Why was 2 so bad?
Half Life thread
Because it's 13 years old and you were probably 4-10 years old when it originally came out.
play this:
The gameplay still holds up with a fresh layer of paint.
Half life 2 is bad because they didn't care about making a fun little shooter, but instead made a boring slow paced tech demo. Half life 2 (and the source engine) still graphically holds up but the gameplay was a snooze fest since day one. The episodes are marginally better but they are still riddled with problems and are not really all that fun.
I hate all of you so much right now it hurts.
Is Opposing force the best Gearbox game ?
I played them 1 year apart. First one was a cohesive corny ride. Second one had an embarrassing dystopia that took your patience and interest in plot for granted.
I might try that mod, though.
It's actually a pretty solid action/adventure game. But because it has some vehicle segments and "boring" gunplay, you fuckers think that makes it bad.
HL2 is an extremely good game and you niggers are nothing but Ritalin sniffing ADHD jerk-offs who go into shock if you don't headshot something every 10 seconds.
The vehicle sections were there to give you the sense that you had to travel large distances while being pursued by the combine, and it fucking worked.
the gunplay is fucking awful this is a very valid complaint, the weapon variety is atrocious too.
Yes, and directed by Randy Pitchford.
That voice will surely convince the shitposters.
Says who? The vehicle sections were abysmal.
>its bad on purpose!
simply ebina my friendo
No, really dude it was never anything but okay
I don't hate it at all, but it's overrated as fuck
It was pretty for its time and the physics gimmicks were neat, but a testament to an actually good game is that you want to replay it from time to time despite it being technically dated
I've played HL1 through several times in the last 15 years since I first played it, HL2 only the one time and I've never felt like revisiting it
HL2 was amazing, especially for the time. It aged relatively well. It's definitely not one of my favorite games, but you can't deny that it's a pretty good FPS, especially if you're into its genre of sci-fi.
>Rocket Launcher
>Gravity gun
What more do you need? You can shoot the freakin props around the map at enemies. The Pulse Rifle shoot a plasma billiard ball evaporating enemies. The weapons were fine.
It was an Okayish game. Never understood all the hype either.
Aside for pulse rifle and revolver they felt like shit.
And there's a game called Half Life 1 that has crazy shit for weapons.
>completely useless beyond the train station
>meh, it's OK
>never used it save for the one achievement
>not enough extra ammo
You're in the minority of you think the weapons weren't underpowered and needed some serious tweaking
this, I wish HL2 had a bee gun (or any major continuity for most of the HL1 assets)
Its bretty gut but doesn't live up to HL1 i think.
Because the whole game wasn't Ravenholm.
I wouldn't say Episode 1 is better than the base game. It felt more like filler so you could get to Episode 2, which had the real innovations and wasn't 4 fucking hours long.
one of my favorite parts of HL2 is where you're stuck in the pitch dark underground zombie infested tunnels. Great atmosphere. Too bad it lasted only an half hour or so, but it was still great.
>Autism voice
Stopped in the first 10 seconds, I can't stand listening to this faggot.
Stopped watching when he started to get butthurt over inside references.
Kid is a autistic waterhead.
If you hate HL2 you ain't a PCbro. You deserve to have your PC burned and to be beaten to death with the remains
HL2 shotgun is amazing and miles ahead of crappy HL1 ones. Well, actually, it's kind of overpowered. Makes Combines a joke.
You're right about the other guns.
I prefer Ep. 1 over HL2 but I understand it's not a popular opinion.
but it was pretty good
HL1 weapons were all shit. None of them can compete with the gravity gun and pulse rifle
best game ever created
only Undertale can say was close to be that great
IMO Half Life 1 had a more interesting setting and plot.
"Science gone wrong in a mysterious underground government research company and you have to make your way across the labyrinthine tunnels and vents of the massive complex to try and set things right while avoiding a government cover up"
it hit all the right sweet spots for that sort of thing. Same reason the portal games are cool. They have a cool setting.
Half Life 2 however, goes straight to "game over" and tells us it was all for nothing and the earth is overrun by aliens and shit and everything is post apocalyptic. The setting isnt as fun, and the only potential fun part, the link to Portal with the Borealis, is cut content.
Haha yeah man, us old guys right? Kids now days can't appreciate those classic slow paced cinematic, scripted sequence heavy shooters like Doom, Blood and Quake. These ADHD kids are all about those fast paced shooters now days!
>unreal wasnt fast
>quake wasnt fast
you fucking underage
>Second one had an embarrassing dystopia that took your patience and interest in plot for granted.
Oh hey, you managed to put my thoughts into words. Half-Life 2 just doesn't hold up to the original, there was way too much "go from point A to B, sit in a locked room while people talk to you, repeat". Not to mention it's really difficult to get lost in Half-Life 2 which kills the feeling of exploration compared to the, at times, labyrinthine areas in the first.
You're not alone in your opinion, I've always prefered HL1 and considered HL2 to be bland as fuck aside from the impressive technology at the time. I've beaten the first one like 20 times but HL2 maybe twice. If I remind myself of those moments where all you do is stand around and listen to the dialog or ride a fucking boat or buggy for 5 hours straight I get turned off instantly.
my autism doesn't allow me to take comments ironically
Half Life 1 is better
>underage opinions
pulse rifle is random spread hitscan-that-pretends-it-isn't piece of trash
Still better than any HL1 gun
>a generic cod gun is better than the gauss gun, egon, snarks, laser tripmines, etc etc
Nice attempt.
1/10 made me reply
the crossbow was great though.
dumb opinion
He's right in every single point he brings up though. I watched the whole thing.
>I haven't played HL1
"Half-life 2 is bad" is the ultimate example of Sup Forums's obsession with being contrarian. Does it have bad segments? Sure. The Boat ride is way too long, for example. However, the gunplay is far from awful when, for what weapons it lost it made up for with the Gravity Gun. Of all the weapons missing from Half-life 1 only the tau cannon is really that big a deal. Did anyone ever really use the Satchel Charges or the Hivehand?
The game's focus on physics sure seems overused today but on release it was ahead of it's time in the use of physics, hell if many of today's FPS's are an indicator it still is. It's also not like the talking sections which are there to breakup the action sequences have you just sitting around doing nothing either, they provide plenty of entertainment for idle players that would seem dim today because said players have exhausted everything there is to do in those sections.
Half-life 2 is dated now but dated doesn't mean bad. Much of what it introduced since became more commonplace in FPS's which really waters down the WOW factor it had at the time but hey, people still enjoy seinfeld and that's hardly groundbreaking these days.
>Gauss and gluon
Too little ammo to be anything more than novelties
>snarks, laser tripmines
Curiosities at best, extremely limited practical use. Maybe they're better on multiplayer, but on single player they're pretty much useless
>mfw he doesn't even mention the dope ass LMG, sniper rifle and magnum/deagle for H-L1 weapons
The Hivehand is incredibly useful for Xen. Try it.
Half of it was cut in development and they cared more about showing off the engine than making a good game.
Go read about prerelease stuff, retail HL2 is just like a quarter of what was planned.
>they cared more about showing off the engine than making a good game
It worked for Doom and Quake
It was a decent game. It just doesn't have a good ending.
no crouch jump
>Too little ammo
You get tons of ammo for energy weapons in the second half of the game. Gluon eats it like candy (compensating that with insane damage output), but gauss is a pretty reasonable weapon.
It's also funny that you use ammo rarity as an argument when HL2 is much more stingy with ammo for its "power weapons". You only get to carry 18 revolver bullets and 10 crossbow bolts!
Clearly you never played any difficult mods.
>assassins do a fuckton of damage
>lure them into a tripmine
>room full of grunts who will blow the fuck out of you
>dump snarks on them
>gauss gun is an instant kill headshot and shoots through walls
There's nothing wrong with seeing the flaws in something in hindsight. The game was certainly superficially impressive on release but there are plenty of games that were likewise impressive which have also managed to hold up over the years, Doom, Quake, even Half-Life 1 to name just a few other shooters. My biggest problem with HL2 is how over-produced and streamlined the game is, which only exaggerates the "tech demo" feeling of it. There is only just enough content to show off all the technology but not enough room to have a really fun, unique experience in (Ravenholme comes close but is far too short and feels completely detached from the rest of the game).
>did anyone ever really use the hivehand?
so you've never played half-life
just a note, anyone in this thread who thinks they know a single thing about half-life and has only played black mesa: fuck off
That's because Doom and Quake were fun games at their core.
Because it completely ignored Half-Life 1 in order to make the player feel like Jesus. If it weren't for NPCs constantly calling you Gordon Freeman, you could seriously mistake the game for being a completely unrelated series from Half-Life.
I don't blame anyone for not using the hivehand because there's never really a point where you actually need to use it. I only found out how good it was because of some mod where it was your starting weapon.
Kill yourself my dude
>If it weren't for NPCs constantly calling you Gordon Freeman, you could seriously mistake the game for being a completely unrelated series from Half-Life.
>houndeyes, bullsquids, and icthyosaurs almost completely absent in game, no houndeye enemies
it's like they forgot everything that made hl1 great
hl2 is a great game, but hl1 is a legendary height-of-genre game
Beacuse it was a cinematic expierience garbage.
>Shoot things for 2 minutes
>Now you have to wait 10 fucking minutes for all characters to talk before you can go further
>Despite such a large focus on the story the protagonist is still silent making already cringy story sound even more cringy, especially when characters say something to Gordon followed by an awkward silence as if he could respond
>Alyx is a shitty character
>Having a sidekick nearly all the time, usually blocks your path when shooting, stops you every 5 minutes so she can talk and unlock a door for you, stopping gameplay
>A game that started story focus in fps
>Shitton of cutscenes
It was the first Cinematic Expierience™ game to be released.
I played all Half Life series in release order for the first time like a year ago, playing first Half Life and its expansion packs was fun as fuck, they were great and then I started HL2 expecting something even better after hearing so many positive opinions about it and it turned out to be shit.
The best part is that in response to any negative opinion expresssed about it HL2fags will instantly respond with "You're just an underage!" which is ironic considering that the much better HL1 is probably older than them.
HL2 was ahead of its time, it was the first FPS game to offer terrible gameplay with most of it replaced by a shitty story treating itself as if it was actually good, just like an averge FPS today.
>Start watching
>Sperging out about sequel referencing previous games
>He keeps sperging out
>Skip to 17 minutes
>He's still sperging out about references
So this is the power of autism
So who does GMan actually work for?
God damn, not sure if I can take the full half hour, but under 10 minutes in and he's fucking tearing this shit apart.
i agree with this poster
Not even Valve knows that.
>Invokes more Max Payne than MP3
He's sperging about how they turned references and jokes from the first game into the story.
Fuck, can't argue with that epic roast
>Spends 5 minutes sperging out about how great HL1 weapons are
>Spergs out about how guns aren't different alien guns in 2, until he gets to the alien guns, then spergs out about how it was stupid.
This video, his Serious Sam video and that other guy's in defense of dark souls 2 video are the rare cases when I want to strangle people over internet because of their hot opinions
There's only two alien guns in HL2 and one is just a better SMG.
Friendly reminder that Route Kanal is the worst chapter and manhacks are pure cancer on hard mode.
>Half life 2 (and the source engine) still graphically holds up
Not really. It looks very outdated and the only reason it doesn't look as outdated as it should is that they kept updating the engine.
That may be the most autistic criticism of any game I've ever heard.
Let me sum it up.
>It had a couple of jokes that referenced the original game
>It had unique characters that were retconned into the first game
>I'm autistic and I don't know what an awkward pause is.
Wow great job sperglord.
>Did anyone ever really use the Satchel Charges or the Hivehand?
I used the Hivehand almost exclusively.
Infinite ammo bruvah.
>manhacks are pure cancer on hard mode
Just time your swings, faggot.
>autistic screeching
I read they put ammo limitations to keep the player switching throughout all the weapons rather then use one or two throughout.
I honestly can't remember the second alien gun, unless you're talking about the pheromones sack thing.
>Chilling out in Black Mesa
>Hear this combineoverwiki.net
What do?
>Did anyone ever really use the Satchel Charges
HL also had deathmatch yo
I fucking loved mines and satchels there
I found it incredibly hilarious that announcer AI started talking in low deep voice once military take over. Like some grunt in the middle of alien invasion decided that his biggest priority is that announcer doesn't sound manly enough.
That only goes so far when there's eight of them that require three hits each to kill barreling down your hallway. They're tedious and aren't any fun to fight. Though I think they make a good distracting nuisance enemy once you get the gravity gun.
Why do we hate Black Mesa again? I played half life 1 first way before it and thought it was a nice refresher (my only complaint was some weapons being in different places like the crowbar being found AFTER encountering your first zombie).
Satchel charges were great for those end game blue guys that chase you with the bee launchers. Were also fun to lure enemy soldiers into them. HL2 design philosophy was like "oh two players of ten might not use this item so we just shouldn't include it at all."
shitty hl2 sprinting movement instead of glorious hl1 fast
releasing an unfinished mod and then telling people they need to pay for it even though it's still not finished
hl3 comfirmed
>when there's eight of them
the only time that happens is close to the end of the game when you have shotgun (which one-two shots them) and a squad of four rebels
also there's an energy machinegun turret nearby
that scene was in the beta btw, and it used to slow the SHIT out of my ancient PC when I loaded it
I love BMS, it's a good game. Not a replacement for original, but still a cool game.
The free version is still free.
HL2 had better gunplay than 1, not the other way around, thanks to vastly superior sound design. HL2's sound effects were so full of clipping distortion that they sounded like fart noises, whereas the cleaner recording on HL2's weapons gave them a more satisfying impact.
>like the crowbar being found AFTER encountering your first zombie
That is what happens in Half-Life 1 though.
Uh, no.
They can fuck right off with "community" doesn't like this level so we made it ten times smaller. Can't fucking wait to see what they did to xen.
*HL1's sound effects were so full of clipping distortion, I mean
Fucking audiophiles.
Wrong! You find your crowbar really early, run past the laser room, laser corridor, a headcrab in a shattered glass tank, then you need to break a glass door and there's a crowbar nearby.