Hey retard

Hey retard.

Yeah you, idiot.

Tell me the last game you bought that you actually felt was worth its $60 price tag.

I guess Zelda... That's last game I actually paid 60$ for because I didn't want to wait for amazon to deliver it.

Breath of the Wild. WiiU version.

So why did Wendy become a new fotm thing? What started it?

Persona 5. Three play throughs and 200 hours is a pretty good ROI for $60.

Dumb tumblr shit

Ignore it

Persona 5.

fallout 4 i guess

i haven't bought a game at a $60 price tag yet

a cute image got posted on social media and spread around a lot
then people drew more images
and then the porn resurfaced, but it's existed since the early '00s anyway

You know how Sup Forums gets a chuckle of the sonic twitter bringing the banter?
Its like that but for normies and a fast food chain being #SOSAVAGE

The Wendy's twitter page burning people like their fresh never frozen patties because people don't know what a refrigerator is.

Retarded social shit from Twitter
shit's been dead for like a month now.

if there's two things human beings like above all it's food and sex
Wendy represents both of those

>Wendy's "bantz" died faster than their refrigerated patties thaw

I haven't bought a game for $60 but the most I've paid was Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom for 40 or 50% off. I've played 117 hours and not sick of it yet, so I'd have to say worth it.

For me It's Nier Automata, the perfect gaming experience.

For years Wendy's has been trying to grab the internet audience with meme-tastic advertising. They finally made it work by copying the Sonic Twitter

wendy's thread?

splatoon. god damn consoles are shit.

XCOM 2, NieR Automata

The most I ever paid for a game was KF2 for $30.
Couple hundred hours of fun, completely worth it.

Buzz Aldrin

Persona 5 easily

>people are unironically giving Wendy's free advertising
Sup Forums was right again

Last and probably the only game I bought at 60 was Starcraft II on release so.. And not worth it.

I guess ranranru memes were mcdonalds ads

We haven't been to the moon.

>tfw can't eat Wendy's now without thinking about all the r34

Prey, I love the game, even though its not scary.

Persona 5, got 85 hours of entertainment out of it. Great ending too.

Dont know, I never buy games that are that much. Bunch of C uCKS in this thread.

MK8 on the switch

Pretty worth it, 70 hours on it for now

>That greentext
kek[/spoiler]I can't eat or go to wendy's without getting an errection[/spoiler]

By the hours I put into it? for honor with about 70 hours, thats not including the 3 beta things they did. I feel that was worth the 60$ (Even if I did get it for 20% off)

Automata. easily.

Persona 5
Nier a Tomato

The season pass to DOOM 4. I bought vanilla a year ago, finished the campaign and lost interest in multiplayer after the first expansion.

Lateral thrusters and the grenade launcher turn it into as close to a quake game as it can be. Seriously worth it, and at times its basically Paid2win if you like that kind of experience.

zelda even though i paid more because of the leaf economy

I would never pay 60 dollars for a game
That's just fucking rediculous


last game i bought for 60€ was dark souls
i still regret believing their fucking lies

Why is Sup Forums full of subs that reply to insulting threads with smug anime girls.

I think the last game I bought at that price was like Brawl or something? Definitely worth it.

I can't remember the last game I paid full price for.

I crave a milkshake

Persona 5



Last 60 dollar game I brought was Halo 3 like 10 fucking years ago. Yes it was worth it.


gimme da Kawakami b0ss


>ask for Kawakami
>get the alcoholic, ugly and most useless confidant

I cant even remember

Just Sup Forums being late to the party as usual. Probably just a handful of dedicated people trying to make it popular.

i honestly can't remember the last time i payed 60$ for a game
last game i bought full price was grimdawn and that was 25$ and i already have 512 hours in it

isnt onta the guy who drew marty and other gay furry stuff?

>wendy will never bully your penis

one waifu please

She can if you put a burger on your dick

>Haven't bought a 60$ game throughout entire lifetime


Open world RPGs have ruined me.

I don't think any game is worth $60 unless I can spend several hundred hours in it.

I can't say that I've bought a $60 game in the past 4 years.

Persona 5, paid $72 for the TYH edition.


Probably the most fun I've had with a game this year, nothing else really holds up, not even Gravity Rush 2.

You can get a discount on any game nowadays, you almost never have to pay $60.

The last game I can remember that fits is Bayonetta 2, since it came with the original Bayonetta.

why isn't she a pokemon trainer yet?


rolling for Futuba

Post Wendy's banter

I literally can't remember the last game I bought at 60 dollars.

I guess Dark Souls 2, according to my steam transactions? I pretty much only buy shit on sale.

Same, i felt a void after playing it that no other game can fill.
It's easily one of my favorite game ever.

post whitney's banter*

Same here
The other things i bough were either sales of retail


I never understood that logic. 80 CAD$ is worth 60 US$, you are paying the same price.

Nier Automata.
But I bought the CE, so i spent even more.
It was still worth it.

Also, Persona 5, Dark Souls 3 Fire Fades Edition, and Fire Emblem Path of Radiance, which I payed $70 for.



You're thinking about how much you want to **** Wendy, aren't you?


They were

Because not that long ago we were near par and paid 60. It's not like all our wages went up to compensate for the dollar drop, stuff just suddenly costs more.

wendy already exists in vidya.

she is just a crybaby instead of a smug bitch.

lucky bastard

80 CAD is not the same as 60 US dollars.
You're not accounting cost of living, taxes, and every little aspect that increases the value of one of object from one country to another.

Other way around. $60 US is actually $80 CAD

>paying $60 for a game when Prime exists

Persona 5

I don't think I've ever actually paid $60 for a video game
The $60 games I have are from sales, I got the whole Elder Scrolls series for $12


literally anyone that's not Ichiko; preferably Futaba.

Except that sort of logic is only applied to online shopping.

I pay the same or less for equivalent services here compared to my stateside friends. We import from the same spots for the same price but because online stores only deal in USD in NA we're forced into a trumped up conversion rate because muh resource economy.

Basically if I want a game I have to give up a pizza that you wouldn't have to, simply because some people traded the Canadian dollar lower than they would a USD.

I bought Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders on Launch for 60 Canadian cuck bucks. It was worth it.

Last game I paid full price for was overwatch ($40). I think I got my money's worth out of it. I played until I was level 60 or so before I got bored and I'll still play here and there when they have a new event or character.

Last game I paid $60 for was GTAV on PS3. I had fun with it. The multiplayer launch was a disaster of course, but I didn't really care about that. I enjoyed the campaign and fucking around in the world.

Is that a Nier reference?

ayy lmao gib da boi pucc

I've only really bought handheld games in the past few years. I haven't spent 60 bucks on anything, really. SRWV is 60 bucks, but I don't know if I want to buy it now.

rolling for Futaba