If you don't like it, just don't buy it!

>If you don't like it, just don't buy it!

The entire game is built around cosmetics, the end screen of every match is engineered to show off your skins and make the people who don't have them feel like they're missing out, even opening a loot box has animation and sound design engineered to resemble a gambling machine in a casino and make retards feel like they're accomplishing something.
The game's whole economy is built around skins, every event is built around skins, skins skins skins is the entire fucking game. It's the only thing to do, the only thing to collect, and every aspect of this """game""" (and I use the term loosely because a gambling scheme whose every mechanic is built around making you spend more money can hardly be referred to as such) is designed to make you pay up for loot crates.

You don't have to buy it, but they want you to, and they've designed the game with that in mind, not with your enjoyment of it or fairness or balance in mind. The game is superfluous to the crates and could exist without them, but it doesn't, and everything about it incentivizes you to pay.

Oh buy you 'like it', and 'you don't have to buy it', and a hundred other pathetic rationalizations for how you're going to let a company take your money and then exploit you. They're fishing for whales, they're trying to get sick, genuinely ill people who have compulsions and disorders to uncontrollably give them money, but that's all fine because we have to gargle the balls of our favorite megacorps. You'll make excuses for them while they try to foist gambling on children and exploit people's addictions and mental health problems for cash. Yay, go Blizzard!

Other urls found in this thread:


>The entire game is built around cosmetics

How can you be this stupid?

>the bulk of the profits don't come from loot boxes
You're fucking retarded

>'you don't have to buy it'
I mean, you literally don't, even after you put quotation marks around it.

Now the Battleborn marketing could be god tier.

Why is Randy so retarded to not use this situation?

How Battleborn should be marketed now:
>Look at Overwatch, or should I say Overpriced?
>Why play a game which locks his skins behind time exclusive events? Battleborn doesn't lock any skin out.
>Why do you have to pay the same amount of money for only 50 loot boxes than for the whole game?
>Why is Blizzard increasing the costs of the TIME EXCLUSIVE SKINS to 300 % of the other legendary?

Now Battleborn should go in hard.
>Battleborn is now F2P for the PvP mode
>using VAC as anti cheat
>add 3 god tier skins to all waifus
>adds a payload mode with 3 maps
>make a PvP mode with auto aim where only team work counts
>make a ranked system without elo hell
You progress but you get matched with people who are at your skill level. This means even if your rank is like 5k the real rank is hidden to encourage you play ranked.

This is the change of Randy to give Overwatch the new name Overpriced and Make Battleborn Great Again! If Randy fucks this up it's his fault.

Overwatch is literally like JEB! now. It is so low energy and so Overprived that Battleborn could get the push it needs... But to be real, Rand is not Trump so he will fuck this golden moment up.

Are you retarded? The only reason to play Overwatch is for the skins. I want some of the Overwatch skins but 3000? Are you kidding me? The skins are Overpriced, the loot boxes are Overpriced. the game is Overpriced. Oh and guess the drop rate of the skins. If you have a life you will get ZERO!

Then how come I've never bought one? Do I have some sort of self restraint superpowers?

>pretending a business is not interested in persuading its customers to pay more money through microtransactions.

Sounds like someone has never heard of a business model.

>Why is Randy so retarded to not use this situation?
Because Battleborn is even more jewish with microtransactions, you have to grind for actual characters unless you pay and it has a season pass.

You can't criticize a Business!

This motherfucking episode basically translated nowadays industry, how in the name of the hell nobody takes this seriously?

genji and zarya are the only must have skins, maybe lucio's too
everything else is either dogshit or outclassed by other skins

>the entire game is built around cosmetics

you've obviously never played it

I have every skin I've ever wanted from the game and I haven't spent a penny since buying it. I don't even play that much


Of course you can you fucking commie. Just don't expect to be taken seriously.

As long as other people are gargling the same shit they are some are more than happy to defend their shit gargling.

>criticizing a business is communist

I forgot to add for the Blizzshills that the skins are still Overpriced even if you shill hard including this one "EVERYONE I DON'T LIKE IS RANDY" shill (Go back to your safe space).

And even the Blizzdrones should be happy because Overwatch would be forced to reduce the prices if Battleborn goes in hard. It's a win win situation.

Friendly reminder TF2 shits all over overwatch and its better in every possible way.
From mechanics to even the shittiest of hats.
Only Blizzard shills will defend this trainwreck of a casualized game with no content and tumblr pandering.

>I have every skin I've ever wanted from the game and I haven't spent a penny since buying it

I only wanted one skin too.

Yeah, I bet you have the most common skins. Congratulations, you look like the average causal scrub when playing the game. I don't even play a character if I don't have one of the better skins with them, and most good players I know do the same.
The fact is that you need to spend hundreds of dollars playing the shitty slot machine to get a skin so you can finally play your favorite character like a pro. And then it starts again a few months later when a better skin is released. This kind of business practice should be literally illegal.

TF2 is a game for actual children and manchildren. If you're out of high school and you still play it's pathetic (and means you're likely a brony/furry). TF2 is meant to be a stepping stone towards playing other better games, not something to be idolized.

Weren't you aware of American way of thinking?

>reading comprehension

>entire game is built around vanity items
Lol? How sad is your game and/or life?

Sorry to burst your bubble but the majority of Americans aren't ancap twats.

Is the legality of purchasable random content not questionable? Especially for something rated T rather than M. You are paying money to gamble for better rewards, many of the people doing it are kids.

You've got a point.

TF2 is a mess these days unfortunately, old TF2 I would definitely agree.

So now we're going to pretend he wasn't called a commie for criticizing microtransactions?
>hurr durr reading comrpehsnion u can't read I win

What other better multiplayer games are there?

No. If kids are purchasing these lootboxes they are either (a) doing it with the express or implied permission of their parents or (b) they are stealing their parents' credit cards. ActiBlizzard is in the clear regardless.

Literally all of them.

I got Overwatch for free since my flatmates and I share a PS4, chipped in 8 quid for lootboxes over the last 8 months and I still feel ripped off when
Plus the only fun character is Winston

I love playing overwatch, but that is honestly a very valid point.

>one of the most fun multiplayer class based games
>attracts a certain crowd you don't like

He was called a commie because he said "You can't criticize a Business!".

Well you can't, because only a communist would do that.

And his image was referring to the freemium business model, the topic of the discussion. But go ahead and pretend he wasn't called a commie for criticizing it

Because almost nobody outside a tiny minority of forum posters takes video games seriously IRL.
When your average joe pays buys into microtransactions they're not thinking about how it's supporting a bad precedent for future games to follow, their thought proccess is simply "I want this digital item, and I can afford it". And because the profit margins on microtransactions/DLC is so slim, you don't need anywhere close to the majority of players to buy into it in order to make a profit.

Of course you can criticize it, just don't expect to be taken seriously. You fucking commie

No not really. Closest thing is l4d2 for a similar experience

l4d2 isn't anywhere even close to similar to either TF2 or Overwatch. Your taste is fucking garbage.

I have not bought even one box for this game yet i have every unlockable including every event unlockable for my favorite character and at least 1 legendary for every other character. If it is supposed to bait me into buying loot crates it not doing a very good job.

Why do people shit on Overwatch while talking up TF2 as if Mannconomy and bullshit keys didn't exist? The summer, Halloween, etc. boxes that TF2 has drop for you but can't be fucking opened without spending real money on a key are worse because at least when I get a box of shit in Overwatch I can open it.

Why you would complain about not getting everything is autistic as fuck because a.) it's a cosmetic, not a game breaking item, it's not like TF2 where they had that stupid shit where the hat was part of a set that gave a bonus and b.) am I to assume that whoever is complaining actually plays all 11 of those characters and actually will use all of those? It reeks of the autism of the faggots who just trade shit in TF2 to collect hats they'll never use on characters they'll never play instead of playing the fucking game.

Maybe I just don't get it because after 10 years of TF2 and 1 of Overwatch I never felt the need to spend time playing dress up with hats and skins on a character on a character I can't see. I have around 500 hours on scout and I used the default loadout for 98% of that time. I found it rather egregious that I paid full price for the Orange Box and then they did that F2P money grab. Robin Walker wrote it off as Valve needing money because they still produced content for the game when 95% of the maps and content that was added was created by the community.

post proof because I'm pretty sure no one has gotten all the unlockables

Well from what I want in multiplayer game it is. Splatoon is probably similar

You're beyond stupid.

Waiting till the last day to unlock the ones for this event, but i have more than enough currency to buy 1 spray and a voice line.

>skins in a fps

If they just made these skins available outside of timed events and made gold purchasable, I'd be fine with it. HotS does it well, it's pretty dumb that a F2P game does skins and microtransactions better than a full priced retail game.

No u are

You're missing more than half of the unlockables for everyone other than Genji

>no u
Splatoon isn't even an FPS. Fuck off retard.

> i have every unlockable including every event unlockable for my favorite character
I said for my favourite character not every character

lol god could u imagine if there were people this wacko out there?

which was piss-easy and has been changed for months, keep up.

Neither is tf2

Thanks for admitting you're retarded.

Yo isn't that just fucking Kamen rider

The original comment was litereally


I really cant tell if this is bait

>I have every unlockable
>I have at least 1 legendary for each character

Wouldn't you have every legendary for every character if you had every unlockable?

As much as Jim Sterling sucks ass he was right on the money when it comes to this

But HotS is even worse, not only does it have 3 different currencies but it uses an even worse loot box system with different rarities and dupes don't give you nearly as much credit to buy cosmetics you actually compared to OW. This is all on top of having to grind for characters unless you want to pay out real money for them.

The skin's name is literally "Sentai"

You're the dumb one never refuting anything I say and just insulting me with ad hominem . Tf2 is team based multiplayer so is splatoon and l4d2. If there was a better game then tf2 it wouldn't still be played like it is

It is. That's why it's such a casual shitfest

>i have every unlockable including every event unlockable for my favorite character
Keyword is favourite character

Most of the people are just out to shitfling and never played TF2 in the first place. I wasted half of my youth on TF2 and loved the game to death, these shitfinging faggots probably aren't even aware of Mannconomy or the entire clusterfuck of a patch history that this game has.

I was fine with letting in F2Ps because the game could use the injection of fresh players at the time, but the justification was dumb horseshit. The TF2 time is quite literally three assholes in a closet that are butthurt because they got shut out of the VR circlejerk. The overhead is probably less than your given shitty mobile game hack studio.

meant to respond to

I do think it is morally questionable to use gambling tactics to take advantage of people who may not even be old enough to legally gamble. I feel like this would probably be illegal of loot boxes gave you something that actually had value rather than a digital item. It also bothers me that people are willing to pay multiple times the price of the original game for a fraction of the content. Lowering consumer standards hurts everyone and these things generally only go in one direct. Last, I would also like to point out that in most cases the original skins look better than the new ones. I don't like that people are willing to wear something ugly just because it is rare.

>I have every unlockable including . . .

That means you claimed to have every unlockable idiot.

You should do this until you get a hang for the English language:


i have never had a desire to possess any of the cosmetics in this game

You compared team based FPS to a co-op zombie survival FPS and a third person shooter with paint mechanics. Why do you think you deserve a serious refutation?
Calling you retarded isn't an ad hominem, it's an observable fact.

>I feel like this would probably be illegal of loot boxes gave you something that actually had value rather than a digital item.

I disagree. I do not think it is any different than going to an arcade and playing the games that have a chance to give you tickets that you can then use to purchase overpriced crap.

Because you haven't hit the skill ceiling yet. Trust me you will very very soon and once you do you literally will have nothing to keep playing the game for outside of loot.

You literally denied TF2 is a FPS

It's not in the traditional sense. Do you call quake and unreal arena shooters or fps?
4 person team against another team. Splatoon has team based gameplay too

Keep up with what? Nobody plays Battleborn anymore and the game has an objectively worse microtransaction model than Overwatch

What about TF2, Quake, or "Unreal arena shooters" makes them not first person shooters?

>It's not in the traditional sense.
Yes it is?
>Do you call quake and unreal arena shooters or fps?
Both. Are you really this stupid?

>shit maps
>shit balance
>shit updates
>shit matchmaking
>shit community
>not build around cosmetics
> ????

Arcades and carnival games differentiate themselves from gambling because they are considered a game of skill even if that is debatable in some cases. This is simply paying for a random chance to get something.

Gameplay not based on realism.

TF2 isn't 4v4. And "Team based" isn't a genre. I don't know where you're going with this, it's just getting embarrassing now

Because Valve allows you to trade TF2 items and directly purchase them, while Oveewatch inventory can only be obtained from the Blizzard casino and if you don't have the requisite luck during the event window then that item is lost forever.

The correct structure for that sentece should have been "I have every unlockable for my favourite character including the event unlockables," am i right?

FPS literally stands for "First person SHOOTER"

Realism has nothing to do with the term.

Seriously you're a moron.

I'm talking about l4d2 and the type of game I like subjectively

l4d2 and splatoon play nothing alike
one is a co-op game where the objective is to survive zombie hordes with a offshoot mode where humans can stand in for the boss zombies
the other is a third person competative game where the objective is to paint as much of the map for your team.
your subjective preferences doesn't make these games similar in any way.

also we were talking about TF2, you brought up l4d2 out of nowhere even though it's not even a comparable game.

>DOOM, the game that singlehandedly made first person shooters a genre, isn't an FPS
It's like you're TRYING to be retarded at this point.

spoken like a true retard who's never played a competitive match in his life

By your logic none of these games are first person shooters, including Overwatch.

the average player is spending 100+ dollars on boxes, they've blown the season pass model out of the water

Overwatch reminds me of a mobile shit game with micro transactions. The game itself has no redeeming qualities and is boring as fuck. The community is your typical battle.net fuckery. I don't understand how Blizzard is still in business any more. The last several games they've released have been gigantic commercial flops for them.

Im talking about games that make you rely on teammates unlike fps where its team deathmatch and you really don't effect your team much

>Hey Blizzard, think you could uh, add content or fix shit?
>Uh... um... here's your skins? Well, I mean, you can pay me for the lottery ticket CHANCE to get these skins.

>tfw remember playing beta
>got bored after 4 HOURSSS

>just added 2 new maps
>but they're shit maps they don't count!

fuck off retard

Yea by modern industry standards where games like prey aren't called fps but immersive Sims

they are not in the quick play or ranked rotation.
and its not balanced since the game mode is Arena and Overwatch its not made for 1v1 or 3v3 at all.