Everyone who supported this,suck a fucking dick.
What a garbage.
Everyone who supported this,suck a fucking dick
Other urls found in this thread:
What is going on with this board lately. Between the bizarre hate boner for Prey, the 24/7 hour "outrages" about Far Cry 5, those bizarre "shitting on every classic old-school game" threads popping up, people genuinely rejocing after the Hitman studio being laid off:
I've seen this board in a really bad shape before, but it was always due to some one individual specific problem - like a big popualar game causing everyone to go into meltdown mode.
Now it's just a weird random slow bubbling of angst and resentment. I've never seen so much impotent, directionless spite here in the many, many years I've wasted on this board. It's getting way out of hands.
>bizarre hate boner for Prey
That game was one of the best single-player games I've played in a while
>get on Sup Forums to talk about it
>nothing but shitposting
it really has been a few weeks of almost non stop shitposting in every thread for any game
yeah i never understood the hype about this game
it's as mediocre as they get
Weeb propaganda
Notice how there are countless Persona, Nier, and FFXIV threads all praising the game?
Because blind hate is the new trend on Sup Forums since a lot of new people arrived recently, probably from r eddit and other shit like that since it's clear that they try way too hard to get (You)s like it's karma or reputation
What does it matter to you what other people play?
>What is going on with this board lately. Between the bizarre hate boner for Prey, the 24/7 hour "outrages" about Far Cry 5, those bizarre "shitting on every classic old-school game" threads popping up, people genuinely rejocing after the Hitman studio being laid off:
Every single game you just named is complete dirt. Your point?
>bizarre hate boner for Prey
No fucking idea man.
People on this board now unironically nostalgiafag over Oblivion so I guess it's just the new generation growing up
If a game doesn't have waifu material it goes in the trash.
The Prey hateboner literally ended the day it got cracked. Odd huh?
Name what you play
Please, at least say why they are dirt.
We hate arkane now because they are SJWs.
>hating Arkane
Not gonna happen.
No, people were praising it before it got cracked.
Oblivion is leagues better than skyrim though and does a lot of things better than Morrowind.
It's the weebs. Sup Forums has always been partial to Japanese games, but it's devolved into nothing but baseless hatred for anything that isn't Japanese-made. 24/7 waifu threads, Persona threads, Nier threads, and Nintendo threads are perfectly fine, but make one thread about a western game and you're immediately called a shill.
Already happened, cuck.
>D2 is SJW garbage and flopped
>Prey is SJW gatbage and flopped
Get fucked
This most schools specifically highs are just now getting out
Kill yourself, falseflagger.
It absolutely has nothing to do this games being shite, right?
>Arkane is maybe the last western dev who make games with real love and passion, good content and interesting game design
>Sup Forums shits on them
I'm not entirely sure you know what that word means.
How is D2 sjw? I haven't played it, though, nor intend to. First one was kinda mediocre.
They've butchered already short as fuck campaign in favor of stronk independent womyn who don't need no Corvo
>it really has been a few weeks of almost non stop shitposting in every thread for any game
Usually, the shitposting is proportional to popularity/hype for the game.
Nobody was hyped for Prey before it was released, and even after the release, the positive voices were in minority and not obnoxious: yet the shitposting is completely out of control.
>Weeb propaganda
>It's the weebs.
While this seems like a very easy answer (and I've seen a lot of hate for Prey being coupled with "Persona/Nier is so much better", it can just as easily be falseflagging. I am weary of any explanation that is just "identity group XY is behind it". Blaming the weebs is too convenient and thus immediately reeks of bullshit. It certainly is not the whole story here.
>Because blind hate is the new trend on Sup Forums since a lot of new people arrived recently
That seems more likely. But where did those people come from and why now? Was there some event that suddenly caused migrations that I'm not aware off?
I know blind hate is the current name of the game, but WHY?
>People on this board now unironically nostalgiafag over Oblivion so I guess it's just the new generation growing up
We can jerk off how the young people have bad taste like the old men we have become, and yes. But this is not just bad taste: this is huge volume of deep, vague rage we are talking about. It's not driven by specific taste, it's driven by resentment towards the entire medium. That is what scares me.
>We hate arkane now because they are SJWs.
No, you claim they are SJW's because you are angry. At them and everybody else. My question is, where does this anger come from?
>We can jerk off how the young people have bad taste like the old men we have become, and yes. But this is not just bad taste: this is huge volume of deep, vague rage we are talking about. It's not driven by specific taste, it's driven by resentment towards the entire medium. That is what scares me.
Huh, i actually forced myself to belive for some time that it was me just getting older and not gaming industry becoming more and more brainless and shallow, but then i educated myself.
>Blaming the weebs is too convenient and thus immediately reeks of bullshit. It certainly is not the whole story here
But you said yourself that you've seen the evidence. Sure it could just as likely be falseflagging but I don't think so.
Once in a Dragon's Dogma thread some retard was saying that nobody should play the game because it looks like generic western trash. After multiple people telling him that the game is in fact Japanese, he proceeds to say "Oh shit, in that case I'll give it a shot."
To me this pretty much sums up the general weeb ignorance of the entire board.
Whats actually wrong with the second game? I played a demo and really enjoyed it.
>Hitman 2016 is shit
>No I didn't play it because of the shitty DRM,fuck the developers!
You're embarrassing yourself.
>That seems more likely. But where did those people come from and why now? Was there some event that suddenly caused migrations that I'm not aware off?
I know blind hate is the current name of the game, but WHY?
US elections and other shit like youtube videos attracted new people and they are trying to blend in by shitposting for (You)s and acting like autistic because "Sup Forums autism". But trust me, mostly is for (You)s. On top of that most of them lurked here for a couple of months and now, always to blend in, are repeating like parrots what they read in those months they lurked.
Doesn't look like forced sjw bs desu, but whatever.
the nintnendo fans stopped taking bait so now the ebin trolzers are moving to other groups
>Huh, i actually forced myself to belive for some time that it was me just getting older and not gaming industry becoming more and more brainless and shallow, but then i educated myself.
Well, I'm a judgemental cunt and I'll happily claim that the Xbox-raised Halo generation is just awful in majority. Just bad taste, bad habbits, bad attention span etc... But while that would explain why they did not have fun with games like Prey - it does not explain the extended hate campaigns going on here.
Like, the second most frequent reason why I saw people throwing shit at Arkane is because "Bethesda stole the IP from Human Head".
Which is... just remarkably fucked up. On so many levels.
>But you said yourself that you've seen the evidence.
I've also seen people throwing shit because they were angry Human Head's Prey 2 did not come out and was "much better game". Absolute majority of people hated it because it's allegedly "generic shooter" and so on.
And there is lot of falseflagging.
I'm not for a second denying that there is quite a lot of deluded weeboos here. But then again there is at least comparable number of people with equally deluded weeb-haters too.
And again: liking jap games does not automatically make you deranged. And weebs have been around here since as long as the site exists, so it does not explain why they would suddenly go all mental now, especially since they should be quite satisfied: they just got two decent games, they don't have to lash out.
So the whole "it's because weebs" does not satisfy me as an answer.
>US elections and other shit like youtube videos
It's not the first elections here, and elections have been over for half a year now. And even if the political situation is more volatile than usual (it's not, not really), it still does not justify this shit.
This shit is literally sick. Like: so profoundly fucked up you can't just wave it away.
I liked it need yet to play the second one
Dishonored is pretty good. OP sucks cocks.
Yes, some people tend to go on a hyperbole and focus on strange issues. Doesn't make them always wrong, though.
It was sold for like 2-5 dollars. With all the marketing it had it's no wonder people eventually pick it up even though it's trash. Same for Tomb Raider 2013 and Darksiders etc.
There's zero tolerance for discussing video games here, other than The Witcher and Persona.
Don't worry, just wait it out a little. A bunch of people will literally kill themselves soon and the board will do a soft reset again.
Shitty human beings don't last in life. They will eventually self-destruct.
Nier threads have been full of aggressive shitposting too. OP is right, shit has gotten worse overall very recently.
I remember GTAV coming out on console started a wave way back when.
Im of the halo generation, yet I was also raised on Morrowind.
This board on its good days turned me into a looking glass fan, it has totally gotten fucking vile lately
>There's zero tolerance for discussing video games here, other than The Witcher and Persona.
On a board that is dedicated to discussing videogames, I see this as a big problem. What annoys me the most is that while this place was always seriously flawed, most of the issues were superficial. This to me suggests a pretty profound issue.
>Don't worry, just wait it out a little.
My pet theory is that this board is slowly taken over by what essentially drives the SJW: people PROFOUNDLY instilled with sense of spite, hatered, self-importance, self-victimization and just general spite.
And people like that don't kill themselves. They blame others, and they take out their frustrations on others. They will go very far out to take it out on others. They will do everything they can to destroy others before ever touching themselves.
For a suicide, you need enough dignity and self-awareness to admit that you are at fault. And I don't think people around here have that kind of capacity.
it's fucked. Sup Forums used to be one of the better boards on Sup Forums because, as moot said, the only rule is "fucking talk about video games". there'd always be a lot of interesting or amusing shit to read.
nowadays if you start a thread about a non-AAA game you are a shill, and that is the end of the thread. if you post about any AAA games (except dark souls, nier, witcher 3, or persona 5) it's a terrible game and that is the end of the thread.
i place the blame at the feet of the influx of redditors who, just as they would mine for reddit points by being smarmy and pass-aggressive, mine for (You)s by posting a torrent of indiscriminate aggression
Nier gets sprinkles of hate. Nothing as bad as anything western.
Im not gonna argue over degrees. Id say about 2-4 weeks ago 1 out of every 5 Automata threads were actually usable and not full of mindless cynicism and anger.
I mean, we've gotten a bunch of good games lately, so maybe its just a bunch of the usual post release popularity backlash hitting the board at the same time for multiple games and other fanbases are the easiest scapegoat.
one of my all-time favorite games.
I'm 26, btw.
Its funny you say that while using a pepe pic
>I know blind hate is the current name of the game, but WHY?
Because shitposting is vicious cycle, they need attention so they shitpost harder and harder and that paints a warped impression on anyone who comes here, they see someone posting shit full of blind hatred and cynism and being quotted a dozen times so they figure that must be the norm and try to do the same thing until everyone is angry beyond the ability to reason.
This is what happens when you push the meme that we hate everything, we stop enjoying everything, nothing good comes from actual hatred, just self-destruction
But you can play as Corvo. "muh SJW boogieman" has damaged your brain kiddo. You're becoming the new SJW. Prey doesn't have anything close to that. You can pick your gender at the beginning and that's pretty much it, unless you have a problem with just playing as an Asian, in which case >>Sup Forums.
>"How dare them make a female character REEEEEEEEEE"
Mad weebshits hating anything western most likely
I played it on the free weekend.
Felt terribly forced and I regret every moment. Story? Bad. Combat? Bad. Stealth? Bad. What was supposed to be the catch? Also fucking full of that random pickupable notes shit.
It's okay. You'll learn how to read someday.
I forgot to add that characters had really questionable proporties. I guess it was somehow supposed to fit to the style of the game but it just made me think that it was made by idiots.
>waaaah I don't like thing
That's western """""""""""art-style"""""""""" for you
I have to say, I still prefer to think these are falseflaggers and regular shitposters, but I'm starting to really understand why some people think the problem is with weebs going mental and shitting up the board.
Arkane is pure!
Didn't the "it's summer" myth get debunked like ages ago?
Also, it's not really summer. The point was that summer was supposed to be bad because there are summer holidays and a lot of kids are at home with nothing better to do so they start flooding the boards with shit.
But it's not summer break anywhere right now. Even if the weather is finer, the kids are still in school. So this does not make any sense.
Dude, Sup Forums has been shit since maybe 2013.
Hating games without playing them is like breathing for most of people here.
Not a real thing. The board has been atrociously bad for a lot longer than the past ~month.
Weebs aren't shitting anything up any more than they have since forever. Don't forget where you are.
If there's a problem, it's people who can't accept that there are people who like different things or have different opinions in general.
The Pro-Japanese, anti-Western attitude has gotten completely out of control for the past year or so. Sup Forums has always liked Japanese games, but it was never this bad, where even talking about a Western game that's not The Witcher or Fallout New Vegas will get you called a shill. This board is quickly falling into "unusable" status.
What makes you think that the people who make poorly made baits using anime pics aren't also falseflaggers? Look at pic related, anything can happen when you want a (You)
it is in America m8
So don't use it and fuck off. Bye.
Tortanic, Gamergate, and the 2016 election have ruined most of this site. Say "but it was always shit" all you want, but at the very least it was much more tolerable without the extra influx of fags who don't understand board culture and always take the easiest, most fucking basic bait and shit up discussions by giving these retards (you)'s.
I wonder/dread the next thing to happen and how much worse the site can become
It's been going that way since scientology
>the bizarre hate boner for Prey
Did it hurt your marketing tactic?
Because Prey is another one of Arkane's mediocre facsimiles of a classic Looking Glass title. There have been tons of "the real System Shock 3!!!" games, including System Shock 3. Prey doesn't add anything to the formula, save for the mimic ability (which isn't fun to use because the enemies aren't particularly reactive). Prey's setting and character is among the worst of the System Shock clones, it's enemies don't look frightening nor interesting in the slightest, the characters are as boring as they are in Dishonored, and the plot reveal doesn't provide any perspective changing revelations, except for the cutscene when you install your first Typhon mod. It also still possesses the problem that System Shock and its derivatives suffer from which is weak gunplay.
At least it has a decent inventory system and level design. But the strength of the setting and characters is a major component of these games, and is an aspect that Arkane can never competently do.
>Sup Forums
>Faggots still looking for tortanic 2.0.
I think it's larger, more general issue than that. But otherwise yes. I'd also add the DA2 debacle to that list of turning points.
But I think it's far more gradual and sinister process: while those events may have being somewhat of a breaking points, I think they are more symptoms than causes of this shittiness.
What really bothers me above all is that Sup Forums gradually becomes what five years ago was the very reason why people got so pissed off. Ignorant, identity-obsessed, and focused on ideological or political issues above games. I'm seeing more and more people who just flat out state "games don't matter, our political insecurities matter more!"
Yeah the board has been fuckier than usual, and school isn't even out yet.
Damn near every thread is filled with military grade shitposting, and it's the same shit over and over. It's either Sup Forums, le SJWs, shills, weebs, muh boogieman, westcucks, BRAP, angry DMCfags (you know who you are) consolewar faggotry (every god damn thread without fail holy shit), pirates, moral cucks, or some variation of "leave X to Y".
This board needs to chill.
You're not wrong. Sup Forums wasn't always like this, and only a true newfag would say it was. I still remember the weeks of wall to wall Mass Effect 2 threads, you fucking faggots. Praising it to high heaven, excitedly discussing the plot and which waifu you wanted to fuck and endless Harbinger memes. Mention that game now and it's fucking SJW kike nigger garbage and Bioware haven't made a good game since KotOR.
Commit this image to memory
But that's my favorite new meme.
No, I didn't play it because of the ONLINE REQUIREMENT FOR A SINGLE PLAYER GAME. Wouldn't have played because of Denuvo either, but that comes first. Game is pretty mediocre from what I've seen.
Oh wow, a sane post about Arkane.
Guys, we don't really need proof that you fuckers are around. We already know that.
Faggots baiting for replies like they always have. It's just new bullshit opinions this time.
>Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company
It's insincere shitposting.
Nice rebuttal shitposter. Tell me more about how discussing games is ruining this board.
We became the sjws. We became a parody of a post ironic parody.
It's shitposting.
Kill yourself, cuck.
And it (along with ass posting) killed the Drakengard/Nier threads.
Keep your dating sim cancer in the dating sim genre, you pathetic virgin loser.
It's all the westcucks playing westshit. If mods banned everyone who even mentions westshit, this board would become good again in a day.
First of all: it is more prevailent then ever.
Also, look at this shit:
This is not just shitposting. This is just anguish. This is people who aren't just saying random things to piss other people off: this is people rationalizing systematically their insanely angsty, spiteful attitudes. I think quite a lot of them are actually even sincere in this shit. And notice how they actually support each other and band together.
This is WAY worse than just shitposting. Like: I'm starting to miss the days when shitposting was the worst part of this board.
I remember people critiquing ME2 for thermal clips, a weak main plot, planet scanning, and Daddy issues. But maybe it's because I was actually around.
Nothing of value was lost.
Kill yourself, westcuck.
How does this even happen? Is it actual, honest-to-god shilling? I won't believe it's tripe like """brand loyalty"""".