What are some good games about depression?

What are some good games about depression?

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I assume this is some e celeb yes?

t.nu-Sup Forums

Depression quest by the talented Zoe Quinn

The one where you suck it up and quit being a pussy fishing for compliments on Sup Forums before posting some sappy bullshit with a picture of Dante and typing something along the lines of

>T-thanks you faggots, I know no matter how bad it gets i'll always have my Sup Forumsros!! :3

>$744 per month
Was wondering why these threads keept popping up. Get a fucking job you emo loser.

>kraken rum

How old are you?

I've been here since 2010 and don't know who this is. you don't have to be new to not keep up with e-celeb bullshit

>not new


user it's been 7 years...

Nigga you're still new

3 days until this topic gets a lot more attention.

just because he doesn't recognize this depressed youtuber that makes him a newfag? you are retarded

Dark Souls 1 and some of Demon's Souls

>There are newfags among us right now in this very thread who have never heard of Phantasmagoria 2 A PUZZLE OF THE FLESH

Sup Forums is dead

>Sup Forums is dead
I heard that, user.



I hardly know her

>implying this faggot was unanimously liked

yeah nah kiddo, it's never been like that

I actually dont thinm there are many. Watch Welcome To The NHK, its a good anime about depression that doesn't fall into waifusm trap. As for games, maybe sh4:The Room

>there are people who don't remember good spoony

When will he kill himself

Not liked by triggered Final Fantasy fans maybe.


people still listen to this retard?

I really want Spoony to see the video and flip his shit over it

over 100k subscribers

yeah all of them from Sup Forums

probably a lot of cross with Sup Forums as well

Why is everyone making threads about Spoony lately? It's fun to rag on him once in a while, but every day is a little obsessive.

its gonna get worse soon

>acts like a drunken slob in that video
>hardly even necked that 26 of rum

what a pansy

>e-celebs are shit, SHIIIIIT!!
>u-unless they're the ones I like!

Fuck off.

>still being depressed after all these years
>all those fans that gave him money monthly for nothing
>there are people still sympathetic to spoony just because he made some videos they liked a long time ago


I wonder if MM will avoid low hanging fruit like the first video or not.