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Shit devs, shit dialogue, but gameplay is surprisingly good

Woa only 74 players online?

It would be funny if we could get more unique replies than players in Battleborn and show randy.

badass XD

nah, not possible

I'll always love you Orendi

This is a AAA high budget game released just a year ago. It has 74 people playing it on PC. This is hilariously sad.


I've been playing Borderlands 2 recently and the amount 'badass' is used is truly striking. What the fuck is Randys problem?

This. She was too good for such a dumpster fire game. She should've been in Overwatch where she could have prospered. I'm sorry Orendi, we won't forget you


Some of the character designs from this game is still salvageable. Oh, and the character ultimate & their 3 ability too. Most of them. They're very creative and feel like new attack and not simple upgrade to the LMB basic attack, or new defense ways with their own animations and all those kinds of thing. More creative than Orisa i have to say which just recycled existing character assets which was pretty disappointing in OW.
I love creative character with High skill ceilings, where if you watch a noob plays it will simply not be like a pro playing it and where the difference is very visible and battleborn, this shitty game, happens to have some high skill character that have some cool ability.

Fuck, blizzard should ripoff character and call it their own by changing them into sci fi version, Orandi could be a little crazy girl with robotic arms for example.
Also enhanced design because when i'm saying that some of the character design of battleborn is good it's in a scale of "Shit" to "Absolutely garbage". Some happens to be shit but the majority is absolutely garbage.

Also it's funny how Randy really thought he could make the next big thing by putting everything into it, like Card Collection & Shitty statue.

Who knows? Awesomenauts managed to swing a few thousand players by dropping the price tag, maybe Gearbox can too.

Then again, Awesomenauts doesn't quite have the brutal history Battleborn does.

They already dropped the price tag. And then dropped it, and dropped it again

At this point they would need to PAY me to play their game.

>even battleborn threads die fast

Who would have thought?

>Who knows? Awesomenauts managed to swing a few thousand players by dropping the price tag, maybe Gearbox can too.

This here happened ONE FUCKING MONTH after release and still no one bought it.

I mean entirely-their digital versions still stubbornly cling to a 30USD price, even while vendors stuff bargain bins with physical copies for far less.

Like this kind user has pointed out.

gonna have to update the image

battle what? don't you mean BLOODborne?

that cable looks expensive

who is the best commission artist I can hire to get more Orendi art?

damn, kinda wanted to see what was written in german on the back instead of 'badass'

How did you celebrate Battleborns 1 year anniversary Sup Forums?


Turns out, some things are universal.

>best husbando Oscar Mike's trapped in this game

>less than the population of three high school class plays this game

I hurt myself today

The other sign in the picture lists the price of an HDMI ethernet cable.

>console players don't exist

Èl dragon orendi and that fencer chick were actually bretty good characters designs
Though orendi went overboard in some dialogues.

>that translation

and fuck gearbox for ruining the word badass


now I want to hear a german say that sentence

you get used to it actually. hated orendi at first, but she's fun af to play and some lines actually make me chuckle now. I might need help

This design is just so unbelievably bad.
>Clearly an avian, but for whatever reason has flesh arms
>Plates covering the ends of his arm and shoulderplates to cover his shoulder, but there's this huge open area of exposed flesh for...reasons?
>Giant rocket launcher that has a miniscule trigger and handle
>Chestplate that leaves the midriff completely exposed
>Why those colossal, obviously extremely heavy boots with openings for his bird toes?
>Color scheme I THINK I supposed to imply that he's military, but nothing about this design in any way suggests any form of military cohesion, so it just comes across as puke green and gunmetal everything else

>console players don't exist
Sorry bout that mate, make it 4 classes

The same way I celebrated its launch and the rest of its history. I forgot it existed and played an actually good video game instead.

Even on console it seems to be losing to Paladin and Overwatch. Though it probably has more players than on PC

it's fine

Woah! Maybe there are 150 players on all platforms combined. What a crowd.

Whats the story behind orendi anyways?

> Though it probably has more players than on PC

most games have tho, it's pretty common.

I will never stop giving my friend shit for buying this and trying to hype it up. I watched him play it once and immediately knew I had no interest.

But her swimsuit clearly says Orende, not Orendi

That literally happens every single thread you unoriginal faggot.

>for all bath-ace guys

Whatever you get, you'd best make that shit available somewhere. My Orendi folder hasn't seen much in the ways of new additions lately.

Does he really deserve this fate?...

They should have made it free to play at the same times as Evolve they could have ended up with 1000-1500 players regularly.

>tfw Randy

>2K could cut its publishing ties with Randy like a surgeon removes a cancerous tumor

what a time to be alive.

Why did goat sim have that huge dip on the 17th of may?

iirc orendi is it's own race that over time can adapt to technological constructs or something (sounds awfully like some read some 40k nid lore).

story-wiseI don't think she has any relevance (and battleborn probably didn'T made enough money to give her an operation at some point).

Isn't evolve kill?

evolve actually had like 60k players once it went f2p and only dropped because evolve became boring fast and was a single-gimmick game

fun fact: evolve actually gained players a few months back after being officially dead for 3 months.

It's still up they're just not doing anymore updates. I played it a bit the other day and the matchmaking seemed quick enough.

Seriously, what is it with Gearbox and 'badass'?

>Initial release date: May 3, 2016

It's probably the only one you're gonna get!

So anyone who bought console ver can shove off and developers aren't supporting it anymore?

I'm still convinced Battleborn was either a vanity project, another Aliens CM to cypher funds into BL3, or just a side project made for learning what to and not to do with future GB titles.

It's a badass word for true badasses of patrician taste like the badass devs at Gearbox. Y'know, Gearbox, the developers of some of the most badass games in the entire history of video game badass-ness.

it started in Borderlands with it simply being the name for the legendary animals of the game, it wasnt even forced down, it was just the name they chose for those enemies. somehow BL2 started really forcing it,


The character design is so bad

This shit writes itself

Nah, there wasn't anything nefarious about it, they honestly wanted it to be the next big thing. It's just they fucked up hard during the launch, and kept fucking up for months afterward while they still might have potentially recovered it. By the time they got themselves sorted out, all people remembered were the fuckups.

They probably know all of their current players by name. If you stop playing they call you and try to make you play again.

>console players


Overwatch, or Battleborn?

anyone who thinks this is at all enjoyable should be removed from the gene pool


>implying most games don't have more players on console

I really want to fuck Orendi


>battleborn shuts down
>you get to pick one character to rescue and add to overwatch
>they'll get a slight makeover to make them less garbage, and will have their abilities retuned
Who do you pick?

Imagine fapping to her while listening to this in a loop.

Guys, perhaps we should stop bullying Randy.

And by now Gearbox is nothing but a perpetual fuck-up machine.
DNF, A:CM, Borderlands Pre-Sequel, Battleborn, their completely unnecessary Duke 3D edition, that even more unnecessary Bulletstorm remaster and its heap of blunders - they haven't made anything of worth in years.


Orendi so there's more porn of her

>add to overwatch
>make them less garbage

Did they ever get around to releasing the non-Windows 10 client for that game?

>what to and not to do with future GB titles

that implies gearbox has the ability to learn.

if anything it means more LE BORDERLANDS HUMOR AND MEMES considering how well it sold and how many players it still has.

Orendi. Most I don't care about or are already rip-offs of Overwatch characters.

>randy pitchfork got paid hundreds of thousands of dollars more than youll ever know making a flop game that you never played but make fun of
Sup Forums - insecurity

I enjoy Battleborn's gameplay. Though I wish they had given it a better story. As it is now, it's just a series of unrelated missions that end in killing Rendain. Who's never given proper motivations for doing what he's doing. The majority of the characters have no bearing on the story and the only way to get any backstory on them is to play them a ton to complete the lore challenges for them.

The multiplayers modes are very unbalanced and are just a contest to see who can snowball first. There are moments where it gets really fun, but those are rare.

The game had potential to be really good, but being immediately overshadowed by Overwatch completely killed any chance of there being a significant playerbase, which in turn made the devs lose interest in supporting it beyond what the contracts said they had to.

>be Texas-user
>tfw you think Gearbox is a joke
>tfw your friends think Gearbox is a joke
>tfw your dad thinks Gearbox is a joke
>tfw Gearbox is most definitely a joke

El dragon
But remove the need to farm and just give him all his bonuses and the max stacks of lightweight champ.

At least I'm not blacklisted by almost the entire gaming industry.

>that you never played but make fun of

jokes on you, I did and I enjoyed it

these days most BB players make fun of it because gearbox is woefully inept and hasn't done shit for months, there wasn't even anything special for it's anniversary.

>every morning he has to see Randy Pitchford staring back at him in his bathroom mirror
na, I'm good

Post yfw not Randy Pitchford

Not yet but they're doing a big quarterly announcement so /maybe/ they'll announce it next week. Who knows.

>be texas user here
>be so insecure about the relevance of your statements you have to needlessly identify yourself like a raging cumchugging tripfag
>probably have tripfagged in the past
>post nonsense statement about a business that you don't have the skills to participate in
>get shot
>get mad someone struck a nerve analyzing your shitty little post

Sup, Randy? How's BL3 coming along?

almost as funny as it was in the first time and the time after that and the time after that...