>You still don't own a Switch

I never owned a copy of SF2 on SNES so I'm tempted to pick this one up, but fuck me that price tag.

Check out fightcade.


You can play the game for free on Fightcade. Or you could just keep complaining about the price on the Switch.

>the price of this is 40 dollars

Capcom is so dumb. It has to be on purpose to ensure they have a reason to leave Nintendo for "poor sales".

It's the only reason I can think of.

I've seen a few people say that the online isn't working well in it. Biggest issue may be there's no way to only connect with people with good connections, just worldwide or regional.

Anyone have that webm of two people playing on joycons?

The high price is more likely because physical release and they put a 250+ page artbook in it that normally sells for around $30.

Cant find any, have a gigantic backlog of games anyways, and I got burned badly with the Wii U.

The amount of modes is disappointing compared to something like Alpha 3 Max.

>the final challengers

is this the last rerelase of SF2?

Then that should belong in a $40 collector's edition and have a standard version at $15.

Technically that only means the last characters they'll add to SF2.

i was going to get this because casual sf2 while in bed sounded fun but after all the negativity as well as the price tag i'm not so sure

It's a digital artbook in the game and that would also mean having two separate versions on the eShop. Don't see why it couldn't be DLC besides no one buying it though.

im not spending $200 over the retail price for a console that has like 2 current games

The negativity is because of the price tag mostly so your best bet would be to wait for a discount or price drop. I think it's what I'll do as well.


The thing is, I can't imagine this bombing. Like, at all. Because it's Street Fighter II. Yeah, the price is a complete joke, and the "new" characters are lazy as fuck, but more than enough people are going to buy it anyway just because it is SFII.

Which third world country?

It'd be pretty funny if Disgaea 5 beats it in sales though.

Disgaea 5 is a game that came out in the last century

It's also niche and doesn't have Nintendo backing it nearly as hard as USF2.

I have no nostalgia for Nintendo, I didn't know english as a little kid so I never played Zelda and when I tried(I was 14) it was boring as shit. I did play Mario and I loved it but I wouldn't buy a console to play rehashes of it.

There's just no point in owning it, it should at least have 20 games worth playing before I even consider buying it.

It's already over 110k preorders in the West, which made NIS pretty happy. Sure, Street Fighter can potentially do a million or so, but that's not really a fair comparison given how niche Disgaea is.

Honestly of all Switch games this one might be the system sell for me, and I own a PS4. My bros and I will rock the shit out of the co-op.

A poor connection is the heart of battle.

How is the game for someone who isn't really into fighting games, who just wants a fighting game sitting on the switch for when i've got pals around. I was gonna wait for the Pocket Fighters one but this came out first.

Everyone and their mom owns SFII already.

SF2 and the HD version dont have a lot of single player content, go someplace else. It's a really good game IF you have friends to play with consistently.

Honestly though, I'd rather have Ultra SFIII Third Strike: The Final Fuck You on Switch.

>Shit tier hardware
>Overpriced peripherals
>Zero games
>Paid online coming soon

I mean, I love SF2, and having super turbo on a handheld sounds cool, but the game is just SF2 at its core and 40 dollars. I don't really feel like paying for it again.

It's probably okay, but at that point it's probably better to get a Neo Geo game.

Nigguh I can't the damn console.

I'm not more than 300±tax either

>the FINAL challengers
Yeah right. There will continue to be more iterations of SF2 after we're all dead.

just emulate it, what the fuck


So Dan, Sean, Juli, Juni, Decapre, Mecha-Zangief, Shadow Lady?
Seems like those are the guys you could add only drawing on new heads and effect parts, but half of them are not even canon.

>People losing their minds of $40 dollars

Sad poor losers

Nothing I want on it yet

That's a slippery slope. Sensible people will give everything a specific value regardless of how much money they can potentially burn through. Seems like quite a few don't feel like this release justifies its price tag enough.

>one of the most rehashed esports in history
>this is a reason to own a Switch

That game isn't worth that price and you know it.

>40 bucks for a game I've bought twice before


I mean my only other experience with SF2 is on a PSP compilation. Color editor will probably be neat to play with

It's better than SF5

No exclusive games that interests me right now

Even if that's the case, its barely an enhancement and has been released countless times over the past 20+ years. This shouldn't have cost more than 20 bucks, buying this port for 40 is letting Capcom get away with highway robbery.

>$40 for an updated version of a 1994 game

>Still not in stock

>Old Game
>Lots of Ports
>Free version online
>2 reskins

I own a switch but I'm not picking up this shill.

Is it worth it if I've never played Street fighter much, and never owned my own copy?


I figured. I've heard it's a classic and I've always wanted to sit down and really explore one but I wasn't sure. That settles that then.

is it good or does it only have good character designs.

Wait until the price drops to 20.

i cant fuckin find one

I would buy Mario Kart 8 Deluxe over that. I'm still on the fence though, I do really want it, buuuuut I don't think I can justify rebuying a $60 game when I already bought all the DLC for it on the Wii U

I would if it was in stock for the MSRP. I'm not gonna spend extra

>buying SFII for the umpteenth time
>selling well

Got one.

Might get this with a gift card I have sitting around. Or wait for my next batch of TRU Rewards points come in.

I want it, portable sf2 with instant co-op and throwdowns is dope

But 40$ eeeeeeeeugh

>I told you not to be a faggot last thread
>you actually weren't for once
Guess even an old dog can learn new tricks. What else are you getting?

We are not talking about PC and Steam we are talking about the nintendo switch. And yes Steam is getting a paid online service soon look it up

I can't argue against this. Even false flagging will not work against this absolute fact.

Nothing. Got Zelda, Snake Pass, and Puyo Puyo Tetris. Thats enough until later this year. My backlog is big enough as it is.

Yeah, backlog weighs on me as well. I wanted to get Disgaea 5 tomorrow, but I'm going to put it off since I still have SMTIV Apocalypse and the two Etrian Odyssey Untold on 3DS to play.

You sure told him, you fucking retard.

>not a fagot
>purchasing a Switch when there is literally jack shit for it
Pick one

The only thing NOT gay about Boco is his hard-on for Morrigan Aensland

People keep saying that every single time Capcom re-releases SFII, and it keeps selling anyway. Why would that change now?

Morrigan is a demon, so her sex isn't fixed. Can easily develop penises.

>people aren't willing to pay $40 for a 25 year old XBLA-tier game with TWO (2) "new" characters and a digital artbook

Gee, I wonder why?

>2017 owning a Switch
>2017 Buying a "new" version of Street Fighter 2
>2017 Street Fighter 2


Why should i?. For that old ass game?.

You can get 5-6 NeoGeo fightan for that pricetag. Samsho IV and Garou are enough for me atm., will pick up Last Blade if they release it on Switch.