*blocks your path*
What's the fastest way to get from Novus to Nexus without any friends. Just Ifrit normal spam?
Will the Makai gear and thus the chance to get the titles for the different classes disappear in the expansion?
That's a girl.
If I have digital standard pre-ordered, I can upgrade to digital CE later if I want the items right?
Try pony farming groups.
it will last for a month after 4.0 release
>pony farming groups accepting someone with an ilvl 110 weapon
Nigga go back to leveling what are you doing wasting your time making the ARR relic
I like the looks of the gay buldge.
yes, for hw it was introduced on the mogstation 2 weeks after normal access
>mfw watching the tanks fight themselves for the main spot
>mfw leveled MNK so my spot is guaranteed
why is drk so much more satisfying to level than maurader or gladiator
Alright thanks.
WAR master race
I'm poor and can't afford to re-sub right now. Is there a free event coming up or anyway I can earn game time?
fairy can't heal unless it has power in its gauge.
to recover fairy gauge, you must heal or use aetherflow effects.
buff of some sort, consumes 1 aetherflow stack and gives the fairy gauge 10 points back
my current speculations is that that any party heal or buff you do gives the gauge 10 points back
tether can be either a replacement for embrace or a replacement for fey illumination
it's obviously a buff you donut
She's trying to educate the retarded DRG by throwing paper at him.
I think the tether is going to be a Haste + stronger regen directly on 1 target
if you have a friend and haven't entered in three months or so, you can ask your friend to send you and invitation with 7 days of gametime
So I just got back into the game, making a new character because why the fuck not. I bought Heavensward but never actually got to Isgard on my old character because I could'nt be arsed to do the 500 billion post-game story quests.
Now I heard there's jump potions. Assuming I like to burn money, would me leveling to 50 like normal and then buying a potion be a decent idea? Like, would I just pop it, and wham, get your ass you Ishgard nigga.
Is that how it works?
Do I really have to catch the Titanic Sawfish to unlock big fishing proper? Trying to get this thing is ass.
It's Yda
i'm talking about the buff getting cast on the drg you double mhiggers
are you sure you want to waste 25 dollardos in a thing you can complete in under a week?
you aren't a quitter tho, are you?
how should anyone know if nobody that saw the tooltip tells, you fucking mongoloid
scholar mains truly are the most braindead players
That's the thing. But if I'm not mistaken, a lot of the post-game story quests involve group quests? Like beating all the primals again?
Wouldn't it be hard to find groups for that shit, now that the next expansion is on the way?
it works like AST spear card except the cooldown reduction is applied to all skills currently on cooldown instead of before.
That's what I was implying.
Alright lads here I go again, here I go with this miserable experience again. I'm going to re-sub with no friends, no FC/LS, and I'm going to try to make it work for Stormblood.
I really want to catch it but fuck man why is the RNG so shit?
not really, that shit is integrated into the duty roulettes, which everyone does, it might take a while to get into a group if you are a DPS, but it's easy and fast
you should be more scared with Ravana and Dragonsong trials in Heavensward, after all this time people still fuck up and disband
I see, shouldn't be that bad then. It seems like the potions aren't actually available yet anyways?
join an FC fggt
Good news, I finally got around to doing Nig's Hog.
Bad news, I am still not i210 for the next dungeon
Should I just nolife PvP because I want some of that armour for looks anyways
Not until June 16.
Well, then you're pretty fucking retarded.
takes like 20 games to get a full set, so 1-2 days at max
that's what I did, and you are going to need even more ilevel for the last story dungeon
it doesn't take long to get pvp gear, however, the PVP gear is dreadful statwise
>calls me retarded
>when he had to state the obvious and essentially repeat what I said
>playing an mmo by yourself
go join some FC or troll the PF for attention or whatever you dirty ala mhigger
>PVP gear is dreadful statwise
This is a myth.
Its the same.
idk how people can't find a FC/LS. novice network channel makes it so easy to network with other people.
WAR racing to be the first to warm the bench
How is damage calculated with magic vs physical? Is Foul really the most damaging thing a character can use in the game even though its a lower potency than other physical skills?
Do dragoons really die as often as the tales foretell?
I've yet to have one die in a dungeon. Then again, I'm not even at the level cap yet.
>join zurvan training
>wipe to soar
>wipe to wile
>wipe to soar
>wipe to halberd
>wipe to tether
>tank causes wipe
>wipe to tether
>9min left disband
Isn't speed running unsynced Sastasha/Tam Tara the fastest way to grind lights for the ARR relic?
Unless you're PLD or something I guess.
>PVP gear is dreadful
For Savage, sure.
For literally everything else its fine, because the ACC cap is really not that important for anything else. Honestly could BS your way through Savage with it too, with Echo up.
It's an old meme from a time when Dragoons had less magic resistance than a crafter.
Step aside, gayboi. SAM is the new hotness
>those broad shoulders
oh sweetie
Dragoon's jump attacks used to leave you super vulnerable during raids but you didn't have much choice if you didn't want to gimp your damage, no idea how it is now a days though.
Wiki says only roulette dungeons give light.
Ifrit normal takes like 15 seconds with the shitty weapon = 8 light = 250 runs * 0,30 seconds with loading times.
>Your order requires verification
>Okay now one of our staff will confirm it in the next couple hours
This is not necessary Square, my goodness.
I swear to CHRIST if they remove Embrace for this stupid fucking tether I quit the game
it still will fuck you with bad timing
.t BLM lmaoing from a distance
>Wahh if I don't have the most overpowered shit in the game then I'm GOING HOME
>250 runs of Ifrit
I did it that way, I don't know if it's the fastest though.
for some "proof".
Tam tara or sastasha if they have bonus only need 20 runs of 4min each
more like
>wahh if they change the core gimmick of my favorite class I quit
neck yourself
Roughly the equivalent of farming a1s, time wise.
Run Tam-Tara unsync and kill as many mobs as you can. It's not the fastest, but the best way though certainly faster than any other dungeon.
the only spot that is guaranteed is DRG
Unless it's one of the few AoEs that come out at sanic speeds, like Scathach's shit for instance, as long as you don't jump in the middle of the cast bar you'll almost certainly have enough time to move.
adapt you casual
>when MNKs try to tell you shit but you Hissatsu: Guren his ass back to Ala Mhigo
>if they have bonus
Mind to explain?
good 50% chance for it to happen, it's way too strong and gimps whm/ast comps too much, since ast has no fairy
Why don't they just give DRG i-frames while jumping? Jump always used to let the user avoid attacks.
>tfw ran amdapor keep thrice because I forgot to switch my weapon for the last boss
>tfw the fate that I was supposed to complete had 30 seconds left after I finished my final run
>tfw same thing happened yesterday when I was doing my first book
Why am I even bothering with all this? The glamour's literally not worth it
I really don't understand. I know a good healer trying to get a clear and they don't fuck up and DPS fine (AST)
But they've gotten all the other birds with varying difficulty and despite how Thordan, Nidhogg, and Sephirot went they can't get this one. Why is the general playerbase so bad at Zurvan specifically when he is easier?
I'd rather not play a different class
Why not let them move while jumping with an indicator on where you will land?
Yes, there are so many reasons to find embrace fun and interesting other than the fact that it's a game breaking piece of overpowered shit
Not macroing embrace to you heal doesn't make it a different class
They used to in 1.23.
But god forbid someone times their jump at the exact microsecond to cheese a mechanic or something.
Any info on what the "galaxy explosion" skill from astro does?
I didn't play HW at all is there anything worth doing other than the main questline before SB?
>monk's face when
Meeting Khloe.
Play any other MMO then. FFXIV is about exploring all the classes and settling on a few. Why limit yourself to just one? And a boring one like SCH at that?
You're probably not going to keep Embrace with 4.0. Just accept it and move on. Preferably to some other game.
Most of the trials are good, but it's probably too late to enjoy them properly.
Because it starts out at level 30 and is therefore less of a slog to level
They already said that SCH ain't changing too much, and the tether will probably be the level 70 skill.
If they changed embrace of WD too much they would at least mentioned it.
The "muh embrace is OP" fags are WHMs salty about not getting shit on SB.
If they remove embrace completely then they would have to buff the potency of all of SCHs heals to make up for no auto heal since they already have lower potency than the other 2 healers
Not reallly, old content before the current patch will always be irrelevant unless you want shitty bird mounts.
You can still run them for the experience.
The relic weapon grind is a meme.
Cause YoshiP wants the meme to live on
I do play other classes, but theyre unfortunately tanks and NIN, which are changing in ways I don't think I'll enjoy
This is what I assumed because of but I'm still scared
Some of the side story quests like the Scholasticate were kind of nice and don't take too long to do.
What data center.
fucking kek. they are actually adding jump potions. dead game.
Alex is fun. If you mention you have a bonus you'll probably find a group to run you through it fast.
The trials are hit and miss but Thordan EX is one of the best fight's I've done in any game. Regular Nidhogg was amazing the first time I did it too- a great story-related fight.
Great OST for this expansion too, if you're into that sort of thing.