For the first 15 hours I didn't get why everyone was so disappointed with this but then holy fuck...

For the first 15 hours I didn't get why everyone was so disappointed with this but then holy fuck. I'm not sure there is a worse ending in the whole history of vidya. Hong Kong 97 ending made more sense.
Zero Escape thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

God, this sucked balls. I need a new VN to read.

Why are all the characters fucking idiots this time around?

>get to the AFM
>listen to the stupid explanation of Nazis finding a fucking time machine
>still hope that Zero trying to fuck with the characters
>game ends, AFM was the real deal
He literally had a more interesting setup with the fragment system and puzzling together the correct timeline. AFM could have been a fluke, trying to trick the player into believing things are happening in different timelines or out of order. Fuck this game.

I think it was alright

Discovering the real timeline was the best part in the game

>For the first 15 hours I didn't get why everyone was so disappointed
I agree that the ending was the worst part of the game, but there was a lot of bullshit in the early portions of the game that didn't fly with me.

I remember waiting for a twist or reveal that never came.

If I recall correctly Uchi had a different plan in mind but trashed it. Whether this was because of the "making it appeal to the West" thing or budget/time constraints I have no idea.
Is it just me or did they ruin Junpei more than Akane?

Which one in particular?
I'd say they ruined them both equally honestly.
Which sucks because they were both awesome in VLR sans Junpei's "muh quark"

>Phi is a clone
At least they got something right.

>Phi is Sigma and Luna's daughter
So close

I think he cut a lot of the planned connections to the previous games because he was mainly focusing on selling the game to a new audience and disassociating it from the previous games. He made a lot of weird decisions because of that, like taking the series name out of the title in Japan.

They ruined Junpei and Akane equally, if you ask me.

Who would win, 10000 of ZTD Akane's "muh Junpeis" or one of Tenmyouji's "muh Quarks"?

How about all the ones one available on the internet?

Hong Kong 97 has an ending?

Uchi kicked his number one writer in favor of someone with more cinematic experience. All was done just to please the western audience supporting him since nips didn't give rats ass about the series. He probably had hopes of creating new sequels with the similiar style. Ironically the result was something no one wanted.

desperate for more zero escape discussion bump

>we've gone from 2-3 threads a day to barely a thread a weekend over the course of a year

To be fair there was a lot of shitposting last year because of how bad ZTD was and now there's really nothing to do but complain
I still remember the hype threads when the character art was revealed ;______;

>ztd was bad meme
it wasn't as good as 999 or, arguably, vlr, but ztd is good on its own right

worst bait I've seen in a while

I only got into the series around March last year, didn't actually get into the threads until April, so I missed out on the character reveals.
Was just in time for the Famitsu scans and the stream though. Good times.

Not even him but I think it's a pretty good game too. People like to fucking exaggerate on everything.

I haven't finished yet but even if the ending is the worst in video game history, it won't change the fact I still had fun for the rest of the game and a shit ending won't erase it.

A game is not only it's ending.

I agree with him

ZTD's biggest problem is its obvious lack of budget. Those animations are terrible.

>March last year
You missed out on having to wait so many god damn years only to be disappointed

>ZTD was not bad
>ZTD is good


I was still disappointed, if it counts. I still wish I'd been here for the whole ride.


It didn't have any plot worth mentioning before the ending. Just a bunch of shallow gore and dragged out cutscenes that repeat the exact same thing three times each for the different teams. The "complex moral choices" that were advertised were a complete joke.

This is what I don't fucking understand. People will say "I-It's just the budget that made the game bad!" but don't touch on the fact that it made a bunch of things from VLR "noncanon metafiction", and that Uchi tried to defend it by saying that we should make our own endings or some shit. What the fuck.

Uchi changed the story because at the point of ZTD getting greenlit he had known how it was gonna end for so long that he was bored with it. So he wrote a new ending. He confirmed this in an interview.

Tell me you're memeing

The AFM is kind of the only way Phi could be Sigma's daughter, which was already foreshadowed in VLR.
I dunno how else you would have done this.

And anyone who thought Another Time was actually canon and not "thank you for playing my game, you're great, I love you, please play the next game" ego-stroking is basically retarded.

Also I think Alice and Clover's dialogue in AT was meant to foreshadow the AFM.

He's not wrong. Uchi is 100% solely to blame.

>When Uchikoshi was developing the second and third games simultaneously, he had the plot skeleton for the third game which was left intact, but the rest of the game became totally different. It’s because when he was writing the plot, he already knew what the outcome was going to be, so he might end up getting bored in writing the scenario. In order to avoid that, he had a suggestion to ‘surprise himself even more’, which resulted in the story getting changed.

I'm still willing to wager he changed everything due to publisher pressure.

I don't get it either. Pumping more money in doesn't fix bad writing, and it was Uchikoshi who decided to waste all the funds by going full cinematics. Wouldn't surprise me if that's part of why the original project got canned, since he was talking about wanting to do it like that since the VLR answers.


God damn it

>tfw even us anons could write a better ZTD than uchi

It's sort of the opposite of that. With 999 and VLR, he had producers calling the shots and keeping things in line, which he complained about a lot, but ZTD was the only one that he had full reign on with no authority to tell him what to do. According to interviews, the producer said "yes" to Uchikoshi's every demand, like changing the title and the artist.

Huh. Well disregard me, I suck cocks.
It just sort of annoys me how Sup Forums went from "Uchi is based" to "wtf I hate Uchi now"
after ZTD hit. Guess that's just my fault tho.

Well good fucking job Uchi you fucked up

He went full "this game was only made by you guys and for you guys, please buy it" and it turned out he gave 0 fucks about his fans in favour of new fans he could trick into buying his shit thanks to dropping text for more casual-friendly cutscenes
People who still like Uchi are mindless drones

What could have been done to save ZTD? Like if you were Uchi's editor what would you tell him?

Holy shit imagine if they brought Cradle into it. Too bad Uchikoshi was so obsessed with accessibility for new players.

>remove people saying no
>it's shit
every single time

>People who still like Uchi are mindless drones
This 100%
Didn't he block people on twitter or something?

Cradle was SUPPOSED to be involved in it if VLR was any indication. The Myrmidons were known as "Clay Dolls", but then they localized it for whatever reason.

>tfw Ace was mentioned in VLR
>nowhere to be found in ZTD

What other "thriller" VNs are there? I've already done Zero Escape series, Infinity series, I/O, Root Double, and Steins;Gate. I'll probably play Chaos;Child when that gets localized.

Don't use 'localize' to talk about things you don't like. Also any changes have to be approved and people at Aksys already knew important plot points of ZTD since the VLR era (like D-END 2) so it probably wasn't supposed to be more than an easter egg.
Didn't Jumpei say he was in prison?

I love how the only one that is actually true is the Mira one but even then it seems like it was edited in afterward, given the edge offset.
So I bet there was something else there that was equally false

No idea. To fix it, you'd have to start at the root. That means at least making it with the actual dev team from 999 and VLR, keeping it a visual novel, and not throwing out the plot points VLR set up for the third game. But what to do from there is beyond me.

As shit as it is it's alluded to in VLR when Akane says she has a way to send Clover and Alice back in time.

It's not bad enough to instantly make a game terrible. Essentially since the game was hardly based in reality to begin with

>Zero Escape series
>Good ending
pick 1
I want to go back and forget it all

>implying anything can remotely control our boy Hongou
999 was at least okay by itself it shouldn't have gotten a sequel though

ZTD makes me sad. So much wasted potential.

>Don't use 'localize' to talk about things that were localized

I still dont fucking get why Mira would cut off Junpei's head.
That shit was not part of her MO, why the fuck was that implemented other than give a reason to Akane to go on a murder spree.

It's... difficult to boil the reason down to ONE word...

You're retarded

Couldn't the kid have done it after Junpei was murdered? Was it specified she set the puzzle?

It's not. The problem brought up in VLR is sending Clover and Alice back without leaving them stuck in the future and without causing there to be two Clovers and Alices at the same time. Alien fax machine does neither, because it both leaves them behind in the future and creates copies that exist on top of their original selves.

They also say that the method for them to go back to their time is "Schrodinger's cat", which doesn't have anything to do with the time machine. That and the VLR Q&A hinting at Brother having the ability to slip his body through time make it sound like there was some plan besides the alien fax machine originally.

>oh shit I have a escape room idea with these severed human parts!

Such a disappointment considering how great the first two were

Danganronpa for 999 meets Phoenix Wright
Umineko for Ten Little Niggers:The (120 hours long)kinetic visual novel
Umineko is the better one just thanks to the soundtrack
Try to download the original and apply the PS3 patch
I don't suggest checking the Umineko steam page since it has spoiler in the pictures, but if you can't manage to find it and patch it then use this steam patch

Scrodinger's cat deals with which body the currently active consciousness of Alice and Clover winds up.

Kunk no. Forced is better than having a fucking ending in my book. Disappointing, not bad.... REALLY disappointing though. I don't know why anyone on this board gives VLR such a fucking free pass. Lel, we're allowed to not have an ending cause play the next game. Don't mean to rustle to many jimmies, but the lot of you are cuckolds, and I mean that in a derogatory sex shaming way.

Is there any fanart of 1900 Phi? I want to see her in roaring 20s fashion.

>kinetic visual novel
wait what
go back to /r/zeroescape

Forgot about Dangan Ronpa, I did play that. I'll check out the other game though. Isn't that a successor to Higurashi? Is that worth a look as well?

>If their consciousness travels with the "fax" they aren't stuck in the future just condenming another them to be stuck in the future.
>There isn't 2 Clovers/Alices at the same time since 1 is essentially removed from the world as they chill in Cryo
>Schrodinger's Cat is whether she wins the consciousness lottery and goes back in time rather than staying on the moon.

How so? They'd always wind up in the fax machine pods. That's how the machine works.

>Danganronpa for 999 meets Phoenix Wright
Stop telling this to people, there's a high chance that people won't like DR because it's only one level below in weebness, behind stuff like Nep and Nekopara.
Only similarity to 999 is that the cast is trapped. You could make more analogies with AA but it's still very different. Also DR1 is bad, but it's kinda worth it just for DR2.

Did you even play the game?

kinetic= no choices, just reading
The ending is pretty bad, but the ride is so wild and unique that it's worth it
Many people prefer it to higurashi, but the anime is so shit it is nowhere near as popular

Remember that Mira didn't have to face up for the crimes she committed

Valued input, I'll make a note of it for future discussions.

The House in Fata Mrogana

>You will never experience Safe Ending for the first time again

Yeah, I played the game. The machine makes creates a full copy of whoever goes in and sends it to another time. Both versions have the original consciousness, and for the originals, it's like they just went into the machine, then got right back out. That doesn't have anything to do with "Schrodinger's cat" or helping the Clover and Alice that are stuck in the future like we were told.


>999 premise with Phoenix Wright gameplay
I find no problem with saying it's 999 meets Phoenix Wright.

>it's only one level below in weebness, behind stuff like Nep and Nekopara
What the fuck are you talking about?

>it's like they just went into the machine, then got right back out

If they get shit luck. Otherwise they get out and they're the consciousness in the past/future/wherever. THAT's how the machine works.

For all the shit ZTD gets I think we can all agree that the memes were the best part of the game.
Made the whole experience less dissapointing.

Can we please, as Uchi fans, make it publicly well known to not expect a satisfying, well executed ending going into playing his games? I'm fucking tired of lel meme ending. Endings has ALWAYS been his biggest flaw. He can make these incredibly deep, multifaceted, interconnecting stories. but he doesn't know how to climax, resolve, and conclude. He can throw in a bunch of really interesting ideas, that continuously stack on top of each other. But he has terrible confidence when wrapping things up, in interviews often talking about how he gets so hung up on the endings. It's pretty terrible as a reader cause he gets to ridged, like that afraid that his ideas aren't going to make sense, and he talks down to the audience way to much. Not to say he hasn't written a good ending, 999 was good, not AMAZING or anything, just solid. But like, I feel like if we made this critism more public, hopefully the man will just chill the fuck out.

I'm struggling to think of two more irresponsible people in any game.

Especially KNOWING what they decided to do was being manipulated and just flat out fucking wrong.

It's P4 social links, plus 999, plus Phoenix Wright. The director is very open about this the further along the series has gone.

>If they get shit luck.
No, the original always stays in the timeline they are in.

>Phi could be Sigma's daughter, which was already foreshadowed in VLR

>What the fuck are you talking about?
You need to be able to stand a certain level of weebshit to try to enjoy DR.
Yeah adding P4 into the mix is better.

>Oh, silly Zero, making us do puzzles with these COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY FAKE body parts!

Uchikoshi, the master of shocking plot twists.

I wonder if he drinks himself to sleep every night knowing what he's become.

Nothing in specific, but there are a few points of dialogue between Phi and Sigma in VLR that hint at their relationship.


What the fuck is "weebshit" to you?

How is DR anything like Neptunia or Nekopara?