
You have to hit him until he dies.

You don't

is this some dark souls garbage? if so, you dodge roll and then attack until he telegraphs his next attack. rinse and repeat

it's like Artorias, let him finish his combos and then hit him once.

Gael is one of the fairest bosses in DS3. Probably counting the entire series too. If you can't beat him, just summon. There's no hope.

Roll left. Don't walk into the lightning behind him. Poison weapon.

>is this some video game garbage? if so, you press the button and then don't press the button. rinse and repeat

This. Hes also one of the funnest to fight, not once did I ever get even mildly upset over dying because redoing it never got old

You kick his ass, chump.

get yourself a frost weapon, hit him until you hear the sound of Frostbite procing, then hit him with a firebomb, so you can re-inflict Frostbite faster.

You just described melee combat systems.

i literally killed him on my second attempt

>gratsword heavy +10
>50 strength
>35 vit

it's really easy compared to other fights, his attacks never go past 3-4 combo.
Also his swings are quite slow and telegraphed.

It's really one of the most enjoyable fights in ds3

hold shift for focused movement

Was the DLC worth playing through? I started a new character but I forgot how much a drag the early game can be.

Press X to win.

First DLC has a great environment design, weaker bosses and gear. Second DLC has weaker environment design, with stellar bosses and gear. And you have to get at least one of them to access the PvP arena. Since it's the last DaS for the foreseeable future get the DLC if you actually like the game enough to want more. That's it really, just more content. Anyone who's a fan will get it for more Souls.

>35 VIT
The fuck level is your character

Ringed City is really good. Ariandel is also cool but not as good as Ringed City. Ariandel, however, is a much nicer place to explore than Ringed City; the latter actually gets annoying with all the enemies you'll have to deal with if you really want to explore.

fug my bad i meant the health stat
i forgot what it's called

Just give him your Dark Soul, bro

Gotcha that makes more sense

Is this some shitposting garbage? if so, you bait and then insult until he replies. rinse and repeat

i agree with this

ariandel aestethically is a joy to explore.

>gorgeous and pure as snow from the outside
>rotting flesh in its core

the ringed city didnt impress me in terms of environment but it's definetely better thanks to the bossfights.

> annoying with all the enemies you'll have to deal with if you really want to explore

the angles and spammed herald knights in the city streets were a mistake

this is good advice