Pick one

Pick one

No matter which one you pick, the magic of being a kid while playing this won't ever come back.

meteorb sorc for MFing

Druid for my animal buddies.
Necro for min maxing skelly mages.

I played it as a kid and couldn't get into it beyond Act 2, I had way more fun going through the game and beating it recently as a 23 year old

Oh boy...23.

Life starts going downhill really fast at this age.

Why mages? They're so bad.



if anyone played diablo 2 and didn't make the army of darkness at one point they played it wrong.

It's been going downhill without stopping since I was 17 so that's just par for the course

Why the fuck are there so many d2 threads all of a sudden?

My nigga Pally ofc.
>chuk chuk chuk chuk chuk

Paladin all day errday. Smitin' evil, saving the world.

because killing them and making more til you get a army of just one element was really fuckin neato to me like 10 years ago.

It's not like I've played a ton of different builds but the most fun I've ever had in D2 was with a frenzy barb. so that

Necromancer, and I start taking points in Raise Skeleton until it stops letting me.

Bone Necro.

please do not discuss such things


Stop wasting points.

>you will never discover the sanic barbarian for the first time ever again

Nigga I was like, 12.
Never beat the game, but damb it was fun for me.

>Playing the niggerdin

What the fuck is wrong with you two?

Only one choice, put the ass in assassin.


Barbar pleas
Or necromancer, skelly armies were tight

Necro or sorc.


Going to have to go with Brobarian. He's never failed me in my quests to defeat the prime-evils.

Playing this as an adult means hardcore only, even better

5 days until bi-annual R E S E T

Close it and fire up divine divinity or something, instead of playing dogshit.

Don't cry sweetheart, you break my heart.

blizz sorc

31 here.

I pray for death every night.

Javazon. Twitch and Death's gloves/sash make her fucking unstoppable in norm/nm

Why would you do such thing??

i recently found out that i like those types of games, never bothered with them before.

i like the style of d2 but i'm not happy with the skill tree, looks like i'l be spamming 1 or 2 skills throughout the game, am i wrong?

>relatives start to die in droves
>trouble connecting to people
>losing the few friends I had
>body is falling apart
>career is getting nowhere
>pop culture doesn't fill the void anymore
Unless you have a healthy outlook on life, age will fuck you up.

I'm almost as old as you are. Embrace the void, and you'll never feel despair again.

bone nec

>not skelelord
You hate fun, don't you?


Makes sense that you've concentrated your early investments into 1-2 skills since you don't want to spread yourself too thin, however you need to get used to hotkeying your skills so you aren't arbitrarily limiting yourself to 2 skills due to controls.

you can bind your skills to F1-F12 by default but can change your hotkeys to whatever you want
Generally most classes only use a handful(2 or 3) abilities to kill and the rest are buffs debuffs or summons
Since they added synergies you are kind of pigeonholed into dumping points into abilities you arent going to use for extra damage on the ability you are going to use and then picking a secondary ability for immunes or to compliment your main ability

Necromancer has the best skill variety.
>drown the world in skellies
>debuff the shit out of everything
>fucktons poison damage with a dagger
>spam assorted bone projectiles too
>make borderline immortal golems
>motherfucking CORPSE EXPLOSION