is this really that bad?
my friends and I were gonna buy this shit & party chat it up, but I just found out it's $40 smackronis
is this really that bad?
my friends and I were gonna buy this shit & party chat it up, but I just found out it's $40 smackronis
I saw a thumbnail by this guy complaining about quest markers and now I don't want to watch anything he makes
Illfonic has no good game on their record
>sonic boom
No one realized this was a red flag?
OP here, just falseflagging to point attention to this retarded video with no valid criticisms
Is this a satire channel? His initial remarks are completely ridiculous.
fuck i was actually hyped :(
>strike one: the setting of jason strolling into a camp and killing
its a videogame with pvp focused gameplay, the story doesnt matter. this isnt a single player pve focused game
>strike two: jason with the ability to teleport
he disappears all the time mysteriously in the movies, what?
>combat isnt responsive
>controls are clunky
ok now were talking, this is what the video should focus on
>animations arn't uncharted tier of fluid
>customizing your character with clothes and badges is bad
aaaand im closing the video, this guy is a mental nut
literally who
Jesus, that looks terrible.
>this guys voice
I made it 1 minute
>His initial remarks are completely ridiculous.
Agreed, I've watched a minute-and-a half and it's just nonsense, I suspect OP is promoting hos own video. He complains about the common narrative technique of a short-jump in time after a catastrophe like it should never be used.
He also complains Jason can teleport, no he couldn't literally teleport in the movies, but he was able to somehow always catch up to, or flank his victims despite moving slower than they. This is another narrative technique, commonly used in slasher movies, called Offscreen Teleportation.
It looks like complete garbage in that video and has the same amount of content as Dead By Daylight for twice the price.
>ok now were talking, this is what the video should focus on
It was the only good part of the video. Unfortunately for the game the controls and such are so bad you can actually tell through video. Devs apparently dont bother playing their own games anymore.
>youll never be this booty butchered about a video game
Feels good
Why are youtube shills allowed here?
>these butthurt shills going into full defense drone mode
This is how you know the video is accurate and costing them sales. Keep spreading the truth about this shovelware.
Because 2007 happened and gatekeeping is seen as a bad thing.
ITT: angry weebs mad about no underage panty shots
The game is shitty, but so is your vid OP.
Is this the kickstarter one?
>downward thrust
opinion discarded
same fags that defended ME:A? fuck right off
I quit it at 1:30. This dude is a cunt and complaining about non gameplay related things the entire first minute. Yeah, it's hide and seek, it's fun. Guess what? I played fps' as a kid too.
that was the worst criticism vid I've ever seen
Why is he too stupid to understand that the counselors have to randomly spawn in and people just want to jump into gameplay at that point?
This game does look shitty but that was a fucking terrible video. This guy seems like a total dipshit.
>he disappears all the time mysteriously in the movies, what?
People are so quick to mention this but what I saw in the video is Jason teleporting on screen into some bullshit location breaking the already loose immersion you're having. It should be better and more subtle than just appearing in front of your eyes.
>no BUYING twitch streamerb8 games
>video kinda sucks
>go to youtube to see the likes/dislikes and the comments
>i'm not the only person who thinks it sucks
feels goodman
I think fun in this game comes from hiding from Jason. Once he spots you and focuses you, you're pretty much fucked. Just like in the movies.
I dont care how bad it is, ive been waiting since nes for a new jason game.
>thought it was going to be a valid criticism
>complaining about graphics
>complaining about "out of canon" material
>complaining about small shit that only gets in the way if you're a diehard friday the 13th fan (which is a joke in itself)
>"oh but the gameplay is there and it works if you like it"
so basically the game is actually what I want it to be
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
that's depressing, this video was garbage but we were actually excited for the game. I thought it'd be a blast, welp, saved myself some money was gonna buy a friend a copy. After watching a few videos, it looks like it's only good for one session of shits and giggles.
Criken's videos made the game look pretty fun, but not $40 fun. Especially since I can't imagine this being enjoyable with randoms.
>hide in the closet since there is no counter play
the whole teleporting where people can see it happen is stupid
the entire comment section is just people saying how he teleports in the movies so it's fine, but I never remember him just appearing or disappearing in a spot someone is looking
Literally who is this clown?
>check his other videos
>he hates everything that isnt the witcher 3 and horizon
Hahahahahaha what a faggot
It only looked like that because he was spectating someone. While playing the screen distorts whenever Jason teleports near you.
That would be nice if he didn't just appear in front of you, sure.
No counterplays? I don't think you know the game.
Reminder that the game will have single player mode in a few months
Because Sup Forums can't self moderate anymore thanks to the huge retard influx it has gotten from various sources.
>game bashes game
>Sup Forums shills come out in defense
Like clockwork
I'm going to assume the video was a joke.
No, we all know that the game isnt that great, but the youtube video is a hilarious joke
>shitty horror movies shitty video game is shitty
Wow who would have guessed? Plus that video was turrible.
Thanks for the "everybody is a shill" Sup Forums meme. Just what I needed to fall asleep.
>strike for not having a 5 minute cutscene of the characters running away from Jason
>strike for Jason teleporting
>complains about having to run and hide from Jason
>complains about the graphics
>complains about the game not being delayed until October so they can release it on Friday the 13th
That dislike bar isn't big enough.
>complains about teleporting, suggesting it's a broken gameplay feature that doesn't make sense in the context of the game
dumbass teenage reviewer confirmed for not watching any of the films.
>releasing an unfinished game
>ive never used steam in my life
Only valid point is telegrab Jason. That shit was dumb in the beta, and it looks like it wasn't changed. Even if you can juke it, it's still a complete immersion killer and is just stupid overall.
Dead by Daylight shits all over that atrocity.
>paying for an unfinished product like h1z1
I haven't played either but doesn't Dead have a Jason type character?
Why would anyone buy fatboy I'm 13 when you can play dead by daylight?
Valid criticisms
>Over priced
>Janky controls
Not valid
>Le graphics aren't as good as an AAA game!!
>The faces look dumb!!
>Why isn't there minutes of exposition on the story in every game??
Yeah. He is the best killer in my opinion. He is The Trapper and he walks the fastest and can put bear traps around the map.
>Jason still has the permanent ambience around him that the other players can hear even if they didn't know he was there
Fucking why? How are you supposed to spook people if they're constantly alerted to your presence?
And yes, I know there's an ability that hides it, but it only lasts a short amount of time and has a long cooldown. It doesn't last nearly long enough for mindgames.
i wish i was an autistic child who could enjoy stream bait trash games
>>Le graphics aren't as good as an AAA game!!
>>The faces look dumb!!
>Paying $40 for a game that looks like ass
Looks like they didn't fix anything from the beta desu.
Same jank animations and terrible netcode.
Why doesn't he show footage of him playing as jason? That sounds like the only part that could be fun.
>You're gonna live... with what you've done
And it's all thanks to the drooling mongoloids regurgitating the phrase "not ur sekrit klub."
>he likes quest markers
>sonic boom
I love running in circles
>no Jason X spaceship level
>all the paid shills down voting the video
I knew this shit was gonna suck a long time ago.
literally whos
So why would anyone buy the Fri the 13th game if they don't have more options
>devs giving out thousands of keys to twitchfags/youtubefags
coulda been the next pubg if pubg didn't happen
quality devs
I played the beta and was not impressed, but holy shit, that was a terrible review.
>That comment on Mass Effect: Andromeda at release
Yeah no, ME:A is atrocious.
I thought that when I saw that they hadn't improved the facial animations too
Although F13 doesn't even have lip sync when you're talking on the phone or whatever
It's not nearly as bad as this video says. As a fan of the films, this is about as close to them as you can get for a multiplayer game. The beta was a ton of fun even with the obvious visual flaws.
People who say Dead by Daylight is better don't play Dead by Daylight.
So complains about the game not following the movies...then complains about Jason being portrayed as powerful as he is in the movies?
Look at the video comments. Literally everybody is hating on this retard.
Sort of agree. It's one of those "it's fun if you play with friends" like PUBG even if the game itself is trash. Friday the 13th just lacks a lot of polish and content for a $40 game.
They fixed most of the looping iissues of someone does I put em on the hook and smack them til they are dead
It used to be $30 but they upped it to $40 with the inclusion of the singleplayer coming in the summer. Without that context the game is overpriced for what it delivers on launch.
I backed the game, but I'm not at all happy with the price they went with. Nobody is going to see this game as a $40 value at launch. Fuck, maybe not even later with updates. But it will hopefully go down in price by then.
What about the people who are saying DbD is better who do play DbD?
Its just a guy sperging out and half the things he complains about comes down to him being a shit player. He sounds like a scorned lover
I don't have an answer for you
>nearly everyone who played the beta says it's fun
>nearly everyone who has the game early says it's fun
>some random faggot on youtube says it's not fun
At this rate I'll probably just wait for the steam summer sale, where it'll drop to $30 or less due to declining interest and playerbase size.
That's the thing that pissed me off the most, since I see someone on Youtube I like put a video up, then I rush over to Steam and it's "NOPE! Can't buy this finished game yet! Have to let the streamers and video makers figure out and likely ruin the shallow meta before the game hits the general public lul"
It's even dumber since it showcases all the flaws the game has, like how a good Jason can literally pop in front of you and smash the car, or even seen a guy get consistent with teles and grabbing people, which seems to be an instant kill in this game. It has a "wow, that's neat / scary" factor to it, but then one realizes that's how the matches will start to play overtime, and has to come to terms if they're willing to drop big bucks or not for that
People in denial? I can't fathom how people prefer the simplicity of DBD with even worse bugs and balance issues.
Still gonna buy it. Who doesnt wanna slash horny teens as jason voorhees?
People like Lirik said the game was shit, but he was also complete trash at the game.
Is Lirik even good at any game?
Playing as Jason is random
Most people that bitch about Dbd suck shit at it. I love the game but I admit the devs need to be shit canned. But it is far better than F13. I mean c'mon, when Jason runs it looks like he is prepping to be part of the NBA
jesus christ
This game looks unoriginal as hell and it's overpriced. They're just jumping on the survival pvp open world train.