Name a better Lets Play duo

Name a better Lets Play duo

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I'm watching the Infectious Insanity of Dr. Dekker and it's fucking brilliant.

>Hell Nathan

How does a fat nerd nu-male get a piece of ass like that?

jessy and Brit
fight me

why is he touching her like that? is her husband a cuck?

woah, jon and arin are looking weird nowadays

He didn't. Jesse has a non-LPing waifu and Doogs is engaged to Strippin.

he is brittish, ofc a cuck

>not completely hideous fatty who is mildly charismatic has literal 5.5/10 gf


Helloitsdan and Lithuanian Dad.

shes way above 5.5, virgin

do you think they fuck?

prove it

post their best

The Super Beard Bros playthrough of Dark Souls 3 is a perfect combination of chill, cringe, and occasional moments of brilliance

ITT: nu-Sup Forums talk about his internet friends that make them feel they're not alone

>How does a fat nerd nu-male get a piece of ass like that?

He doesn't.

yo did he lose weight or what?

>he watches other people play videogames

that british game with the detective

This was a good series

This is taken from a vid they did at yogtowers years ago. It's a joke - the pair are good friends. Dodger met Strippin during the visit when he was part of yogscasr. I'll find the video...

>Lets Play duo
Jesus fucking Christ how uninteresting do you have to be that you need backup for a fucking LP?

>Lets Play
into the trash

No she ain't.

Jesse Cox and Alex Faciane would be better.

I want to do stuff with dodger.

Ruby Weapon Hour
Pat and Paige
Checkmate OP

>virgin projecting his insecurities and low standards
Every damn time

>that time she forgot to shut her webcam off

Had. Jesse had a non-LPing waifu before Jared stole her away.

>Watching a fat faggot and a female dwarf play video games

oh my

I'll leave this here

>gif that will always bait retards


What happened there?

is this the eceleb general?

I couldn't watch more than a few parts of that one holy shit they kept missing the most obvious shit.

lol get cucked jesse


wtf i love dooger now



Man, Jirard is a good guy.

r u bullying me rn?

Jesse and Leila broke up a few months back. Jared is currently in the UK and tweeted out that he was spending the evening with Leila and this other chick Bella. Bella tweeted back calling him a dickhead, JK tweeted that in response to Jared. Seems Jared got his dick wet with Jesse's ex.

I love those two. How are they not fucking already?

I liked Dodger's hispanic shorter roommate who constantly bakes

Pure wife material.


man that girl got famous didnt she
rosanna pansino

Ro best girl

If they broke up why does he care who his ex fucks?

Seems to me like he's a KEK.

No bully, I'm warning you, and you only get one strike.


Super Beard Bros used to be perfect but they've been kind of on a downward spiral now that began since the days of Super Meat Boy. There's only so many times you can repeat "Hey guys isn't this cringy" until it just becomes plain unfunny. Brett is honestly the one thing keeping Dark Souls entertaining for me.
That said, their Secret of Mana playthrough is amazing and reminds me of their older work.
Also it's amazing how they're following all the stereotypes of bad players that /dsg/ keeps talking about, down to the Fallen Knight armor and the Legion Etiquette gesture.

>posting dwafs

>The names Jesse, Jared, Jirard and JK all used in the same story
NOW I see why I am confused

>those """"""""""hairlines""""""""""

What's the problem? They aren't an item anymore and life goes on.


Oh, JK is the Jirad the Completionist

you socially needy little fuck

Holy fuck I'd just shave it all off at that point and grow a beard.

I warned you, you've made her mad

Ask Jirad what the problem is and why he went off on them both for admitting they were together in tweets Jesse could read. Leila has since locked down her Twitter.

Why did it have to end bros?

Is Jirard the most wholesome eceleb? Dude seems like he always tries to be the nicest and most friendly guy

that's the faggiest look

Sips and Sjin

Gabriel Morton and Yahtzee Croshaw

That might be part of the reason, I only got into them recently so all of it is still fresh. And Brett is a fucking treasure.

I really wana bully u tho.

Except when he cut his former friend Greg out from the show

Mods are asleep. Post some Dodger.

And his sketchy relationship with nintendo

Seems like Greg was doin a bunch of shit that forced his hand. Can't say I'm upset about it though because Greg was the one thing holding that show back in lememe shitty territory. Shit has only gotten better since he got fucked.

>you made me promise to protect him. Well guess what, I'm fulfilling my promise.

how many sexual partners do you think Dodger has had? I jerk off to her a lot and it's something that I've started thinking about recently

1 to 100 is the same to me

>Forever friendzoned
No wonder he's a friend of Total "literally raising my wife's son" Cancer

>look up her playboy essay, out of curiosity more than anything
>one of the pictures is her sitting on the floor eating goddamn pizza with the dorkiest face imaginable
Goddamnit Dodger even when you try being hot you still ARE a damned food goblin.
She's deceptively thicc though.

Last two digits of my post.

>dodger anything but annoying
yeah no

Who the fuck is Jared?

honestly probably pretty close to the truth

Jerma and Star_

I'd agree that reusing the same jokes for Greg's character got stale but the show is still lememe tier and the problem is Jirard. The dude just isn't funny and continuously perpetuates old memes in hope that they boost his viewership. Shit is cringe.

Pretty sure she's like 4'10"

Some Youtuber friend of all of them in that little clique. Moved in with Husky and Ro when Dodger moved out years ago.

the guy with the downs face and huge eyes I think

I think that's Ro
Dodger is probably 5'

If you're going to obsess over Dodger at least go do it in her thread.


The pizza shoot was bad.

>Dodger has her own thread
holy shit

>implying this thread doesn't hit the bump limit


>you will never roger the dodger
Why live?

Chipcheezum dudes are usually both pretty funny and informative.

Gotta give it to Jesse.
I couldn't possibly let's play anything with Dodger without having the constant need to bend her over the desk and fuck her.