What are some F2P games you've genuinely enjoyed?
What are some F2P games you've genuinely enjoyed?
none of them you fucking idiot
I guess this thread doesn't apply to you then.
cozy picture though, I'd love to live there and enjoy one of the quality full or discount priced gaming gems that're available to me
yume nikki
mechwarrior online
Doom mods
off the top of my head
planetside 2
flash or browser games don't really count because that would inflate the numbers alot
GunZ, S4 League, Grenada Espada...
Recently Tree of Savior has been working well for me.
Blacklight Retribution
RIP ;_;
Currently playing Paladins. I heard about it from playing a lot of Overwatch. Right now I actually prefer Paladins for 1 main reason. Due to my shitty PC I can't even maintain a constant 30 FPS on Overwatch, which kills the experience and kinda forces me to play Tank / Healer if I wanna do well. Paladins however runs very smoothly, and I don't suffer any frame rate issues while playing fast paced heros.
The games are very similar, including some of the character designs, but I don't mind. Some of the differences are quite significant, which for me makes the experience feel refreshing. There are certainly a few things I'd change about Paladins (the hit boxes are massive), but it's a great game for F2P.
league of lends
guns up
I loved all the storyline missions in star trek online.
Technobabble and all, lasted me tons of hours. Was great.
Paladins. I hope Keystone is just as good if not better.
City of Heroes
It was too good for this world.
Dota 2
Granblue Fantasy, honestly. I didn't think I'd get that into it but it's been enjoyable so far.
Maplestory, Gunbound, and League
Gunz, Gunbound, Let it die, and loadout.
Gotham City Impostors.
Uncharted Waters Online
Still playing it.
I legitimately enjoyed the PvP in Blade & Soul for a while.
fishing lvl?
Maplestory, Allods Online, Regnum Online, The Chronicles of Spellborn, Vindictus, probably forgetting some
How is Let It Die? I just got a PS4 and the only other thing I have for it is P5.
Vindictus, I've played this game on and off for over 7 years now.
I liked PvP as KFM in this game too.
It's okay at first
KFM was fun, but I had a 90 ping instead of the optimal 25 to play it flawlessly
It's pretty cool at the beginning but it gets increasingly tedious as you get further up. It's free though so you could just play it until you reach the point where you're not enjoying it anymore