Come on, there's literally nothing wrong with virtual Rick-ality. It's a fun game. All the Rick and Morty games have been excellent, even Pocket Mortys. And Rick and Morty is a great show. It literally oozes charm and intelligent humor.
It's not my fault you still believe in an imaginary friend in the sky.
Come on, there's literally nothing wrong with virtual Rick-ality. It's a fun game...
And I said
Tiny Rick!!!! XD
Cosmic Trip is better
>not video games
as much as i like rick and morty...
VR games where you stand perfectly and rotate on a 360 degree swivel still were a mistake.
I want to explore 3D worlds, not be taken on a shitty amusement park ride
>intelligent humor
Give examples.
I never watched the show but I kinda want this because I have a Vive. Is it good?
is pickle rick in it?
>intelligent humor
See this is what has been getting on peoples nerves about this show lately. They're mistaking the premise that the main character is the most intelligent character and his universe and the subject matter is usually science-ish for it actually being an 'intelligent' show. The humor of the show isn't even as smartly written as shows like Futurama, Mission Hill, or even early Simpsons would be. It's just really funny and the writers have a lot of great chemistry and that's not a bad thing
Hardware limitations, until omnidirectional treadmills become common you'll never see a game like that. The best you can do with current setups is teleport the player around which sucks.
It's not a good "game"
the ending of rixty minutes got me cryin
Sure this made me nervous that they were hiring based purely off of affirmative action but my unease was put to rest after the season three premiere which I thought was a fantastic episode
I don't understand the appeal of this show at all.
Or, you know, they could stop using gimmicky motion controls and just use VR with traditional controls.
I wonder how many guys were let go/turned down for this bullshit.
literally that's it
That's the Oculus Rift, and it sold like shit till they introduced motion controls too.
Vive is perfectly capable of supporting normal controls.
>Mission Hill
Tell your wife's and her son I said hello.
I think Rick and Morty is funny. I like the characters. The show tries really hard to be smart and falls on its face sometimes, but it doesn't bother me since it still manages to be a genuinely entertaining program.
It's not the best thing ever, it's just a solid adult cartoon.
>(((and Morty)))
What did he mean by this?
Or make the "movement area" moveble with an analog stick.
how pathetic and anti Semitic do you have to be to download an extension to identify potential jews
>Half the staff doing twice the work.
Give it some time and it'll fall apart.
There is no content. The game is an hour long. I fell for the VR meme hard but I can't really excuse this game. It's just a fun tech demo to show your friends.
>reddit and memey
fags like you have to go back
>equality of outcome
>equality of opportunity
Guess which one produces results and which one strangles anything it touches.
>that yellow caricature creature in the bottom right
What the hell.
>sales being even vaguely indicative of quality
>in the fucking videogames industry
Come the fuck on.
And I know they can both support normal controls just fine. The previous guy was talking about games utilizing it, not the hardware.
Probably literally 0. Why do you assume something like that? You are obviously a sociopathic sexist so I know you believe women are different than men in some way. Do you not think they offer a different perspective on things? You probably think there is no perspective that matters other than that of white men. Maybe you think only your perspective matters. If either of those are the case, you're worthless. There are more than 7 billion other people on the planet and most of them are not like you. That doesn't mean your God's chosen (say hello to the big guy upstairs for me after you die and don't even have the chance to see you were wrong because the unfortunate set of chemicals that make up what you perceive as YOU will simply stop functioning and the non-existent illusion of your ego will cease to confuse your mind no longer)
>intelligent humor
The show is just retarded, dirty humor. I love it cause it's so fucking stupid, not because it really fires my neurons.
I think I hear more people complaining about Rick being an atheist in one thread than I've heard rick say god's not real in some variation
you just made a tl;dr autistic post and nobody even bothered to read it :^)
Sales matter on hardware platforms, when the TAM is small it's not profitable to support a platform. That's why there are so many Vive only games but very few Oculus only games.
Pocket mortys is ok for a phone game. Rickality just looks like another vr tech demo.
Commies will never learn, even after millions dead under its terror people will continue to worship its asinine ideas.
Aren't these the same people that believe that gender isn't real? if that's the case, leave it up to merit.
Did you know that in studies boys and girls picked their gender-corresponding toys before they were old enough to be exposed to cultural roles?
Can someone give me that screencap of the post describing an atheist watching Rick and Morty? Can't seem to find it
I said "indicative of quality", not "matter".
At the end of the day the oculus is still shit, but it's not just because the lack of motion controls. Even if it did, claiming "x is bad because y did it and y failed" is fucking retarded, doubly so in this shitheap of an industy
its kinda expensive though.
>I bet adult swim are charging a ton of money for that license.
Outside of the embarrassing and cringeworthy improve segments was actually a pretty meaningful episode,felt like one of those down to earth twilight zone episodes.
There's no intelligent humor but the show is pretty good overall
I only watched the first season so I cant tell for the others but there is some really cringe moments like almost every time someone mentions god rick automatically says god isn't real like a fedora fag or everytime they try to act like niggers it end up being painfull to watch but there's also really good moments like the ends of episodes 6 and 10
So you should try the show if you have some spare time and doesn't mind some reddit humor here and there with originals episodes's plot
The game look totally boring tho
And never pay attention to the fanbase
It has some pretty abrupt and witty writing.
Keyword "some", not saying the entire show has witty writing.
>before they were old enough to be exposed to cultural roles?
They're exposed to it in the fucking womb. Not saying that's wrong, but I'm saying that if you think there is "before they were old enough to be exposed", you're bananas.
>culture is attained in the womb
Fucking this.
It's a fine show, but ever since my college dropout friends watched it they all got this retarded belief that being an atheist actually makes you more intelligent.
Any time I see a company or product doing this I know not to pay any money for any of their shit.
hey Sup Forums I love rick and morty I find it funny as hell I also believe in god and I don't think the show is trying to convey an atheist message (it's not because one of the main characters is saying shit that it's the message of the show).
Also I don't mind gender equality and I never browsed reddit in my entire life.
Can you point out why I'm trash again ?
Literally reddot humor.
>"BUUURRP god doesn't exist morty"
>crowd goes fucking wild.
It's the big bazingo theory but for redditurds.
I was being soaked in hyperbole. Would it help if I admit "the moment they leave the womb"?