
Release date has been announced! Who else is hyped?




No one is excited about this game? I rarely see it posted on here

I'll just keep bumping till someone comes along


Still can't get myself to finish the first one.
I play it every few months for a few hours wondering why didn't play it earlier because it's fucking fun but after some time I just lose motivation and stop.

September 14th. There is new shit in the alpha

Yeah I didn't play the first one. I bought the early access a few months ago not knowing anything about it and loved it

looking forward to it but not gonna touch until full release.

they were supposed to release last year so I'm not gonna get hyped for September until its here.

I just started the first one and having a blast. Some of the puzzles are stupid, though.

The turn based combat flows a lot better than I expected.

I played the first game and absolutely despised it.

The second game I've enjoyed way more, to the point where I put several hours in the early access.

Shame that the Undead won't be released until launch.

I didn't expect to like it. The first time I played it and saw it was turn based I backed out of the game. Decided to give it another shot and loved it

>Release date has been announced
At least say when it releases then if you want people to respond

Looking forward to it though, the first one was great with a friend.

Finally, the D:OS is the only modern crpg that actually tried to improve upon the formula.

Discovered the first about 2 months ago in a PS4 sale. Me and the GF played it literally every free moment we had until we platinumed it.

Then I hear yesterday that the sequel is coming September, right around when we are taking a break for my birthday, going to be great!

>forgetting about Underrail

Shame on you.

Have you played the early access yet?

Underrail is the crpg equivalent of growing a mustache and riding a fixed gear. For people who thing the fun part about the old games was crushing difficulty and restarting 5 or 6 times till you end up with the single viable build the developer had in mind.

If you think it's actually hard to make a viable build you maybe need to find a different hobby.

Looks like you still pick tons of garbage up

Nah got plenty to be playing so going to keep it so its all fresh for release. Literally know nothing about it other than it is coming.

CRPGS are not a hobby they are one of many genres of games I enjoy. And that is exactly what is wrong with underrail. Made by an autist for other autists to feel smug over.

Did they fix the loot?

Yeah trying to check out the crafting

Wish I would've done that. It's all good, I've played through the early access a few times now

already put money down enjoyed the 1st one alot

>Sup Forums cares more about far cry 5 Sup Forumsshit instead of based Divinity original sin 2

just sad

>14 Sep, 2017
jesus fucking christ.

Yeah everyone is too busy shitting over that game

v is full of people who enjoy shit games, of course this game rarely gets posted.

I am keenly interested in this new development, yes.

I'm surprised no one is talking shit yet

If any game is going to surpass Breath of the Wild for me this year it's definitely this one. I loved the shit out of the first game and I've heard good things from people who have ran through the Early Access of 2.

Going in completely blind.

You have to go out of your way to gimp yourself so hard that you can't finish Underrail. I have no idea what you are even talking about.

>till you end up with the single viable build the developer had in mind

And what would that single viable build be?

Play it with a friend, co-op in DIV OS is absolutely amazing.

I'm looking forward to it but I hope they've improved the armour system since the last time I played the early access. Armour resulting in CC skills being either 100% hit or miss kind of ruined the combat for me.

The biggest downside of Larian directly making the game with coop in mind is that it forces people to find others to play with. I'd like to coop if I could but none of my actual friends are interested in the genre and the random people I've found through Sup Forums or steam could either not be present at the computer at the same time as me or their playstyle would be marginally different than mine resulting in neither of us having an optimal experience with the game.

Arranging co-op is not exactly simple when you and your friends are not in the same time zone or your work shift does not match theirs.

Console version when.

Splitscreen local multiplayer with a bro is maximum comfy.

From my memory there aren't more than 5 pixel hunt puzzles in the game and if my memory serves me right only one or two of those are actually mandatory in order to progress through the game. If anything it's the teleport pyramid puzzles that are too numerous
I still agree that they were poorly implemented and that "just level perception :^)" isn't a valid excuse, but it's not THAT bad.