you argue the other side is never going to listen to you
stop making these fucking threads and just own multiple consoles to play the games you want to fucking play
you're not poor, are you? you've got a job, right?
>this makes me extremely sad because the chances of this happening is pretty high.
I'd say it's fairly low for Smash and HW to get ports especially HW seeing as FE Warriors is happening.
Mario Maker doesn't work on the Switch at all because it's not dual screen and it's not the same kind of touchscreen as the DS and Wii U, the name of it escapes me.
Pokken is the only other one that could happen because they haven't released the additional characters on the Wii U version.
Ok. Take exclusives out of the argument completely. How many VIDEO GAMES can you play on the Switch right now?
Puyo is a multiplat, the rest are good.
>overblown eshop game
>not out for 6-7 months
>on wii u
Wow it's fucking nothing.
>Mario Maker doesn't work
Just make it so the level editor is handheld only and that's it.
>play level
>"hey I have an idea, let's make a level!"
gee that was super hard wasn't it
Why does it matter that the mario kart and zelda are multiplat? People didn't buy the PS4 for its exclusives. They bought it for the multiplats that they could have bought on their PS3 but didn't dir some odd reason.
>Xenoblade delayed
Maybe in Europe, but the US and Japan Version will be launched this year. Blame Nintendo of Europe for adding german Language
Can I take it on the go without japanese text on the PS4?
Is the experience on the Switch any worse otherwise?
>Just make it so the level editor is handheld only and that's it
Did you miss the part about the different types of touchscreen?
Also do you honestly think people want to keep on getting up and down just to switch views? It's incredibly unwieldy.
Around 50, if you go by numbers. I have Zelda, Mario Kart, gonna buy D5 so that's 3. Plus ARMS stress test this week. The launch year for Switch is awesome no matter how much Sup Forums shitposts about it. It's not as great if you had a wii u but I never owned one. I think Nintendo timed releases really well.
They could also use the gyro controls as a pointer for Mario Maker. It supposedly worked very well for World of Goo.
Seriously, woahes me, I bought a wii u needs to stop. If it puts a larger library on their consol, then good. Nintendo isn't going to shove them everywhere, I think. Smartest thing they can do is put them out after a big release, say, Odyssey in Nov, port in Dec. Like they did with BotW.
It's okay for the current generation but the current generation is total and complete garbage. Congratulations for not failing special school, hiphiphurray.
They're currently recording the soundtrack for Xenoblade 2
which I can absolutely assure you happens at the very end of the development cycle of any video game.
>Sony knew this
Nah, normal casual gamers make up a majority of the sales. People are looking for the best platform to play the big AAA multiplat titles like batman, assassin's creed, battlefield, gta, cod, fifa, etc. xxhardcoreXXxx gamers such as ourselves xD do not even make up a tiny portion of software sales. If Uncharted's sales compared to bloodborne's sales on the PS4 wasn't a good enough recent example for you, then you've been on the internet too long and have seen relatively unpopular opinions so much that you think it's the majority. Exclusives do not move consoles. The xbone doesn't have even 1 title that Sup Forums even considers worthwhile of flaseflagging and shit posting and yet it sells well enough
>actual garbage
>quality is unknown at this point
>basically a port
>the only good game that is also on wii u
great system you got there switch cuck
wow, i guess console wars that are totally not perpetuated by idorts will stop now. thanks wise user!
>Mario Odyssey will be nintendo's black Friday and Christmas title.
This is probably true, but Rabbids will be a august/september title. Wouldn't be suprised if Xenoblade was a october title
But exclusives are literally the only reason to own a console. You don't argue based on how many multiplats it has, that's what a PC is for. But to answer your question I'm already playing like 5 games for the Switch.
then go play the game in handheld only and put it on the fucking dock if you want your retard friends to play it at a party or something you mongoloid.
>muh different touchscreen
What the fuck am I reading??
>names 4
>one isn't even out yet
Is this the delusion I've heard so much about?
Nintenbro who bought Mario Maker in the first place will do this. They can even advertise controller option. And Nintenbros will defend this and then still gloat about it.
>"It was really awesome of Nintendo to make Mario Maker functional with just the controller, provides more access to players, so they don't have to worry about docking or not, anyways, the tablet would just get in the way of enjoying the levels."
>"Personally, I play it undocked, I think it's the best way to play it, cause then I have the touch screen to work off of, rather than the cluncky controller."
Its more considering average Nintendo lifetime libraries, to which this is more simply because of ports. We already know Nintendo development is slow as fuck and even less third parties are on board. PS4 had a ton of ports too first year, they didnt seem to count though.
If you want to talk about exclusives then it still makes absolutely no sense to get a Switch right now. Doubly so if you own a Wii U.
>What the fuck am I reading??
>he doesn't know about capacitive and resistive touch screens