>Awesome looking Kickstarter game with tons of Potential
>reaches goal easily
>Stretch goal mode engages
>120,000$ For Level Designer
Are you telling me this faggot is depending on Stretch goals to finish his fucking game
>Awesome looking Kickstarter game with tons of Potential
>reaches goal easily
>Stretch goal mode engages
>120,000$ For Level Designer
Are you telling me this faggot is depending on Stretch goals to finish his fucking game
Other urls found in this thread:
Stop shilling.
I believe you don't know what shilling means
>Are you telling me this faggot is depending on Stretch goals to finish his fucking game
No you fucking moron, as it says on the page "significant impact richness and size of the game" In other words the game world will be better-designed and larger if they can afford a professional to work on it exclusively.
that means they're depending on stretch goals to make the game theyre selling
>that means they're depending on stretch goals to make the game theyre selling
You are an idiot. They can make the game for $50K, they have $95K so they're making it. Currently they have no dedicated level-designer meaning 1 or more of their team is doing the bulk of that work in addition to their main role. If they get $120K they can hire someone just for level-design, and so the game-world will hopefully be better-designed and larger.
What fucking game
>next stretch goal is weekly events
that's a terrible idea and not worth the money
Glad it's funded and I didn't have to contribute a dime. Now I can forget about it until it comes out.
Thanks suckers.
It looks okay. But I had to click the link at the bottom of the game's website, which then took me to kikestarter, and then had to scroll way down just to find out which platforms this thing is on.
So they are going to release a sub-par indie blunder unless the backers pay the ransom and cough up another 120k for the chance that the level designer will actually complete the game for them.
>They are relying on funds to make the game
who'd a thunk
>Are you telling me this faggot is depending on Stretch goals to finish his fucking game
protip, everyone does
they just do it less obviously
not necessarily. they could make decent level designs without a level designer, theyd just end up with a worse game
if they're selling a shit, unfinished game unless people meet the "stretch" goals then they're not really stretch goals
Last thread was fun :3
you can make a finished game without a dedicated level designer dude
Kickstarter is basically the same thing that Jordan Belfort did in the Wolf of Wallstreet except people never get their money back.
It should literally be illegal.
Goddamn I'm gonna get sick of seeing this shit on the front page every hour of every day with no subtlety whatsoever.
Learn to fucking read.
>Mixing Mirror Knight and Alva Armor.
>In Blasphemous, you will play as The Penitent One, a rogue nomad tackling the evil of this world alone with only their trusty sword by their side.
>their trusty sword
>their side
>neither his or her
Fucking SJW and their bullshit pronoun wording. DROPPED.
I'm kidding, but I can't wait till one of you spews the same beaten and mundane SJW crying shit.
>Pledge $1000 or more
>2 backers
>Pledge $1500 or more
>1 backer
Who has this much money to waste?
I've paid that much on other kickstarters and I'm liking the $500 pledge level on this campaign
Maybe hire an art designer instead because wow that looks fucking terrible
What do you mean you're kidding? Sounds like bullshit to me.
rich people, which is a lot of people who are into "nerd culture"
Would you fund 4000$ in Phoenix point? I want that floating base
Looks more like Mirror Knight Helm, Black Leather Chest, Hard Leather Gloves and Rogue Leggings.
Rich people?
>you can't express your opinion otherwise it's just sjw crying shit
Make like a female visitor to hte Cosby estate and get fucked
>Awesome looking
There's your problem. You're buying into a premise or a setting before an actual good base.
I like the OST
how do we stop them?
Cool it, user. I really don't care if they're going for "gender neutral" pronouns. I dunno, it could just be their English since they're from Spain.
I was just mocking the nitpicky bullshit that Sup Forums fags will eventually parrot about this game (and most games too).
it's basically this and I love it. Yes I know what imagery the helmet is supposed to be evoking, don't get defensive just because someone compares something to a popular videogame.
Oh man, please tell me what this indie, kick started, rouge like game is. I'd love to know
Don't worry, I have a project in the works that'll put a wrench in their progress, I just need you to donate to my Patreon and I can start working on it.
Isn't that just Blood Starved Beast?
Sell me this kickstarter, Sup Forums.
(You) sound just like the kind of fags I was mocking. But I'm afraid I don't have time to argue with you, boyo. You win this one, I concede. A man better and more autistic than me could waste their time doing that in my stead.
Hol up, are you tellin' me, that kick starter projects, is lazy? Sheeit.
Yes agreed!! Bloodborne invented 4 legged crawling creatures. Based MIyazaki xDD
You retarded Souls drones need to fucking kill yourselves.
>bloodstarved beast
The whole stand out thing about bloodstarved's design is that it's draped in its own flayed skin, I don't see that with this monster. The cage full of dudes on top of it looks like those enemies in DaS3 though
what imagery?
It doesn't matter whether or not it's a kickstarter or if some guy financed it out of his own pocket, it's a video game so of course Sup Forums is going to hate it.
bigger gif
man ty op u just got em fuckin excited
Miyazaki is your god. Kys faggot. From Software 4 life.
Seriously though 10 grand to implement boss rush seems a little fucky to me.
I mean, you're just connecting work you've already done and adding a score.
Assuming by "argue" you mean repeat the phrase "go back to Sup Forums xD" in some form a million times, then yeah.
That's not how stretch goals work.
>Hey, we want more money and in order to get it we'll throw in [thing] that you want
>Guys, we want to add [thing] but it's going to cost us $XX to do it
>Jordan Belfort did in the Wolf of Wallstreet
Or, you know, IRL.
how do you get a game funded on pixel sprite animations alone? Normies have no standards and I'm laughing at everyone who backs this and will continue to laugh when it isn't released
>instead of adding boss rush because it's an easy net improvement found in the most basic of pixelshit games, we're holding it hostage
What the fuck lol?
What's next another 10 k for a bestiary?
I won't back this but I'd be interested in getting it if they actually make it. I like the look and idea of the game even though it doesn't even try to hide how much it pulls from Dark Souls.
totally haven't heard that one before!
Fucking can't believe people still give money to kikestarter shit in 2017
is that a wizard
this is the correct bait in kikestarter
>WOW we got our money in 3 days! better add more stretch GOALS for more shekels!
>pay more to get a better game
What's the issue here exactly?
This assumes we'd get an actual user-friendly level designer that runs on multiple machines instead of a "Well this works on my dev machine as long as I don't do XYZ which crashes it since I don't have time to debug this beyond a 'good enough to make my game' state".
Not to be a faggot but the helm and sword design really remind me of Looking Glass Knight from ds2, what with the face-shaped mask and thorn design
wow rly makes you think
You should ask for money to make a good game.
Not ask for money to make a game good.
i have this really cool game, do you want to play this really cool game?
supply and demand here you go.
So the game can only be good or bad?
It can never be a case of turning a decent game into a great game?
game looks dope. nice ziltoid btw.
Okay, I'll bite.
How about you make the game "great" in the first place?
Is that too much effort for a developer? That's what I thought.
all the animations look really jerky for some reason.
>Are you telling me this faggot is depending on Stretch goals to finish his fucking game
No you idiot. He plans to run off with the money and bullshit us with identical looking "procedurally generated" levels.
Sure, the game will be great. No, let me top that. It will be REALLY great.
But if you contribute more money we will make it amazing
I know where you're coming from user, and you're not wrong, but there isn't a way to tell if a game will be great or not with 2 more fucking years to go. The project is funded, they're working on it, it looks good so far. It's entirely up to the people if they want to contribute more for possibly more and/or better content
Probably close friends or something.
>flayed skin
It just looked like bloodied clothes in-game
nigga what?
>the kickstarter has a picture of where the inspiration comes from
>lol pointy hat means kkk
This game looks fantastic, and I'm looking forward to it, but it's impossible to "get hyped" when the global launch is in 2019
Sure you might get the beta/alpha earlier as a backer, but still quite a ways off