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And I will not buy your game.
No balls
>WW2 game
>Can't play as the good guys
every single time
Fuck off Cuckanida
Oh well I'm not finna buy it anyways, a friend is game sharing me it
Just make a mission about a German who defects and has to help escape a concentration camp with some Jews. Idiots would gobble it up
>playing a campaign where you lose at the end
Who wants to do that?
Well there was a Vietnam Call of Duty.
IS there a WW2 game where I can play as the germans in an actual campaign storyline, not just some goofy multiplayer?
It teaches you to cherish what you have.
so close to being good, oh well.
Just like vietnam games I guess. Besides, the levels you play as Axis would probably take place in battles the nazis actually won anyways.
Company of heroes
of course not, because itd be fucking dumb
What was it?
Black Ops
US won every major battle in Vietnam though. They only pulled their military early.
That was barely about Vietnam
it's about the journey not the destination, grasshopper
one word faggot responses ending with a period like this is the ULTIMATE tell for a redditor
Guess this means it'll be coop only.
>US won every major battle in Vietnam though
>tfw can't be a racist in my games
How do you know that user
>reddit spacing
Wow, fucking political narra-
Oh wait, World at War did this too. Stop generating fake controversy you faggot OP.
See, here's the thing.
I'm an Australian, and I was hyped as fuck for BF1 having an ANZAC Gallipoli campaign. The campaign itself was something of a mark of Australian pride and a mark of Australian failure. Yes it was a disastrous campaign, an absolute failure, but we suffered through it for King George. It was a major failure for the allied forces.
'Mere colonists' gave their lives hopelessly, to no avail, but they did it bravely. I felt a kind of somber pride when playing that campaign.
But once it was over, I couldn't help but think "What about the Turks?"
See, for the Turks, the Gallipoli campaign was a full on panic mode response. If the allies succeeded on that beachhead they could have had a clean, resistance free march to Istanbul, completely knocking the Turks out of the war.
I wanted to play a Turk, see through his Turkish eyes, get the perspective of that campaign I had never seen before. But sadly, the devs decided not to give me that.
It's not that I'm some edgelord who wants to play a Nazi soldier because lelkilljews, it's that I want to see the second world war through Hans and Fritz's eyes. I want to know what he was thinking at Normandy, Stalingrad and Al Alamein.
It's time for devs to harden up and give us campaigns from the losing side, let us feel what they felt. Tell their story.
Also it'd be nice if a WW2 game addressed the fucking holocaust for once.
>"no we won't let people play as nazis in the campaign that's horrible"
>"be sure to preorder and invite your friends to play multiplayer where you can play as nazis"
I don't understand why it's still such a taboo for this to be a thing, it's more than possible to represent both sides of the conflict and still have the humanity
Narratives user. Narratives. Nazi's were ebil inhuman monstrosities with eugenic modifications that wanted to kill everything not blonde and blue-eyed and they nearly conquered the world and you wouldn't be alive today if America didn't beat them and save earth and shiet.
We can't let you play video games from their perspective, you might start to question these facts.
Doesn't the game have a history of switching between characters in a campaign? Seems like a big missed opportunity, could be interesting to switch between characters from the Allies and the Axis sides.
I like how in BF1 in the Operations game mode you get this short intro for the faction you're playing that's thematic and nice.
It feels like a nice touch for anotherwise mediocre game mode.
The Nazis were irredeemably evil, of course we're not getting a campaign glorifying those scum. Why would you think there woukd be?
>he didn't play Halo Reach
Why does this game barely get posted when people start asking for an Axis campaign in a video game? Do people just want muh first person perspective?
Yeah, I'm picturing a set of levels where you're hopping between a Russian storming the Reichstag and a German trying to hold off this horde of vodka beasts.
Hopping between the foot soldiers two irredeemably evil regimes fighting each other to the death. Could be interesting.
No they were not.
They were the good guys.
The allies were the good goys.
Shamefully, RTS is a dead genre Sup Forums plebs don't care about anymore.
>wanting to play as the losers
Wouldn't make sense if you could.
back to warthunder it is then
I like a game where I play as the bad guys.
Don't worry you can experience the frontline experience through the eyes of female soldiers in WWII for the low AAA game price of 70 dollars + DLC season 1 and 2 (sold separately) passes + tip. Don't forget to pre order for the limited edition hitler is bad dog tag only available through gamestop power to the players
> 2017.
> Can play as a gendersquid octoroon self-identifying nigger who wants to murder black people.
> Can't play as a white guy who's in a war on the "Wrong side" through no fault of his own.
White germans killing White americans?
You're stupid.
Post the webm of the japanese plane knocking the wings off the other plane.
Keeping with CoD cliches, there would definitely be a scene where the Russian and the German meet. The Russian stabs the German right in the chest and looks him in the eyes as he slumps down.
I thought that was Churchills fuckup
Yeah, then keeping with CoD4's ending, then the German pulls out his luger and fires a few last defiant shots.
I can actually see it frame by frame infront of my eyes right now.
Yeah, that's all the Germans were doing... killing Americans.
Wait, wait, shut the fuck up.
They are making WW2 games again? We're really going through this same thing again?
Sweet mother of mercy, why. This was easily the most boring, uninspired period for shooters and looking back at it, the best thing you could say is that it's gone. But sure, let's go again. Let's add butch lesbians into the mix as well, because it's 2017 people.
Yeah, Churchill commanded it, but it was ANZAC soldiers fighting. British reinforcements were meant to arrive but decided against the attack too late for the runners to reach the Australians and tell them not to attack.
I started to play world of warships as the germans, really addictive
They never did. Don't treat this as some kind of controversial news.
Because nostalgia.
If they're going to return to WW2 they might as well explore different themes in it, like a German campaign or Japanese campaign. Fuck, even Italian. Just anything than a straight Allies campaign.
>tfw american jets cant handle german prop planes
You weren't going to buy in the first place
And they failed to change that.
An Italian campaign might be too hardcore for CoD without ignoring Mussolini's atrocities.
Fucking exhuming the corpses of Italian WW1 veterans just so they could build a propaganda monument.
>robot tearing off the limbs of the player
Yeah, no, there are plenty of "hardcore" stuff in the CoD series to warrant a Italian campaign.
And I don't give a shit if it's controversial. Almost every single WW2 game or movie follows the Allies, why not spice it up a bit and show it from the Axis perspective?
They won't even address the holocaust, how are they gonna address Facist Italy's everything?
>Call of Duty is going back to World War 2
>But they're replacing all the swastikas
What's the point of trying to retell history if you're not gonna, ya'know, TELL HISTORY?
with what? just Iron crosses?
>ya'know, TELL HISTORY?
They're even going to talk about the holocaust, so they're far from real history.
But we can play as African American soldiers, killing the Nazi scum right?
I'm __okay_ with this.
That means they lost. You don't win every hand at poker and then walk away without the money.
I think its illegal to have swastikas in some places in europe. Its easier to put in an iron cross than to make multiple copies.
I fucking hate how world of tanks did this.
I'm just going to leave this here. He makes a lot of good points about why it's important to tell the story of the side that lost the World Wars.
They're not removing them. He's just memeing.
shit bait
stop trying so hard, faggot
Remember, this is the same franchise responsible for "No Russian" - but still no balls to let us play a German campaign. Apparently, playing from the perspective of a Nazi soldier is so reprehensible that shooting up dozens of innocents with a machinegun pales in comparison.
It's never gonna happen. And you know the sad part? Given the "political" (read: politically correct) climate, a Nazi campaign is actually even less probable today than it was during the WW2 oversaturation period.
Are they really replacing swastikas?
I hate that shit so much. I remember when I played World of Warships I had to install a mod so my german ships could have the actual Kriegsmarine flag instead of that shitty cross they made.
Same thing for the Imperial Japanese Navy, they just put the normal japanese flag instead.
yeah, warthunder too
but at least most of the skins and camos are accurate, swastikas included
Doesn't have to be nazi either, just show German soldiers fighting other soldiers. The first few CoD games only focused on battles, it left politics and morals and ethics at the door. It worked then and they could do it again.
No it's not, literally a simple texture swap.
Inexcusable crap by lazy devs.
why would you want a AAA produced axis campaign in 2017?
you'd probably be playing a strong independent Jewish woman
germany mainly. swastikas are only allowed as art, and videogames are not considered art (what's how movies etc. get away with it).
anything else is considered propaganda or some nonsense due to eternal butthurt and inherited guilt.
Well, that's the thing, isn't it? It always worked for them to simply skip the playing-as-a-german part, so might as well skip it this time around.
>tfw no Holocaust game where you play as a guard at a concentration camp pushing Jews into ovens
activision just doesn't want to create an extra german version
the holocaust did not happen like you think it happened you sheep
Would be a breath of fresh air actually
Fucking Germans.
>some places
Only in Germany.
blame the old germans and politicians, most people hate that shit too.
Except by the time the fall of Saigon the US army had pulled out. It's the same situation as the US army trying to train up the Iraqi military and the the Iraqis being humiliated by ISIS and losing vast swathes of their territory after the US army pulled out except that ISIS isn't backed by a superpower and Baghdad didn't fall.
And desu Vietnam is like that civil war in Brittany during the 100 Years War. England supported the side that won and then the victors of the civil war sucked up to the French instead of the English who had dumped massive resources into making their side win. Except replace England with China and France with the Yanks. How the Chinese managed to sour relations so bad that Vietnam would rather be in the pocket of a country that they were at war with just a few decades ago is beyond me.
Can I play as a Nazi in multiplayer?
This stuff is not made by the main devs though, that's the localization team's job.
The team that translates games also does other things during localization, in this case it would be to replace the swastikas, and then the rest of the world gets the non localized version.
t. worked in localization for EA in Madrid
>tfw you will never get to defend roma from the allied invasion
>he can't appreciate a good story about tragedy
>he can't appreciate the artistic value of a bad end
Pretty much. 1, UO, 2, 3, and WaW didn't have a German campaign, so not having one in this new game is not surprising in the least. It would be surprising, and rather refreshing, if they did have some axis missions, but it was never the default answer.
which would both need to work in multiplayer without issue etc.
remember this is the company that had a separate queue in IW for the windows store version and steam.
plus you'd have to deal with german ratification boards and put region blocks in place etc - just easier/cheaper to have a global version.
He looks like such a fucking faggot. Those pink little lips, pasty face, and dead eyes slurring out "cuhltural maaaahcksism" in his pig accent are hideous. Alex should stop associating with this filth.