Make this happen Nintendo


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We dont need a 4th re-release of oot thanks

>Remake begging
Is there anything worse?

Your mother

Why remake these games again? We've had them on N64, Gamecube, Wii VC, 3DS and Wii U VC. If they were to remake any Zelda games remake ones that haven't had as much acknowledgement.

how many times do you sperglords want to buy the same game?

Why? There's already remakes on 3DS

Why not bring them in HD on the Switch?

Yeah I want to buy the same game for the 5th time to make sure Nintendo can keep making remakes

They would have to redo a lot to make it look acceptable on the switch

might as well do something else

I'd like a Link's Awakening remake

They could make NEW, GOOD games so we don't need to keep replaying 20 year old games

Not my problem that you buy free roms of a 15 year old game you fuckig moron
Not it would't

Witnessing the death of your own child?

>there was a time Nintendo actually gave away OoT (plus Master Quest), MM, AND Zelda 1 + 2 for free as a preorder bonus
>now people would seriously pay full retail for just two of these bundled together

When did that happen?

Before VC, they didn't have a way to resell old games besides packaging them in a single game.

Now they've gone full jew and will likely never do something like Mario All-Stars and the Zelda WW bonus.

This will never happen. Expect, at the very least, a port of one game individually sold at $60. That's including Skyward Sword

I'd like to see a Majora's Mask sort of game using the BotW engine and assets. A more condensed world with more focus on characters.

Majora's Mask was originally meant to be just an expansion pack on OoT
Imagine the DLC for BOTW being in the same vein

OP's underage.
How about we get new games instead of making the Switch a glorified Vrtual Console?

>They would have to redo a lot to make it look acceptable on the switch

Not as much as you'd think. The Grezzo 3DS versions already look great in HD.

Raising a daughter for another man to take her from you?

Remakes should be reserved for when a game is so old that it is difficult to play on modern systems, or the initial attempt was disastrous. Ports, needing only the minimum retooling to be played on a different system, are fine. A port of the 3DS version for the Switch is something I might buy.

I would rather see a remake of the 2D titles. The Oracle games, Awakening, Minish Cap. Those ones feel relatively swept under the rug. I mostly just played Pokemon on the Gameboy, so a fresh coat of paint on these games would help fans rediscover those ones.

How about some original content instead of remake remake remake

What a gigantic waste of everyone's time and resources.