I guess Sup Forums wasnt ready for the EVOLUTION of gaming

I guess Sup Forums wasnt ready for the EVOLUTION of gaming

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I still play it occasionally. It's fun desu.

>my first evolve thread didnt get any replies so ill make another one!

I saw. I see everything.

What about fucking up the F2P launch

They had a playerbase and they lost it


They were so sure their game was going to be hot shit, that they went ahead and blew loads of money on a giant fucking statue to show off.

the beginning of (hopefully) the end of the company

I thought it was fun too. I put a lot of time into it

When they had a playerbase people finally saw how they couldn't balance shit

Even downgraded the game for F2P

I'm glad it was such a hit success outside of Sup Forums then that it continues to make money to this day. It would have been sad had it failed and become a F2P game.


It was a fun game. People complained about graphics, but I thought the graphics were top notch. The only problem the game had was pricing.

One of the few games that made me sweat in anxiety like 1v5 in CSGO does

The F2P thing had several issues, one of them is that it became fairly obvious it was not worth paying for. You had micro transactions that they eventually added in, and it would be more convenient than grinding something out - great, in theory. In practice the game's balance was so out of whack and has such a small pool of repetitive combat with not nearly enough variation that you never feel like it's worth putting money into it. You can feel it failing around you. The environments are fall too small now on top of that.

Even if you did want something, it was very likely it wasn't added yet. Like different varieties of an existing monster or hunter you were waiting for, but that never came because they stopped development.

So many issues and things holding it back.

I was more interesting in the story of the world and the monsters, I'd have rather watched a movie about it or played a single player campaign with story and voice acting about the monsters, their origins, tracking them down, taking out their nests, taking out the monsters etc etc etc. I mean you have this half-monster scientist girl that performed experiments on herself, you can play as her, but you'll never get to experience her crazy as story or ever see where it goes even though she's the perfect candidate for experience an entire story as one character seeing it as a scientist out of combat, until the experiment goes wrong, where you set things up in a beginning, a hunter, later on and eventually as a monster when she's completely overcome by the transformation.

This could have been the next Giants Citizen Kabuto.

But they wasted it.

The graphics were good and it had other shit

the F2P version removed all of that

The game also had DEEPEST LORE

>literally everything about the game was great expect the gameplay itself

Every fucking time

Kala a shit though

Sort of what I mean, Kala's a really interesting character but playing her as implemented? Sad and sorry nonsense.

I hated her actually she kept trying to play the victim card and kept bringing up the monster shit even when people didnt care

"Hi im Kala......IM A HALF MONSTER BTW"

The part where the fucking Bugman BTFOs her is great

Yeah, when she was the one to bring it up, that was bad writing. I don't feel like that improved the character. The reactions to her, without her bringing it up, seemed fairly proper.

It's a flaw of how they delivered story in the dropship. It never should have been delivered like that in the first place. You should see that story unfold, play it, not have it told through a series of HEY IM UNIQUE PLEASE COMMENT ON IT bits of nonsense. When I say Kala is an interesting character, I mean what she represents, the potential of that storyline.

Not what they did.

>he didn't read the official backstories posted on the forums

It made me really want to see that cyber-demon monster

Real shame how they handled it. I think they had a lot of great ideas.

>The cowboy was a nerd and the black guy was a weeb

>goes f2p
>still irelevant