Was he right, Sup Forums?
Was he right, Sup Forums?
Him and all of his followers are the most cringe demographic that has ever existed
lol what a fag
Hi George
Hows that podcast network?
>Was he right, Sup Forums?
>turn to abject shit
>so awful that people wilfully ignore wrong with your opposing new podcast
>even though whenever he's not giving dirt on you it plays like a really shitty radio call in show with the world's worst guest star
I hate this timeline
>cucks you
>steals all your fans
>skyrockets in popularity
>gets to top 20 in Patreon revenue
>makes one of the most popular podcasts in america
Yes, Completely 100% Right.
Stories in games are completely stupid, unless it's an RPG.
He made Pen Jillette apologize to him. That must account for something right?!
Stay mad, Faggox
>Trusting a cucks opinion
Goddamn you guys are fast
what's there to be mad about? that a good podcast ended and resulted in one that's shit and one that's frightfully boring whenever it's not coasting along on gossip?
He's a numale cuck
TDS is doing more than well being its own thing. It reach 1mi and then 2mi downloads VERY fast, and is raking an insane amount of money. You're probably still mad that the format changed to bits and fucking around instead of debate
yes it's doing well financially because it's the podcast equivalent of a shit drive-time call-in show but that's unlistenable if every single human being besides the host and audio engineer that have been on it are unfunny idiots who you want to shut up and deep throat a rifle. It speaks volumes that he even brought in that unfunny fucking autist from facebook to begin with.
I don't care enough to watch the video, but that image looks like he's dying. Go see a medical professional before it's too late.
hes just naturally an olive colour
I don't even know who this is.
Fuck all of you nu-Sup Forums cancer and your e-celeb worship.
>i'm ignorant, fuck you!
why even post
>e-celeb threads
>John "Lemme google how to wipe a hard drive quickly" Carmack
>John "Only worked on one single good game in his entire career" Carmack
>John "VR is not going to be a gimmick" Carmack
the only thing that's dying is his career
>listen to Biggest Problem for Maddox
>kinda hate Dick
>suddenly Biggest Problem turns into 45 minutes of political talk followed by Dick being a goofball because he's the only one who remembers its supposed to be a comedy podcast
>aaaaall the bullshit Maddox pulled at the end
>plus retarded shit like Madbux and all his stupid losers he pays to hang with him while he desperately tries to become "real" famous, hosting game shows that never go to air (not that he belongs in front of a camera).
>meanwhile Dick is turning everything to gold and everyone into part-time e-celebs
>Astereos assblasting Maddox on the iTunes comedy section and ending up in the library of congress for a 24 hour project he threw together
Seriously, wtf Maddox?
>Maddox turned into a sjw faggot out nowhere and has the most boring guests ever along with his new boring persona
>Dick creates a podcast: basically "Comic relief character gets his own show" where he invites literally who's and faggot hollywood nobodies that shill their new book for 50 minutes and tell "stories" about their boring lifes
>TBPitU at it's peak was the best podcast i've ever heard
>not it's gone
Man I wish for someone to pick up on that format of podcast, it was great but too short lived.
Also sage for not videogames, but damn
Astereos usually brings some great stuff to the show, whenever he's physically present.
His list of made-up Star Wars merch on Biggest Problem was one of the last times I actually Laughed Out Loud.
>Dick creates a podcast: basically "Comic relief character gets his own show"
How the fuck is that a bad thing when TBPITU was supposed to be a fucking COMEDY PODCAST
That explains why his website hasn't been updated since 2002.
Comedy needs balance on the best episodes Maddox played a little more of a fact checked moderator that moved shit forward and kept things in from getting stale
Dick was the "asshole" that allowed debates to move forward and usually to create an opposition which was fun and interesting to side against or to side with, his cleverness also kept the show funny as hell while also being laid back despite of the formating
Ergo why Maddox's show is boring and Dick's show is just too loud and screaming and AHAHAAHAHAHA KEKS YEAH I DON'T CARE YO FUCK THIS GUYS AAAAAAAAA. I liked their dynamic when they had it towards the end it went to shit but man was it good while it lasted.
IS Maddox Mexican?
Well yes, gameplay is obviously more important than story in a video game, but it's also stupid to say that stories in games are inherently bad and shouldn't belong there. It feels stupid to even say this out loud, like it's degrading to everyone involved.
Stories can help you feel more invested in the gameplay, and gameplay can make you feel more invested in the story. They go together like bread and butter.
mexicans like tacos
maddox likes soup enemas
beaners would never stoop so low
Hes a retard.
His arguments make no sense and focus on games form 30 years ago instead of the industry as it is today while criticizing modern games?
Also its my personal theory that everybody who likes silent protagonist has some kind of mental problems.
>adding a DDR stage makes as much sense as adding a story
his libertarian thing was retarded, but also his armchair economist one where he essentially acts like an annoying armchair economist and tries to 'debunk' the broken window fallacy by putting it in a situation where it doesn't make sense
The apple debate I didn't mind because it didn't take up that much time and it ended up with maddox saying and apology written by dick which was the funniest moment on the show
The one that made me the maddest was the fucking job lynch mobs episode though
>Listening to an eCeleb let alone a cuck
sounds like he really tried to fuck over dick as well, as the editor of the show your co-host and guests trust you not to twist their words because they can't take back what they say like the editor can, then he tries to blow up some stupid rape comment when he's made babyfuck jokes on the show
i don't listen to TDS but maddox is fucking dropped
the only games where the story is more important than the gameplay are VNs.
but you fags will say he's wrong because a lot of your favorite games would be shit without the story, especially you, witcher fag #2362567257.
>this guy fucks supermodels
Anyone got a link to Dick's bonus episodes? Looking to see the one on the restraining order.
Games in stories or just like stories in any other medium. A movie doesn't have to have a story to be fun or good either but it's nice if it's there. People who like movies that just try to be fun may not like games only made to be fun and vice versa. No medium has a specific intention it must adhere to. It's all up to everyone's tastes.
Was this the downfall of Maddox? I remember it seemed to all fall apart not long after this came out.
*Stories in games
VNs are games as much as choose your own adventure books are games.
There are however games with VN elements, like Monster Girl Quest or the Rance games.
so is the dick show good or not?
It's great. Peach confirmed for best guest.
Does Pat know about this
Depends on what you liked about TBPITU. Did you like Dick's silly bullshit rants and being a goofy prick that likes to enjoy himself, with occasional commentary from Sean? Then yes.
Did you like Maddox's false bravado and trying to be a egomaniac control freak? Then no.
i meant the usual click and read stuff.
i'm not really into vns but rance was fun as fuck, how's monster girl?
i liked rance for the gameplay and the characters were cool but mostly the gameplay, is MG as good as rance?
Maddox had always kind of been leaning on the edge of shitty but in general the political climate, plus being in Southern California, plus Dick dating his ex made him go full lunatic SJW eventually
I'll go wherever Sean goes in all honesty. His voice melts me.
well he's only on The Dick Show now. He used to do both podcasts but, basically, Maddox didn't pay enough.
occasionally drops off at end, but first 60-90min range from good to sidesplitting
>it's a Dick Show thread
Fuck yes, finally. Who's the best co-host (not counting Szjuekghn) and why is it Asterios?
He's right that gameplay is more important than story, but he presents it like there should be absolutely no story. I think that story is good for most genres in moderation.
Google the guest and if he's shit skip, also skip phone calls
it's okay
>Maddox didn't pay enough
Shaun just couldn't appreciate the true value of Madbucks.
Go through the bite sized clips on his Youtube channel to gauge whether you like it or not.
This one is my favourite, I think.
I wish I got the bonus episodes.
Asterios is great in moderation but I feel like if he were always around it'd be fucking awful. That said I hope he beats the fuck out of that the_donald moderator because Asterios may be irritating when he goes off on his liberal tangents, but he's not as irritating as hard-right redditors. In general the reddit people Dick has call in are boring shitty faggots who think way too highly of themselves.
What if Maddox is the guy who calls any game with any cutscenes in it "cinematic trash"
It is a good podcast, but nothing can beat what the biggest problem brought in terms of how good it was. They were so good together.
>tfw thinking of writing small, couple minute episodes of Cadyver and recording them like mini radio dramas to send into the show
I can't tell if it's a good idea that people would want to listen to, or if it'd be embarrassing and stupid.
Asterios is great in phone calls and bits, but whenever hes in studio as a cohost, he interrupts, fake laughs, and rambles far too often, and it takes away from how funny he can be when he's more comfortable.
You could tell when he was uncomfortable and depressed in TBITU after his first few appearances, and the difference was night and day between stellar episodes 27, or the one with Toms Shoes
>caring about maddcucks
Hello 2006.
He's a cuck and was never funny.
How long until Pat is brought on to give a rage
There's no denying TDS's batting average is much better, though (maybe to be expected since Dick came into it with all the experience of 2 years in a successful podcast?) - TBPITU is like 50% meh episodes, 30% good, 20% great - TDS is like 20% meh, 60% good, 20% great. I can actually re-listen to most TDS episode, TBPITU has many downright painful ones, especially nowadays after the goss storm and seeing Maddox's shit in the proper light
but Madcucks is great
Then he becomes aids moby.
most episodes from 3-70 are great imo, some duds here and there but before the libertarian shitshow it was fairly consistent
the quality post dickless episode was spotty for sure
>Pat let his gf go camp in the rockies with a former PUA which has literally zero qualms about cucking people and whose last podcast ended over him fucking his co-host's ex
Classic leaf
on the most recent episode Dick compared Asterios to Artie Lange, and it's actually pretty apt. He's an out of control alcoholic that can often be a pain in the ass but he brings the laughs often enough to make it worthwhile.
TDS shines on Goss, Biggest Debate however only shines when people rightfully shit on maddox. Without rucka that podcast would die.
I wish he'd let rucka pick the phone in callers so its not just maddox picking the one she's got some witty GRR NO U SHITHEAD response to. Its no fun when he isn't flustered and actually caught out
I tried listening to Maddox's new show, and it's just plain trash. Arguing with himself and only bringing in cohosts to interject and make jokes instead of actually contributing.
I couldn't make it past three episodes.
I don't think Dick was ever a PUA, he was playing a character on Doctor Phil (that's why that episode got scrubbed, because they thought it was real)
I still think he totally banged Peach at least once though.
>Sup Forums tries to be as different from reddit as possible
>makes threads like this
>ever being right
I'll uploaded you a rar with all of them, gimme 10
no wonder that australian guy came over to help, dick cant even set up a fucking dome tent properly
Honestly, that was one of the things that made the old show so appealing. Maddox was always writing within his element, never had people directly question him in his pieces, and seemed calm and composed most of the time in a manufactured anger sort of way. Suddenly, he has a cohost that throws him off kilter and challenges him on everything. You get to see him genuinely flip his lid and get shaken. It was fucking awesome.
Now he just surrounds himself with people who agree with him on everything and only seem to disagree in jest for the show.
the Australian guy came over to help with cooking (read: hang out with hot women and Dick)
also considering he was probably drunk while he set it up you should be glad it's standing
Trust a Greek before a Jew and a Jew before an Armenian, but never trust an Armenian.
>Maddox's girlfriend blocked me on twitter even though I never tweeted at either of them.
She sounds like a real cunt.
she's pretty much the reason that George went full on SJW instead of just irritating liberal
irrc some chick who was on the House of Judgement sued them, or had a condition or something, and thats why they were removed from syndication
dick making them look like idiots was only a bonus
and yeah, i cant help but feel bad for pat sometimes when i hear peachxdicks banter
Yes. Even the best story in video games is nothing compared to even an average book or film.
They never really talked about her on the show. What's she like? Is it the same one Dick slept with?
At least aids moby is honest about he likes.
>rich never shuts up about how thief is the best game ever made
>only has one story about it that he keeps repeating over and over
>refuses to play it without a hideous hd texture pack
>refuses to play the original deus ex and complained about grafix in human revolution
>says jedi outcast is the only time star wars worked for him other than the original trilogy but he's terrible at it and can't beat the first level without getting wasted by storm troopers
Threads like this make me wish we really did have an e-celeb or podcast board.
Uploading to Mega, ETA 30 min (~800MB rar). If the thread lives that long I'll post it
Because of how shit it is or how good it is?
>~800MB rar
zip that shit dude, rar blows.
You da man, user.
~23 min to go. My upload rate is only 5Mbit
the one Dick slept with is 80s girl who is now his girlfriend.
"Mental" Jess is your typical turboliberal feminist SJW type. They've mentioned her a few times on the Dick Show, she's the one that tries to get job lynch mobs on people
Will be waiting for anonymous to deliver.