Work part time

>work part time
>plenty of time for games but momoney to buy them
>get full time position at mcdonalds
>no time for games but plenty of money to buy one a month

How do people do it?


where can I pirate some spare time?

There is 168 hours in a week.
You sleep 49 of them.
You work 40 of them.

168 - 49 - 40 = 79

There is 79 hours left in a week to do something else.
If you tell that you do not have a time, you're a liar.

Pirating games
Did you drop out of school in 3rd grade? Why are you getting a job at McDonald's

''i dont have time'' is the worst excuse ever.
Theres allways time.

clock factory

>70k/yr 40 (45 with commute) hour weeks
>Still ample time to vidya

Anons please

>only getting 7 hours of sleep each night

Enjoy an early death

I work 79 hours this week. I have time but it's mainly for sleep. Please do the math for me.

>full time


>I work 79 hours this week.
Because you choose to.
You're not an African slave, get a job with less hours if you are not satisfied.

t. normie

This is retarded, you can't just make time

>dude just get a better job lmao
>just have your parents pay for college like mine did stop being so lazy lmao

>7 hours of sleep leads to an early death
You're not making his case any less compelling.

He said get a job with less hours, not a better one. You don't need college for a good job, nor do you need it for deciding what job you want in terms of hours per week.

Oh so you're in debt?
Suck to be you, you're stuck with your bad past decisions I guess.

>full time

How is life in the hood, negro?

If you're insinuating there is no job under 80 hours a week for those that do not have a degree in rocket science, you're a liar.

If you're job takes too much of your time, get another job.

>everyone in debt is there of their own choice

wew lad, I'm pretty sure a complete lack of empathy is a symptom of autism


>everyone in debt is there of their own choice
Well if they TOOK a loan, yes they are.

Damn you inherited debt? How did that happen that sucks.

And you just automatically assume it was his choice, it's impossible to be in debt because of a dozen of reasons like medical bills or a family member that can't work.

Go to a cc that has medical programs or some other useful 2yr programs.

Most of the retards that are in debt is because they buy shit they don't need or buy a car they can barely pay

The average American


I only worked 40-50 hours a week when I was at McDonald's a couple years back and had plenty of spare cash.

>40 week jobs

It must be nice living as a parasite, I'm chief of my area and I work 65 hours minimum.

You're fucking stupid, he talked about paying for college.
Not paying for his balls rotting off.

>I'm chief of my area and I work 65 hours minimum.
Because you choose to.
And if you WISHED SO, you could have a nice 9 to 5 job.

If you want to work more, sure, whatever, I don't care, but you can't complain that you don't have time for vidya.


op is working part time, meaning he is probably in school or training for something else. if not he might still have friend to hangout with or trains and works out. probably once a week for about three hours (probably more, but lets roll with it). -3. together with going to school which is 3 hours a day at minimum you get -21

also deduct hours spend having sex/fapping. say daily fap is an hour (which is might even be cutting it short). -7 hours.

deduct time spend watching anime/series/movies. let's say three hours a day watching shit. -21.

deduct time spend eating, also atleast 2 hours a day. -14.

deduct time spend showering/relaxing after actually coming home from work + travel time. 30 minutes shower/relax + 30 minutes to and 30 minutes back from work every 5 days. 7.5

so of the 79 hours you don't work you have
79-70.5=8.5 hours left
spread over a week is about an hour of game time a day and one thing i know is that gaming for only an hour seems stupid and a waste.

Latex bodysuits are the best

>if you don't work AT LEAST 90 HOURS A WEEK YOU'RE A LEECH
Nice goy.

>Latex bodysuits are the best
A mine of refined taste I see

Just stop having friends. Friends take up so much time.

>friend to hangout

Get a real job.

Work in a warehouse
Be a shop bitch for a while and maybe work on an apprenticeship/journeyman
Do any other variation of labour.

I'm curious, how much would an American make if he worked at Mcdonalds 40 hours a week?

Get Disability, Food Stamps, Pell Grant and scholarships.

For all intents and purposes, I'm a disabled, Latino/Hispanic, homosexual.

I get at least $5,000 a semester alone based on those alone; I'm reality, I'm white as fuck, straight and am not really disabled.

You need to learn to work the system, senpai.

10x40= 400

>work as a contractor
>make enough money to buy every game I would feel like playing
>work long shifts, 7 days a week
>enough down time at work to play games while at work
>can have half the year off and still make 6 digits
Plenty of time to play games user. Start in NDE, then move into API/CWI. I'm biased towards API since you are more likely to make more money and work less while at work from what I've seen.

So... 1700 USD a month?

It's okay I guess. You can live like that if you're a minimalist who only does vidya.


I like you.
Fuck those cunts giving money to people because of their race, gender, or sexuality.

i wouldn't even be able to buy enough food, not to mention pay rent. guess im gonna keep enjoying that sweet sweet welfare my country gives me


None of those things take much time. Shopping doesn't take any time at all if you do it online.

You do those thing for SEVENTY NINE hours a week?

Damn, you've got a real bad organisation.

Work less hours if you want more free time and when you need money to buy a new game just work an extra shift or two. Fast food industry is extremely flexible in scheduling and there is always faggot highschoolers not showing up for their shifts that you can take.

Taxes will take another couple hundred out of it too. Between rent, utilities, food, insurance payments, and phone bill, you're likely not able to save any money at all. God forbid you have any school or car payments on top of it.

>tfw can't be a NEET in my country without being a parasite to my parents
I didn't choose the wagecuck life. The wagecuck life chose me.

>any school or car payments
Why would I?

If you have school or car payments while earning minimum wage you're doing it wrong. You could be a waiter and make over $60k a year. You only have yourself to blame for having a McJob over the age of 17.

>full time position at mcdonalds
>40 hours
>meaning you have about 70 hours (not counting sleep or food) to do whatever you want
your endurance most be nothing

I do freelance work, so I just work when I need money or have nothing better to do.

t. Californian

Fucking grillz in their asses does not make you gay...or does it?

Point is, I get more money and have tons more free time than people with decent jobs.

It's hilarious when they find out that I just leech off their tax dollars and live a fun, stress free life.

I've lost friends and grillz because of how salty they get when I tell them how I live so carefree.

His diet is probably the burgers he's flipping

Teach me your secrets senpai. I've been a wagecuck for almost 3 years and I don't understand how people do this for so long without killing themselves.

varies but if it's McDs I wager no more than an hour a week because who the fuck we take an hour drive to work a Mcds entry job?
should take less than an hour a week
depending on what you cook this should only be 1~2 hours a week
for one person? Less than a hour every other week or more.

>i wouldn't even be able to buy enough food
>for 400 a week

t. Any decent restaurant/bar anywhere
As in real restaurants not garbage like Applebees.

Those four things together take at least 20 hours a week if you don't live next door to your workplace, consider wiping surfaces with a napkin, sweeping, and taking out trash once per week enough cleaning, or only eat instant ramen.
Then personal hygiene is another 14 hours per week.
So that actually leaves you with 45 hours.

>Teach me your secrets senpai.
1) A needed skill
2) Discipline

It's not "hard", but nothing is going to push you to do anything, so you have to have some discipline and motivation.
It's not for everyone. I've been doing it for two years and I might go back to a regular job if I get too tired of having to discipline myself.

Depends on the state. In Commiefornia he'd make $400 a week, but it would actually be ~$250 after taxes.

I'm getting 65k a year for a stressful programming job that makes me want to kill myself. Clearly I did something wrong.

You're either subhuman, or don't actually do any of that. If you did, you would know it takes way more time than that if you are not a pissbottle dweller.

How much time do you waste hunting for jobs? That's my main issue. As far as skills go I can code, know 2 languages (learning a third), and I've been learning how to compose music.

>less than an hour a week
Some people do more at the store than walk in at 3 AM and buy 3 pallets of instant ramen.

>How much time do you waste hunting for jobs?
Maybe two hours a week or something. It was a lot more at the beginning, but I have a lot of regular clients now.

>1 hour per day commuting
>1 hour per week cleaning
>10 minutes per week setting up/reordering Amazon Pantryâ„¢
>15 minutes per day on hygiene (brushing teeth, shaving, showering)
>10 minutes per day shitting
That's about 9.1 hours per week.

>he does not get his groceries delivered to his home
Why do people enjoy wasting their time?

>buying games

minutes per day shitting
>not playing while you shit

Twice the productivity.

>spending 20 extra dollars while losing the ability to pick out produce/meat

>One a month

Where did you find freelance work efficiently? Especially when you didn't have established clients yet.

source on OPs image plox

Aight, sounds good. What do you do anyway? Any recommendations for someone starting out, regardless of industry / skill?

>cleaning takes less than an hour a fortnight
the rest was also hilariously wrong but this one is the telltale sign mommy is still looking after you

where do you fags live that it takes longer then that? Are you counting your shopping leisure time? Getting food for about two weeks worth and any other nuances for the home should only take about 40 minutes unless you go in brainless with no idea what you want to get for the week/month and bluntly that falls on you. And don't give me shit that it's busy, you have about 70 fucking hours to pick a time to shop, if you go at 6pm on a weekday that's on you.

Who the Hell even sleeps 7 hours a night? I get about 5 or 6 and feel great.

Unless you eat like garbage it certainly takes longer than that.

here you go newfag-san

How long do you wait to clean shit tard? If you do it every other week or more there should be very little to clean up for one person. How much waste do you make in a weeks time? Unless you are getting take out every meal and waiting months to clean there is no way you need an hour to basically wipe down dust.

If you're going to a grocery store when you're not working and not sleeping then it's going to be packed unless you work a late night shift and sleep through the day and go in there at 3 AM. Sounds like you never actually leave the house.

Some people work long hours and have more days off for vidya.

>Married with kid
>40 hours a week
>Spending time on Sup Forums
I sense a divorce in your future

I teach.
I work full time from 7:30 to 3:30, get all holidays off plus the summer, and in my city I make enough money to own a house and buy whatever vidya I like.

If I have a major upgrade (new pc or something) I can always work summer school (only 4 days a week 9-2).

I also actually love what I do.

Actually in irony going for garbage food it does work like that because you'll go through it faster thus needing to get more.
Most veggies and ingredients to make, Soups, pastas, dishes etc can last an upwards of months if you are not a fat slop chocking your gullet.

>wiping dust from his bedroom in his parents house is all he considers "cleaning"
alright cool but you forgot
>doing dishes
>taking out trash
>window cleaning
etc etc etc etc

It doesn't.
>walk in
>five pounds of chicken
>five pounds of salmon
>ten pounds of broccoli
You're set for the whole week.

Sounds more like you never leave the house. That or you are just that retarded because if you work 40 hours in a 9-5 setting that means you have two mornings you could shop crowd free and one evening/night you could do it as well without needing to be up the next morning.

You fags would die if you had to factor in a gf and/or kid into your life if this shit is kicking you in.

>there are actually, truly, people on this here green earth that work at mcdonald's

Working part time with a decent hourly wage.

>too normie for Sup Forums
>not normie enough for real life

I am a man without a country.