So.. is this gay?


Other urls found in this thread:


dick on dick = gay

Fucking a dude with tits in the ass is hella gay.

show me the chromosomes first



if the balls touch it is, otherwise no.

yeah. Post more tho

who cares its fucking hot

Yes. Anyone who says it isn't is gay themselves.

How does this have anything to do with video games?


it's like a horror movie, the mods go out for coffee and are never seen again

So.. is this video game?


How about this?

what's with all the porn threads on Sup Forums today?


Sauce pl0x

Why are you fucking people incapable of accepting that you're bisexual?

Valkyrie drive mermaid


is this the fate of all white bois?

Cuz bis are gay and gays go into the gas chamber