So, who's hyped to shit back on the jet shitters with some ground armor?

>online piss


I don't really play GTA online much but this update looks cool. Not looking forward to grinding like FUCK to afford any of it though.

Cool vehicles. Hope trainers get updated reasonably fast.

>not buying it all with hackerbux


So when are they going to actually fix the matchmaking or anything

Has anyone else been getting a ton of hackerbux lately?

yeah and some asshole raised my rank too

>TFW Online keeps sticking me in empty sessions so I can't play with others
I'm tempted to see about boosting my money with hacks

yeah i got 100 mil and my friend got 300 mil

never, that would cost money

They ever gonna add new areas? Or just keep rehashing shit that requires you to buy sharkcards?

>GTA Online

i hope star of david doesn't take my money away again

>still playing gta online
for what purpose

>unironically caring about Cashgrab: Online

Until they add new single player DLC or a new area, the online reason to play GTA:V is the single player.

now how big is the game gonna be?

lol wait until they release RDR2 with online component turned off initially for months.
Then they will release it for pc a year later.
And after that they'll keep pumping up 'free' updates for multiplayer with microtransactions,

invest it in a bunch of cars you can sell afterwards

Normie garbage

oh right i should do that now


>the online reason

singleplayer is dead,
RockStar has seen that Sharkcards are way more worth it, since little Timmy's Mom will buy them, instead of violent videogames, and add to that that they can make it so that only ONE car costs 5$ you see the reason behind it

>only 300k
You're like little babies, I've already gotten over 50 million by just switching from lobby to lobby and stumbling into hackerbux.

Also, is the wisest thing to do with them, my second character currently has a shitload of garages filled with X80s.

did you read that right

ahahahha suck it faggots its all about GTA online, git gud scrubs, hahahahaha

>hey Bob, people complain, that there are way too much military grade vehicle driving around, that can't be killed without expensive explosives, you know how we could fix it?

>yeah just patch some new armored vehicles with guns in

the hackerbucks are great, i'm just kinda pissed my rank got set so high. game feels pointless now. i have so much money that heists and shit aren't rewarding.

It's simply opened your eyes to how shallow the game really is

Prepare for a banwave :)

the thing is, i enjoy the game when i'm playing it, but there's SO much loading and full lobbies and loading back into a session and trying to find a game and waiting for the game to load and sitting through cutscenes to mask more loading screens that there had to be some additional payoff for the 30 minutes of loading screens and driving 5 miles across the map versus the actual 10 or so minutes of gameplay there was. but now there really isn't.

yeah i'm hoping they fix the money and rank, checked out their numerous FAQs on the subject so i'm save.

>GTA online

>people find a mission that earns obnoxious amounts of money in a short time
>not cheating, not even an exploit or an error, just the best way to make cash
>rockstar guts it
>people find another mission that isn't super quick per se but the most efficient for money
>rockstar guts it
>GTA5 sales are all full price but get a free shark card
>everything drains in game money arbitrarily, fucking owning cars and a base takes fucking daily cash so you can't just dick around without earning money
>repairing cars costs cash so you have to play carefully with your expensive toys like sports cars
>destroying other peoples' cars costs YOU cash and puts you in a fucking bad boy queue discouraging pvp when there are systems like bounties encouraging pvp, i.e. you can kill them but god forbid you scratch their car
>like two years later and not one singleplayer expansion
fucking jews ruined what could have been a really fun GTA, despite the shit map, broken cops, and complete loss of polish compared to 4

They don't care about a couple of autismos who would just pirate it anyway.

>the apc from SA and BoGT is back, and amphibious now
literally the only thing I could give a shit about since GTA took a turn to this cash cow bullshit, it's nice but not enough to reinstall this crap

I got my account perma banned online because a modder dropped bags of money on my head.
As far as I care rockstar can take their online social accounts and choke on them for spending 2 years delaying the pc port and not dealing with this problem.

How underage do you have to be to prefer GTAO over SP? Kys

>this is the future that awaits red dead 2

i'm already pissed

How do they take something as fun sounding as motherfucking Grand Theft Auto Online and work so hard to make it as unfun as possible? I haven't played it in forever, but I've already "not played it in forever" and tried it again once, when going from the PS3 version to the PC version. I don't want to just go in and be disappointed again, I kinda hate the online game from its core anyway. It's already fucked.

RiP doing Rooftop Rumble and Coveted playlists with buddies :/

Used to have a mod menu and gave myself 60,000,000 onlineshekels back in 2015 (which carried my expenses for all of two months), but since then I've only been hearing stories about people getting banned for getting next to nothing, and the guys I normally play with wouldn't forgive me if I got myself banned over a few modded onlineshekels.

I'm not even worried about losing those new modded onlineshekels, I'm worried about the manual inspection such a thing would trigger turning up pretty conclusive proof that I've been fucking about with mod menus (like how I apparently killed several times the world's population worth of pedestrians with some weapon I never actually use according to my stats).

How is the Online mode so popular? You can't even browser games, most of the times you get put into an empty lobby and even when you join a game it's mostly empty. Also all the loading times, nearly impossible to join games with friends and tons of those problems.

I have the opposite problem. I always get put in nearly full lobbies that some friend-but-not-really of mine is in, and because the alt-enter won't work for me anymore I have to Resmon my way out.

The Support page says that Rockstar will not ban you for receiving money from modders, they'll only remove it from your account. You can basically keep everything you bought, hence why so many people invest their hackerbux in supercar bonds that they can sell at a later point if the money is removed from their accounts.

Gta V is literal shit and the cult following of 10 year olds it has should ring a bell. Gta IV will never be surpassed, the single player, the dlcs, the multi were all great, Rockstar doesn't give a fuck about quality anymore.

>Gta IV will never be surpassed, the single player, the dlcs, the multi were all great
GTA IV babbies is even worse than GTA Sandiggers

the worst part is I loved coveted since it was so comfy to hide out on the top of the hill and turn the game into sniper elite, then roll down the hill in an suv with my friends hanging off the side unloading into the survivors on the way down
but no, stupid kids and dudebros with no sense of value for their cash keep shelling out for fucking fake money so rockstar needs to make in game money impossible to get reasonably or else little timmy and Xxskullsandweed420xX might not give them 300 dollars every month

RIP jetfags

Don't reply to me

Wouldn't a bunch of high-value purchases set off some proverbial light at R*? I mean, my information is outdated and highly speculative (because I was never more than a script kiddie at mod menus), but what I was led to understand a year or two ago is that if you make too many high-value transactions within too short a timeframe you're marked for manual inspection, and after that it's a matter of time before someone sees what you've been up to. Not to mention, buying those cars is also a sign that you're acting in bad faith, which could get you banned.


I think he's Mexican or something, isn't mil a thousand in Spanish

Check your NAT settings

There's a board for bronies too. Doesn't mean I should tolerate you faggots. If you watch anime, grow up, then talk to me

For some reason I thought they were supposed to release a liberty city dlc

GTAO turned out to be such a massive cash cow that they prioritized its development to the detriment of other content. They can't turn down basically free money to the tune of hundreds of millions if not billions of continued revenue per year.

Jets were already easy to take down with the homing launcher that everyone has. As soon as I even fly over the city, somebody is already targeting me

Is that supposed to be sarcastic? It literally is the perfect site for people like that to come shit on pathetic faggots like you.

Hi Lee, have you fucked your dog today?

You should really considering posting on reddit or neogaf if you can't handle anime on Sup Forums, the website was literally built and made to discuss this.

But yeah....can't expect much from nu-Sup Forums. This place has become even worse than Reddit at this point

>muh safespace
Fucking lol. Cry more bitch weeb.

Yeah blah blah Sup Forums was an anime discussion site blah blah. Guess what idiot. Things change, it's not 2003 anymore. You have, how many fucking boards about weeb shit? Like 15-20? And you still manage to leak like the faggot you are. If you are a grown man watching this shit,
you need to rethink your life.

>Still no fix for loading times
>Still no lobbies only matchmaking
>Still no way to select a loadout for jobs
>Still no new heists or any coop content that doesn't involve PvP
>More op vehicles despite the game is plagged by them

The sad part is that at this point I'm not even sure if this is ironic or not

gtao doesn't make billions per year. not even anywhere close

People still play GTA:O?

Literally earned 2.5m from a warehouse mission and got banned.

I want to play more FiveM, but most of the servers are RP servers.
I just want some of the minigame servers that used to be all over MTA.

What should people be playing, user?

I was thinking the same thing about grown men who watch anime and MLP

People still play the 90's DOOM. Although, GTA Online is less fun so idk.

No it's not ironic, I've been here since 2012. I know that's still considered pretty newfag but the only kind of faggots who have been fucking this place up are weebshits. I've filtered like 200 weeb names from those shitty porn bait games you fags play and I still get tons of threads every day about some idiot who's obsessed with a fucking cartoon. Grow the fuck up, I"m not joking.

I do, pretty much only for stunt races though. Rockstar hit the mark with those.

It's not too bad when you have nothing else to do

I kinda feel like they're more boring than the regular races were, a lot of the tracks have tons of sections that are basically just long straights or gentle turns. So you're kinda just driving around this mellow track with some jumps and pointless loops. If you don't have the fastest car it's almost not possible to win because the top speed is so important. Unless the race has catch-up on in which case you just race next to some other guy until one of you pits the other one just before the finish line

I'm surprised there isn't either a stand-alone GTAO, or just a gimped "free" version of it until you spend money on it like some shitty F2P phone game.

So is GTA:O RP even a big thing or is that just a streamer thing? On Twitch GTA 5 is always on the top nowadays and it's just people doing RP stuff.

Can't wait to grind for 24 hours per vehicle/weapon/upgrade

Sounds like the same garbage every update is. Doesn't matter how fun the content is if you need to very slowly grind for weeks to actually do any of it.

what are you going to do about it?

>Still no fixes for psychic police AI
>Still no fix for shit AI in general
>Still no dog racing or casinos because shark cards for money muddy the waters from a legal standpoint in many countries

GTAO ruined GTA but what else can you expect from Take Two, the same parent company that owns 2K and was thus responsible for Evolve's DLC bullshit.

You guys need more anime in your life.

I'm still trying to get enough money for CEO, what's the entry fee for this one going to be?

do I needa buy anything else to get into this game? is the online fun? I played through maybe 1/4 or 1/2 of the gta campaign and it was interesting but got pretty boring...

is it worth $30 shekels on sale?

I can see what you mean but a lot of my races are a lot of fun, especially if you end up in a lobby where most people know what they're doing. Getting fucked up is rage inducing but it's also hilarious when you send someone else careening off the track. I did enough of the other stuff to get the money for some cars though, so the custom stuff doesn't really bother me. I do wish there was something traffic-like to mix it up a bit, when the cops start flying around and shooting out people tires it adds another element to it.

>I'm gonna come into this anime website, tell people who have been here longer than me that things have changed because it doesn't appeal to my normalfag sensibilities
oh wow

>somebody is already targeting me
Too bad it can't actually hit shit. All you have to is keep flying and you'll outrun the missile.

fly in up then turn

It's probably fun to dick around in for a while. A lot of stuff is locked behind ranks and cost a lot though so that can make your experience feel pretty gimped. On the other hand the biggest thing to spend money on is cars which isn't at all necessary to have fun dicking around. I've played it way too much though, at one point it was just basically my go-to game if I just wanted to mess around doing stuff. One moment I'd be doing some dumb shit with a plane and then I'd just go race with a car. The load times are horrible though

>do I needa buy anything else to get into this game?

>is the online fun?

>I played through maybe 1/4 or 1/2 of the gta campaign and it was interesting but got pretty boring...
Why would you assume 5's campaign is any different?

I felt like I always got hit with the Hydra no matter how I flew. Maybe I'm just shit. It's a shame too because I wasn't particularly aggressive, a lot of times I'd just want to land next to someone and goof around, but everyone just kills you in this game as soon as you're within a hundred yards of them

>GTA V is 4 years old

IV is ten years old next year. Also you're an old piece of shit now like the rest of us

it's ok I guess, you miss out on high end stuff unless you grind for a while or shell out for jew cards (don't you fucking dare), and rich faggots can be anti fun with their tanks n shit, and flying is useless now since pvp kiddies will just hound you with aa launchers
you can't really fight people in cars since for some unknown reason destroying cars in a player v player car game with rocket launchers and grenades is punished because rockstar is useless
cops are also broken and fucking psychically home in on you even if you use hiding mechanics or outrun them (they constantly spawn ahead of you as you outpace them, and the entire top half of the map has too few roads to outmaneuver them)
also once you do get a rare car you better be extra careful because your fun comes second to rockstar's wallet and you have to pay whenever it gets destroyed
you can still have fun mucking around with friends though, I guess

>Mfw 20

>mfw I'm about to turn 30 next month

This fucking cat I swear to god...

You'll be 25 in two years and wonder how that happened. Also you won't quite remember which year you did what, they all just blend together

>You'll be 25 in two years and wonder how that happened.
I've already spent the last almost 9 years on this shithole and that feels like it flew by at this point, so I'm sure I'll be 30 in 3 years.