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most of the images i saw for antagonists were blasphemies, so isn't this game the opposite
what game is this? rad pixel art
Looks like fanart for Otogi, a relatively unknown Xbox game
just looked that up, holy shit it plays like dark souls
It plays like Dark Souls because its by From Software during their weirdo period, which coincidentally took place after the awkward 3D game control era of video games.
No, it fucking doesn't. Have you ever played a single game besides Dark Souls?
is it good
*teleports behind u*
Heh, put that cross away, christfag.
Game is Blasphemous. Its on kickstarter atm.
What the fuck is this game.
>Its on kickstarter atm.
kykestarted nu-Castlevania
make sure they reach the 10 grand for boss rush mode goyim
>that edgy death
games don't need to be this anymore, disgusting
It has aged poorly given game control standards of today but it is worth a romp through at least once if you can get your hands on it.
>games don't need
you know what we don't need? anything at all
actually you dont need to live neither
But it is though
A Christian has a higher likelihood of becoming a violent criminal than a person of any other religious beliefs (except Muslims).
Look it up if you don't believe me. The crime rate for Catholics is especially high.
I guess I'll just wait for an xbox emulator then
>The crime rate for Catholics is especially high.
Artwork looks good. Is the game any good?
>(except Muslims)
So is this gonna be "shilled" 24/7 for the next 6 months or so now?
It looks great you prude fuck.
>every game has to be either a weeb game or a kiddie game
nintenbros go home
Man, fuck off!
why is it always spic shit that gets shilled the hardest?
American statistics, right? That's because the majority if religious people in the USA are christians/catholics so of course the number is going to be higher, dumbass
ot imagery is rad as fuck
This thing is definitely going to have a grab/execution where it chews you to fucking mulch, isn't it? You don't design an enemy with a weird-ass giant mouth as a notable feature and not have a "fuck you you're grass trimmings now" attack.
Conservative Christians are fucking cancer. For most of my life I remember these fucks as the ones trying to censor my vidya and other media.
The only thing is that after the Bush years they became less relevant. Doesn't mean that they don't fucking suck and will shit all over our hobby if given the chance.
The sjw tards are just the new hot in the moral crusader.
My point is sjw's conservative Christians are two sides of the same bs authoritarian coin.
Shut the fuck up you fucking racist poltard!!!
ow the edge
Yes, that is actually what they supposed to be, not your greek dudes with wings.
this is what i wanted bloodstained to be
Nice buzzword, you retard
Because we make better games. It's not rocket science
atheists are degenerate cucks and the ally of islamics and sjw alike
I like how the main character of the game is just a Dark Souls 2 fashion souls character with a dunce cap.
Where in the Bible is an open-ended command to kill non-believers?
I bet you got triggered over Conviction in Berserk as well.
>boo hoo they want to censor my toys! Fuck them!
Sure just disregard the fact that they're responsible for preserving european culture during the dark ages, amalgamating the peoples of Europe after Rome fell and creating the greatest nation ever made and the only place with easy enough living for you to even complain about trivial shit like this: the United States of America
>shoot muslims, blacks, mexicans, etc.. in games for two decades
>business as usual
>game comes along that lets you shoot white christian males
>woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah woah now wait just a second...
Why aren't there games about how bad islam and judaism is?
salt and sanctuary but worse gameplay but nicer art
a ton of Mexicans are Catholics. That means you are being racist for saying facts because they are targeting a race. Fucking racist
haven't had your monkey stew today?
Yeah I'd play this game if it was a good 2d platformer with solid combat and metroidvania style progression systems.
Unfortunately the protagonist looks like the tin man from wizard of oz mixed with a metal traffic cone and leggings out of the dark souls games
Should I be kickstarting this? I don't want to miss out on a deal, g-g...
This desu
Fucking terrible character design in bloodstained, wouldn't touch the damn thing with a 10 foot pole
>creating the greatest nation ever made
>the United States of America
this guy
wrong thread far cry 5 is to the right
Nigger, farcry5 threads are the other way.
the fact that you're even considering it means the jews already have their hooks deeply into you
Call of Duty
Assassin's Creed
That thing fires off every instinct I have to kill stuff. Whatever it is, I can't wait to make it die.
I liked KSP
>any other nation
heh, take a load of this guy
You guys realise the game doesn't actually exist yet, right?
The actual art most likely won't be this detailed and carefully animated. Think Dead Cells - pretty good but not god-tier pixel art.
wrong reference, nigger
that's how they are described in the bible
I truly doubt this is happening anywhere at all.
In the same games of muslim/black/etc killings you can kill just as many white people and no one cares.
I feel like the only people complaining are a very small few that are just as retarded as the ones complaining about killing blacks/etc. Or false flagging faggots. F3 for short.
That's not saying much, considering all of SnS's art looked like somebody shit it out in MSPaint over a weekend.
Good game otherwise, played the living shit out of it.
Yeah, back in the 80s. Guess what year it isn't. Literally every conservative Christian never takes issue with a game's subject matter or at least they don't complain online about it.
>The crime rate for Catholics is especially high.
What a coincidence Mexicans are Catholic
I'd say you shoot white people for the majority of most games honestly, there are just more white people a lot of the time
Maybe you guys shouldn't have been murderers, child molesting pedophiles, with narrow-minded views, and a complete lack of tolerance toward anything that doesn't strictly adhere to your beliefs.
Looks like the cage full of corpses in the undead settlement and Irythill dungeon in dark souls 3.
You're a fucking idiot. It doesn't portray Christianity in the negative light, it deals with a fictional religion in a fictional place that is loosely based off imagery found in Spanish Christian art.
I remember seeing preview shit for Axiom Verge where they made a big deal about all the intricate pixel animation of the bosses. Then I actually played the game and realized that while the developer dude spent all his time animating and none of his time making the fights remotely challenging.
Gameplay > graphics, always
Do you really want to compare spanish food to american food?
>low effort shit bait.
Fuck off
Hey fuck you! I never murdered anybody.
American Christians are just as sensitive and over zealous like sjws.
All both groups want to do is control the behaviors of others.
>Best country
Pick one
Christianity is bad though.
Religion in general is.
>"they're just copying dark souls!"
I wish I didn't keep coming back here. I hate it here. I don't want to be on Sup Forums anymore.
check this out
Almost like cage full of corpses was a reference itself and this thing is referencing the same thing too!
christianity is islam for white people
I know but it's really hard to learn arabic
Stop shilling.
Because the Super Bad Things the Christians did en mass are history now, so people are more comfortable criticising them, and usually the people criticising them are part of a Christian culture, and it's normal to satirize majority-held social structures, since it's not going to incite violence against that group of people and therefore is less controversial (unless you're a Sup Forumsfag who is looking for any excuse to pretend to be logical while conveniently ignoring anything pragmatic as an excuse to be upset and act dickless) - however, all those properties are inverted for Mudslimes. Also, they'll literally kill you if you make fun of them, so there's that.
And as for the Jews, they did nothing wrong.
They're just as bad, possibly even worse in recent years.
Christianity is not for white people. It was made by sandpeople.
There is no way out other than death to get out of here
at least it's not another far cry 5 thread...
Yeah because it's such a widespread issue that Christians are killing people who disagree with them
Oh wait that hasn't been the case for hundreds of years
>But christianity is just as bad as islam!!!!
I'm so fucking tired of this meme. You have to be a literal braindead child to honestly believe that. Christianity is overwhelmingly benign compared to islam.
I don't support any religion, but that is fucking stupid.
Nah, you're thinking of Judaism.
Christianity is Roman Jew fanfiction.
>Weeb shit!
>Dark souls/Bloodborne ripoff!
>What did he mean by this?
>*blocks your path*
>Psh nothin' personal kid
>Shill harder!
Get yourself 4chanx and filter unoriginal shit these dumbasses keep spouting.
The average Sup Forums user these days are fucking retards that can't think for themselves, so they reuse the same old responses and threads for attention and because they have no wit or brains of their own.
I would like to be exposed to more of this game's art style, inspiration, or anything like it, please.
Some of them. There are definitely angels that are described as beautiful people (usually when it's trying to convince you god is actually a super cool guy and not a wrathful, vengeful, spiteful rage machine that you should fear)
Well yeah, but the worst thing I gotta worry about with christians is some androgynous obese blob on a scooter protesting planned parenthood, instead of things like "I wonder if that gentleman in the truck is gonna plow into that crowd."
Yes, this.
Then was changed by the cranky British to disallow gay sex and so on.
There's no way Romans would have followed a book that said no gay sex.