Series that have more shit games than good ones

Easy start, tales.


Factually wrong.

Spyro, only the first 2 were good.

Metal Gear.

Only Rising is worth playing.

Final Fantasy.

Tomb Raider.

The two newest ones are the only ones worth playing.

Legendia, Xillia 2, and Zestiria are the only ones I see people complaining about.

Hell, FF has more shit games than Tales.


The Witcher. 1 and 2 are not playable.

The only good tales games that are worth playing are these.

Destiny Directors cut
Xillia 2

Thats it, graces is fun but the characters and plot and especially character designs are god awful.

Every other game is trash


Pleb filtered

Star Fox

Star Ocean

star ocean


Phantasia: good. Ambitious for its time and still boasts one of the best Sakuraba OSTs.
Destiny: remake is incredible.
Eternia: great. Solid naturalistic character development and the best 2D visuals of any PS1 game.
Destiny 2: good. Innovative and punishing combat mechanics with a surprisingly solid story for a JRPG sequel.
Symphonia: a classic. Two fully fleshed out worlds, ambitious story, tight 60FPS combat running on a modified Tekken engine.
Rebirth: great. Unique combat with no traditional healers, well woven character arcs and the best racism story in a JRPG.
Legendia: mediocre, but it boasts a 10/10 OST.
Abyss: another classic. Has an impressive thematic consistency, amazing lore and does flawed protagonists very well. .
Innocence: DS game was mediocre, remake was great.
Vesperia: would be a masterpiece if not for the third act. Still a great game.
Hearts: both the original and remake are just kinda above average.
Graces: shit.
Xillia: shit.
Xillia 2: mediocre:
Zestiria: shit.
Berseria: great.

That leaves us with 4-5 out of 17 or so games that aren't good. Why lie OP?

Really easy OP since that series has no good games at all whatsoever.

Star Ocean is fucking trash too, I dunno how that shit is still around to be honest.

Starfox series.
Mario Kart series.

you triggered me, fuck off drake

>being this much of a casual

I feel you have very low standards and will rate a competent but completely by the books JRPG as excellent


When will we get another character as fun to play as Ludger, tho.

I bet you only played like 3 tales of.

>vesperia that low on the list

suck my cock user

Unreal Tournament

It's not an ordered list and I went through them in chronological order you fucking idiot

Honestly, that wasn't a baitpost or anything.

I'm nearly 30; played the original tomb raiders. The new ones are just 1,000x better. More fun, prettier, less inane bullshit that requires you to buy an Official™ Guide™

Symphonia was uninspired tripe with a derivative story, unlikable characters, and functional but cookie-cutter combat. The only people who consider it a "classic" are people whose first console was the GCN and didn't play any of the other, far superior RPGs for the console.

>1 and 2 are not playable
>3 is actually fine
How retarded are you, user?

>Symphonia: a classic. Two fully fleshed out worlds, ambitious story, tight 60FPS combat running on a modified Tekken engine.

Nope, mediocire battle system and the plot has poor pacing compared to other tales

Sorry, just average game overhyped by nintendofags.

Berseria combat system is just merely a tolerable version of Zestria, shit STILL uses that trash Artes tree system.

Only the original hearts was good, the remake completely ruined it.

Only 3, World, and 64 are really worth playing with every other entry being garbage

How can someone who enjoyed the first two not like year of the dragon?


>A world where discrimination bred discrimination on a grand scale, a legendary hero's love for his sister led him to control the world with a religious farce, the protagonist is taken on a journey far beyond his scope that involves retracing the steps of the legendary hero they unknowingly oppose, and several levels of political intrigue collide
>Uninspired tripe with a derivative story

>cookie-cutter combat
Do you know how to spell cancel and its use?
Do you know some artes have a OTG property? Do you even know what OTG is?
Do you know what triggers enemy Overlimit?
Do you know that you can reset a combo-chain and start anew essentially locking the enemy if you know what you are doing?
You probably noticed that you can't round all over the place like in later titles by abusing broken shit like free-run on Abyss or around-step on Graces. Learn to bait an enemy attack and punish them, and the different methods characters have to dodge attack. (Lloyd has Tempest, Regal gets double-jump, some characters can extend their jump by attacking mid-air, etc).

Symphonia is one of the finest JRPGs of its generation.

One of the most overrated game series of all time without question, rising is a competent action game that is fun to play and doesn't feature unreasonably long cutscenes.

>Arguing with bait
user.... cmon man, he's either completely braindead or blatantly baiting you, you wouldn't argue with some dumb faggot that claims Vesperia is bad would you?

Name ONE tales with a unique plot and didn't go for the safe route

If you think ANY of that is revolutionary, then you're affirming my statement about fans of this game having no prior experience with RPGs

You haven't even played half of those lmao


I've literally never seen such a shit opinion in my life

True, you're probably right.

it's in release order you fucking mongoloid

Xillia was garbage though, Xillia 2 is only good because it let you kill that terrible cast from 1.

The only bad tales of games are Xillia, Legendia and Zestiria.

Tales popularized what are you describing as "the safe route".
But to actually answer your question, Berseria.

And then you have a dozen mediocre forgettable tales with a few gems.

Yeah remember all of those other JRPGs where the MC literally murders the entire party?

But Legendia and Xillia 2 are great.

Your taste is pretty terrible.

What is "the safe route"?

>Yeah remember all of those other JRPGs where the MC literally murders the entire party?


Not him but Berseria isn't something i'd call unique though, revenge stories have been done millions of times

Both of these don't count, alternate endings are a copout.

>tfw you get this ending in your first unspoiled playthough because you can't kill your bro

>Moving the goalposts

You kill all of humanity including yourself in one ending Radiata Stories. In the other, you kill your shitty tsundere girlfriend then walk away from the rest of your life and friends, overwhelmed with retarded angst.


Which ones are the good ones? I consider myself a fan of JRPGs, but none of the FF games I have played have held my interest long enough to finish.

Berseria does it pretty differently, it's very much the revenge of the "woman who stay behind waiting for her men to come home from warfare"

Final barely function as a story anyways

Changing the gender doesn't change anything, it's still the same text book story direction of a revenge story.

You are pretty stupid

If we go your way there is less than 10 story "directions" in the entirety of fiction


I don't know user. I'm not the guy you responded to but I genuinely enjoyed Berseria's story. Usually, revenge stories are about this ball of anger that is angry from beginning to end with little change. But Velvet is so much more than "anger unleashed". She's still a cute girl who wants to be a homemaker and a protective big sister. The party around her only makes her better, too.

The story itself took a lot of twists and turns to get to its ending. Whether or not you predicted what happened, it's the getting there that matters more than the end result. Every kind of story has been done before- we've all seen the major beats for every kind of story. How the author crafts the tale and the characters is where the enjoyment comes from. And in this regard, Berseria was very good. You don't have to like it. But calling it a plain and boring revenge story is doing it a disservice.

Just wanna let you know, you looked really cool and edgy leaving VII off that list. Made all the girls wicked moist

>Only the original hearts was good, the remake completely ruined it.

you say it like you played it or something

I didn't like VII.

>claiming to be a tales fan when you hate most of the series

What a badass

fire emblem

Kingdom Hearts
Paper mario (at least even)
Resident Evil

Part of being a fan of something is being pissed when it's shit.

EX. Star Wars prequels

>No V

Dragon Quest (main series) since it's only one reskinned over and over

Who the fuck care when you left the best one out, Tactics

I think there's a point where you can say you're not a fan of the series even if you like a few of its games. Hating most of the games in the franchise qualifies I think.

weird way to spell XII

But it's good every time.

Yeah there's TOOO many tales with annoying stories.

And Goddamn i hate how this franchise will have a good battle system and then tosses it for a garbage one instead of perfecting the previous one.

This ENTIRE series is inconsistent, can't have any confidence if the next game is gonna be awful or not. They need to take a 4 year break and make a new engine for the series.

>just shit out endless amounts of sub-par games because they know their autistic weeb fanbase will buy it anyway

not even Kingdom Hearts does that

>Hearts instead of PS1 Phantasia


It's literal shit.
I've seen Greenlight RPG maker stuff better than Goku's Retarded Cousin and friends the game

Well the sales are declining at least

You don't know what you are talking about. Final Fantasy only has 3 bad games, II, VIII and XIII.
XV wasn't bad, nor great. It was okay at best.

Okay Talesfags. Give me the best game, only one game from that series to either buy, pirate or emulate. And I'll pay money if I have to just to play it. I swear on my cats.

It was offensively unfinished and they're just selling the rest for dlc, fuck that game entirely

>3 bad games
>1 mediocre
>2 good ones
Yea it checks out.

What? Only IV is bad rest is great especially V.

Wrong as fuck

I - 8/10
II - 8/10
III - 6/10
IV - 10/10
V - 10/10
VI - 10/10
VII - 10/10
VIII - 10/10
IX - 10/10
X - 10/10
XI - 5/10
XII - 8/10
XIII - 8/10
XIV - 10/10

Didn't play XV yet but damn this is the only series that consistently delivers.

Even the spinoff games are good.


>FFX 10/10

Yeah your entire list is trash based on this opinion

Vesperia is the most balanced one that has best everything

The story is shit, easily one of the worse in the franchise which say a lot, the antagonists are shit, the dungeons are annoying shit, it has the one of the most boring cast gameplay-wise with only Patty and Judith being cool to play as.

So no

Vesperia's combat and looks were good, but neither the cast nor story were particularly strong. I don't understand why it's so overwhelmingly popular.

Eh. Story fell apart in the last act, the music was mediocre, and NO PS3 VERSION REEEE. Thank god they stopped re-releasing the same game with updates but giving us the early (incomplete) versions. Good riddance, Baba.

I'd say Berseria is the best of everything. Solid cast, speedy and fun combat, huge story and world, big post-game dungeon with more story, best Tales grafix to date (kek). Music's mostly okay. No, you don't have to play Zesty to play Berseria.

Of course, you should play Phantasia if you can deal with older game design and looks.

Skip Symphonia and Abyss, they're overrated. Not bad. Just not as good as the people who played them as their first JRPG think they are.

It's popular due to the art style and because YURI IS SO COOL

>he doesn't like the objectively best FF game


>not V
Shit list. Mechanically, V improves on III in every conceivable way.

>I'd say Berseria is the best of everything

Berseria has garbage dungeons that are barebones as hell just like everything since Xillia, it's been a decade since tales had dungeons that had effort in them

Star Fox
Kid Icarus
Paper Mario

The closed-space dungeons are boring, but you don't have to spend a lot of time in them at least. I honestly prefer boring but functional dungeons over whatever "creative puzzles" the dev team decides to half-ass for that particular game. Either make the dungeons about solving a puzzle, or make it about going from point A to point B with monster encounters. Don't fucking do both, it just doubles the time I spend in there without any increase in enjoyment on my part.