ITT: Games that for whatever reason you cannot "git gud" at.
Name the game and those of us who are gud try to help... or just shit on you. You know how it goes.
ITT: Games that for whatever reason you cannot "git gud" at.
Name the game and those of us who are gud try to help... or just shit on you. You know how it goes.
Metal Gear Solid for the PS1. The combat is really awkward for me.
>implying i am bad at any vidya ever.
Overwatch. 4 Seasons and can't break into Platinum (Average). Pisses me off too because the game is casual shit, and I've been gaming for a long time. I should be better than this, and I feel compelled to play it till I prove that I am, even though it's pretty shit.
From what I know about CS:GO you might not actually be that bad, it's just kind of like chess where anybody that bothers with it does so at such an intense level that regular people get stomped.
Fighting games, all of them.
Reason: never got into them as I indulged in platformers, puzzle and action games
Any multiplayer/co op game with friendly fire.
I can't function in that situation.
Every rts and fighting game plus overwatch.
Get a COD game and play some Hardcore mode Search and Destroy. It has friendly fire, but it's also super slow paced. Seams like a good gateway.
Shmups, I can't even 1cc normal touhou games. I even sat down for a year and practiced UFO. I still remember the spawns and patterns very clearly. I'm just really fucking bad. I stopped having fun so I quit.
>get a cod ga-
No interest whatsoever in bland military nonsense.
Fighting Games are just fucking hard.
I'm suggesting it purely as a way to develope the skill. You can get old CoD games for 2bucks.
I couldn't play a pc multiplayer fps to save my life. I've studied and practiced a ton but I just can't get the feel for them.
any first person shooter.
I still can't get out of the habit of charging straight at them, standing there shooting them and then getting frustrated when I end up dead.
As someone I was put into Platinum by placement matches alone, my advice is to find what champs suit you the most and go from there.
I rode the Hog, Zen, and Winston train mainly, with Soldier being my DPS of choice.
Disgaea. I don't know if it's a shitty grindfest or if there's an exploitable mechanic I'm missing.
I don't even like tactical RPGs
I was ranked into low Bronze because I was bad and trying to main Widow. It's been a very slow climb.
I do well on S76 but get bored (jesus christ this guy is bland).
Rts, I'm terrible when i have to handle several unit
>because I was bad and trying to main Widow.
There's your first mistake m8, Hanzo and Widow tilt me just from seeing them on my team, I can't imagine trying to climb with them.
If you're gonna try for a Sniper, go for Ana, she's got great utility and shit, and no one is mad when you pick a healer.
As for 76, I feel he's pretty fun, but I can understand why other people might not like him. I still suggest biting the bullet and playing him more often if your only goal is getting to Platinum, though.
The game is 90% map and crosshair positioning, 5% teamwork, 5% aiming ability
literally just play cs in that case
Yeah I probably get in my own way too much. I have this thing in video games where I like off-meta/low-tier/difficult characters and challenges.
How do I play good heros and not get bored?
Simple, find a good hero who's tons of fun. Roadhog, Winston, Zen I all have a blast playing, but they're also all heroes who can hold their own.
I'd stay away from the Defense category of heroes, though. That entire section is just the DPS rejects or oddballs who didn't fit with the other roles.
beating the game once shouldn't be a grindfest, just move or throw your teammates into good positions to attack based on their weapon type, upgrade your weapons in the item world when you get stuck, not much else to it
>no one is mad when you pick a healer
>teammates often type/scream "HEAL" when they run out there and die
Ana is difficult because her primary source of healing is also her primary source of damage. I guarantee if she snipes, teammates will start REEing.
I can semi-consistently get to the Final Stand on easy but then I get eaten alive by the final boss.
Dark Souls and Monster Hunter
In Dark Souls get END to 40 as fast as possible. Then get strength up as high as you can, and arm the biggest weapon, and heavy armor. You can walk through the game.
The ranks are almost entirely artificial. The game assigns a certain percentage of players into each rank not based on how many placement games they won, but their hidden "skill" rating.
There are people in all ranks who are actually better or worse than their rank suggests. This is evident in quick play where you often have people from 5 different ranks in the same game.
In Monster Hunter it is ok to die as you learn the monster's movesets, don't be afraid to lunge yourself with weapon sheathed and study the patterns and hitboxes. For your weapons watch Gaijin Hunter's tutorials as they will teach you how to wield your weapon and any extras like combos or dodge opportunities. If you master your weapon and dodges then you will be able to reposition and use items safely to make hunters quicker and heal away any mistakes
No, I will not learn your faggotty spray patterns just to have my bullet miss due to server reg issues or flat out RNG
No, I will not play a comp game for an hour or more just to get team killed by a 14yo mayday perma-virgin in the last, game defining round because I didn't drop an AWP
No, I will not grind through the ranks and deal with this when the higher the rank the more cheaters you encounter
OW didn't get me mad when I played it, but I get triggered as all He'll when anyone suggests CSGO deserves a spot as an esport
your hunts quicker*
any rts game, but mostly starcraft.
The amount of things you have to keep track of at one time, plus the amount of things you have to be doing just to keep up with the other guy is overwhelming to me.