Have a lot video games

>have a lot video games
>decent amount of time to play them
>can never get the urge to play them
>feel like it'll be a chore
What is wrong with me

You're either

1. Depressed
2. Have grown out of video games

>feel like starting new game
>play 5 seconds and stop for another cutscene
>repeat this shit 10 times till the shitty tutorial npc gets another cutscene
>more cutscene
yea, i'm sure he is depressed

what game?

>the ps4 experience

dumb frogposter

I have the same feeling too

This is how I feel but only about non-emulated games.

I can still play games on emulators because I can speed up through the parts that feel like a chore.

Might be burned out

Please stop replying to this thread. Don't give this redditor the satisfaction.

What makes him a reddittor?

well most games in the last 12 years
last one i started is castlevania 2 , and i'm still on that part of
>explain 1 shit
>1 fight
>more cutscene
i've spend the last few months playing bf4 fucking around to remember more single player games

Literally Bayonetta. Just let me play the fucking game.

Bump :3

Mr. le meme frog

needless greentexting
the redditfrog

He was Sup Forums long before he was considered reddit

As true as this statement is. Reddit has just used and abused him to no end at this point

Which makes it safe to assume op is a redditor/faggot

Being able to fast forward through the shit you don't like is a godsend. Particularly useful when level-grinding.

>caring this much about a website

Buddy do you have nightmares about Reddit? You realize how autistic you sound, right?

>it's another redditor complaining about frogs pretending like it's a reddit meme episode

I do, reddit raped me

>shit meme
>hurr hurrr
its just reddit retarded like the other previous "pictures"

Is calling reddit the new way to derail a thread?

Such is the way of things. Always has been, always will be.

Hello there Reddit.

Hi :3
