Bloodborne DLC?

How good is the Bloodborne DLC?

Basically I can get bloodborne for free by borrowing it from my friend, or I can buy the Deluxe edition on PSN right now for like $18

Dont know if its worth it. Also Im a poor college kid and my parents dont give me a lot of money, $18 is sorta a lot

Is it worth it for the DLC?

one of the best dlcs ever

The DLC is better than the base game. Research hall alone is better than the base game. The game is a solid 7.5 but the dlc is a 10.

The DLC is a perfect 10/10

just stop playing before WWWOOOOOOOOAAWWWW

words cant express how good it is

its really good

I platinumed Bloodborne in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before and went in blind.

Here's a picture of my trophy.

I always recommend getting the DLC. It added some fantastic new weapons, and it's got a couple of the best bosses in the entire game in it. Also, if you get absorbed in the lore, it lets you learn some really interesting stuff about the backstory.

BB DLC is the only thing that makes BB good.

>BB: Complete Edition is $20 on PSN

I bought a physical copy of it for $20 two weeks ago.

The DLC has like 5 bosses, but 3 of them are legit better than what the base game has to offer.


Bought the disc a week ago and the dlc 2 days prior this sale. No ragrets at all.

DLC easily beats artorias of the abyss and has 2 of the best boss fights in the whole series, it also gives you moonlight sword (should've been in the base game tho wtf miyazoter with all those fucking moon references seriously)

I will never plat Bloodborne.

Chalice tombs just grate on my nerves until I'm red and raw.

I can help
PSN : Daroth_Arsona

This, any game that can be platinum'd in 10 days (240hrs) using guides is shit.

The DLC is amazing adds a lot of interesting/challenging bosses and some great weapons and areas.

Definitely worth picking up but at the same time it's never a good idea to go broke for vidya.

I didn't sit and play for 10 whole days without rest, food or breaks, dummy lol

>poor college kid
>wants to play video games

dont be a faggot. apply yourself at school, get a decent job, and you'll be able afford all the shitty games you wanna play in just a few short years.

You aren't even 10days user silly willy.

Yes I am you fucking dickhead.

My profile is Cloud__ffvii, see the trophies for yourself.

Send me a message then
Psn: LavaSharknado

Better than any Souls game.