Last video: 5 months ago

>last video: 5 months ago

Is he alright?

Other urls found in this thread:

Who cares

It wasnt 5 months ago.

it's actually been confirmed on Twitter by JonTron's mom that he's in a relationship with Egorapter and they're on a trip to Mexico for some RandR so Jon can rest his mentality

He gets 10% of the Game Grumps revenue. He literally makes JonTron as a hobby. He could "retire" right now if he wanted to.

Check his channel

What did you expect to happen? He practically commited suicide. In public.

He never recovered from the Yooka Laylee fiasco.

>even speaking with desticuck

Theres no greater suicidal cry for help like that.

Too busy being a retard on Twitter to actually work on anything.

>tfw jontron will return to enlighten the youth on the JQ, cultural marxism, muslim invasion and white genocide

Didn't his production crew kick him out?

Source on this? I actually didn't know about this.

you forgot to mention he was gutted by his "coming out" as an alt-right cucklord

What a coincidence, YL never recovered from the YL fiasco either.

>nu-Sup Forums considers sticking up for your people cucking

>Comes out as alt-right
>Stops making videos
Yeah I'd say he's done

This kind of gap is pretty normal for him if you've followed him for more than a year. He's fine.

Normalcucks has nothing to do with the production of JonTron episodes, it was just a collab website nobody visited that hosted the exact same content that's already on YouTube.

he's bullshitting

>inb4 >reddit

he's going to launch a patreon a la colin moriarty and get that sweet wingnut welfare

Is he video games?

>sand nigger "sticking up" for white people

yeah he's just an uncle tom

Not really anymore aside from the occasional shilling video he gets paid to do. Mostly "reviews" bad movies now.

>Is he alright?
He's alt-right

looks pretty huwhite to me


Hasnt he been streaming games with sargon? i like how Sup Forums shilled me jontron for years but it took the destiny drama for me to check his videos. .

you can tell by his droopy camel eyes and fat face that he's some type of arab

you're probably not even white yourself


Why do people shit on sargon so much?

this is so sad, you paid $130 just so you can tell people online that you're white

jealous, Jamal?

we're not all poor


I dropped him after he took his time making shitty movie reviews

Because hes a faggot?

Normalboots was pretty much a bunch of less popular channels benefiting from being on the same website as Jontron since they'd get more exposure being associated with him. I doubt they'd remove him from the website since they weren't getting any flak and no one uses that fucking website. Not even the channels

Because media matters and a bunch of shills are afraid of him.
I don't like him that much as a guy, but he does have some big influence in the growing movement that is the alt-media and the skeptic community. The MSM and lefties hate that kind of counter-culture.

And thanks to the shills and hundreds of threads trying to shame him and his followers, some easily influenced dummies are posting their hate of him with no argument.

He's never been alright he's fucked in the head from years of abuse. All his friends pretty much abandoned him after he started drinking the alt-right koolraid and no one even came to defend him besides Sargon.

Tb and boogie defended him. Not that it means anything

>2/3 british and irish
back to the potato patch paddy

he is dead, let him go.

>call yourself a marxist
>cant understand a word of marxist theory
>condone the fucking tories (literally sucks saudi arabian cock on a daily basis)

because believe it or not some Sup Forums posters are actually over 18

He did a Q&A recently but he took the video down.

>people are afraid of him
Who? Afraid of what? Read your own post back to yourself and ask yourself how you became this much of a fucking faggot.
I would be stunned if you turned out to be over 18.

Sounds more like his dad being a typical hard-ass middle-eastern dad and Jon being a teenager in his rebellious stage.

>mfw "free thinking" "skeptics" all subscribe to the same 5 vlogging youtubers who contribute nothing to society and live off donations so they can tell everyone that they're move clever than than everyone else in the whole world

>Afraid of what?
The influence he have.
Being the influence they don't have.

Your ad hominem only proves you're without an argument and shilling.

but it's paul "mainstream meteor" watson who is the counterculture one

When does he call himself a marxist
He whiteknights for Theresa Mayhem, and constantly goes for irrelevant low-hanging fruit and overdone kekistani memes but tht's about it

>mfw not an argument

Watch as SJWs shit themselves in fear over the biggest youtuber associating themselves with Sargon

I'm not shitting on him, i just find the little sargoy funny as fuck. People tried to mock him with it and he owned that shit.

I just want to say this:Jon Tron did nothing wrong.

His concern with immigration is completely legitimate. Democrats have not won the white working class vote since the 1960s, and minorities are known to vote against the will of the people in the countries they immigrate to.

They vote as a majority leftwing. So it's an obvious concern when a party is using immigration to swing and manipulate the voter base in order to achieve permanent power in the country.

The problem isn't racism, but using minorities as a tool to obtain political power and artificially replace the local population for political reasons with an agenda in mind.

It's essentially what he said and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

>The influence he have.
And why should they be afraid? Seriously, I'm just asking you to explain what the fuck you're talking about. Why should anyone be AFRAID of yet another Supreme Logical Gentleman online with a million 12 year olds posting memes in response to everything he says?

Should people also be AFRAID of TheAmazingAthiest? Get Sargon's cock out of your mouth you fucking child.

Agreed. Only stupid children would ever be right wing.

He bones Lauren Southern now, not even joking.
So he´s technically gay now

Nah he's not smart enough to make this work.

>And why should they be afraid?
Because he have an influence, he and the likes of him, over a public that they have no grasp with, the 15-25 yo.

Once again, you're argument-less and only resorting to ad hominem.

They shouldn't be, but they are

>I used to shitpost on Sup Forums
>now I shitpost irl

Almost 30 years old here and I'm still shitposting.

>fuck you dunkey, I do not watch your videos because you are black
Racist piece of shit, should he tortured to death

He's busy, hopefully graduating from Sargon faggotry to joining IE or Atomwaffen

Stay mad shitskin faggot


that video is from january

pic related

So much for the tolerant left.

he pretends to be liberal for some reason even though all of his videos are about the political left and all his views he espouses are closer to conservative.
Almost any other skeptic youtuber is better.

>yfw you will never be the first to tell JK Rowling to let sand people into her mansion if she's so pro social justice

I hate harry poppins so much i would've loved to give her that massive burn.

and also hides behind "le ironic reddit shitposting maymays"

How could Jon ever be so racist?

You need to read a bit more about that "liberalism" really is.
This has nothing to do with today's America's left.

Liberals in the rest of the world mostly still use the real form.

Other than being the world's only alt-right liberal, he's a living joke that went balls deep in Milo before they threw that hypocrite under the bus for being a pedo-enabler.

JonTron has a big enough fan base where he can just upload videos and probably be alright, but the problem is his political views are going to make companies and sponsors not want to associate with him.

I doubt you'll see another high production sponsored thing from him again. (which is for the better lel)

Worst case he release a fake (or real) apologize pretending like hes changed his views if he REALLY needs that sponsor money that badly.

>Mfw one conversation with Destiny ruined his reputation

>supporting racists
You deserve to burn too
This isn't the 18th century, fucking KKK

so he's not, he needs your help

If the left wasnt going out of their way anf going heels over head to bu such massive fucking cucks there would be more ammo to fire at the right, sadly the only thing you can fault them is for 2SCOOP LMAO.

How's your IQ of 80 treating you, Mohammed?

he can't even really be defined as a classical liberal. He violates those views as well.

t. Salehi Al-Abdullah

>Tb and boogie
Literally who?

How's 82 treating you? Not even him nigga', but hook, line, and sinker.

The left isnt liberal any more, theyve gone full socialism

but they're still called "liberals"
therefore "liberal" now means full socialism
at least in 'murica

>I'm not one of those insane MODERN liberals, I'm a REAL liberal, a TRADITIONAL liberal
>that is why I would like to put my support behind Theresa May and would like to encourage all my followers to do the same

>I don't know what Socialism is: The Post.

>it's typical to have your parents call you an idiot, threaten to punch you, and blame you for all their problems

it's really not, user. Good parents do not insult you, threaten to harm you, or blame you for their problems.

socialism is not liberalism

>i dont know what liberalism is: the post

making a 60 minute movie review is a lot of work user
>AVGN can make movie reviews every week while he is still busy with other stuff

Socialism isn't an accurate label, because they aren't at all socialist. They espouse certain socialist ideals, but they're ideological imperialists.

Milo of all people claimed to be a "traditional liberal" while telling everyone to vote for Trump.
The fanboys of these faggots lap this shit up without stopping to think how fucking retarded they are.

Either he's too stupid to interpret facts, or he's intentionally lying to pander to his mouthbreathing fanbase because they'll believe anything he says.

Rebellious kids also exaggerate a lot.
>good parents do not insult you or threaten to harm you
Thank god you're not a parent. Spanking and reprimanding a child is a basic part of disciplining it.


>Socialism and liberalism are mutually exclusive.

He doesn't even talk about video games any more. Now he's Nostalgia Critic with an actual budget with some h3h3 faces thrown in.

He's Persian, the OG Aryans

shouldn't be done

Is not the same as insulting.

If you think you need to resort to physical violence, you've already lost. You're already a shit parent.

>Youtube is in an AD crisis
>Advertisers are very selective about who gets ads now and don't pay like they used to
>Youtubers now look to Sponsors and Patreon since ads aren't paying the bills

>JonTron goes and says things that ruined any potential for him to get sponsors.
>JonTron Lives in EXPENSIVE ass New York
>JonTron can't keep up with his $5,000 a month rent

>Tfw JonTron can no longer afford to pay that huge production crew anymore

Post your face when Jon Tron uploads his next video from a roach invested dumpster in an alley somewhere