Cutest girl is also the strongest member in your party

>cutest girl is also the strongest member in your party

Other urls found in this thread:

>you will never fuck ayla's armpits

Robo and Frog aren't girls though

>Ayla will never fuck YOU

Strong enough to give birth to all of your children.

I want to have sweaty, sensual sex in the jungle for the sole porpuse of procreation with her.

>cutest girl is also the strongest member in your party

So true.

ummmm excuse me sweetie's she has a boyfriend

>super popular game
>has fuck all fan art

>ummmm excuse me sweetie


Kino's a cuck so it's all good.

how bad do you think her cave pussy smells?

Have fun faggot

yeah me

like unga bunga rocky milk and rocks

what's the matter, hun?

god dammit Sup Forums sweetie posting shouldnt leak here


>coolest party members are worst at combat


Like it matters in a game as easy as CT

You wanna hit me?


Holy shit, best evasion tank in the game period.

shame about your shit damage output

Oh wow, I never noticed that was her.

technically Ayla's power peaks when she's mid level, if you level her too much, her claws become shitty because "instant death" doesn't work on any end game monster

>best boy never gets girl

If Ayla and Marle fuck is it incest?

I see that no-one complimented you on your absolutely fantastic taste: Let me be the first to do that.

Lucca a best

I will, faggot. Big strong cavewomen belong in diapers.

Dis thread iz so slow, no one will know ze best girl est moi!

jokes on you, your my favorite dragon

After playing CT I just couldn't get into CC at all. Should I give it another try? Is it worth it?

>game has no cute girls

But Frog and Magus are both great.

It really isn't.

It is the type of sequel that tells the original to go fuck itself sideways, tries to reinvent the wheel for basic gameplay, and is just kinda there.

It is also like Suikoden, in that it has far too many characters for any of them to really matter.

in my peripheral I thought she had a ballsack dangling

bitch got hairy pits

It checks out.

Why can't personnelfags stay in their containment threads?

Is Chrono Cross worth playing? I try to get into it but lose interest quick

What the shit Marle? Get your act together!

>dat sweet healing XP abuse

I played CC before trigger was ported, thought was a good gayme after the shit ff8 was.

Let's just say, there's a reason there wasn't a third Chrono game.

It's neato. Although I'd never replay it again after getting all the endings, it's story is basic, but does require you to follow along and gives you multiple points in the game where you can actually end it. Only if you're good enough though. I'm sure there's some youtube video of a guy not on New Game+ beating the end boss right at the start of the game, but that won't happen with me.


Best girl.

But Robo is objectively the best character in the game

Chrono Cross is terrible. The pacing is awful and the plot is a clusterfuck. You spend about 90% of the game doing stuff that has fuck all to do with anything, only to have the actual story told to you in an infodump.

Gotta disagree with this, the Suikoden games make their 108 characters much more interesting and relevant than most of the 40 characters in CC.

>The strongest member in your party is a cute girl
>You are the cute girl

Deadly gaze, dark visitor, dread wings.

It is maybe the honestly most complicated story I have ever seen in a videogame. I say that as both a positive and negative.

At the least listen to the soundtrack. Probably the greatest soundtrack in videogame history.


dat magic nuke power goddamn

The soundtrack really is great.

Except for the battle theme.

Holy hell THIS. Look Sup Forums I know that gamers are beta males and like to pretend the female characters in the medium love Nice Guys who are sensitive and also weak and shit like that. But man that Kino guy? Talk about annoying (especially after the stunt he did to the party). I don't see why Ayla wants him outside of Bad Writing.

Reminds me of how in World of Gumball, Nicole loves an obese 100% good for NOTHING manchild because of atrocious writing. Though to be fair, the woman is an idiot for breeding with that retard.

The story of Chrono Cross is very shitty. Once you understand it? It's very unsatisfying. Basically you're literally carrying a Just As Planned scheme by one of those elders from Zeal to free Schala who also doesn't even look like herself in Cross. Having a story summed up to being this unsatisfying invalidated existence of an endless time loop was just shit. And having Crono, Marle, etc murdered for this plan to work just made me glad the Chrono series is dead. Fuck whoever likes that terrible story and whoever created it at Squaresoft, hope they fired that person.

>Marle never learns any fire spells

Fucking lying ass coverart.

>Fuck whoever likes that terrible story and whoever created it at Squaresoft, hope they fired that person.
They didn't

agreed. best theme too:

step aside, lambs. AERODS master-race coming through!

Man I can't count the number of times I fapped to Elly back in the day. She is best girl


A fucking men.

Sure her damage output tapers off in later games but she is dodgy as hell.

So basically every western video game?

Great girl, but is there really any competition in game?