I'm so happy with the direction Far Cry is taking. The alt-right needs to know that video games aren't a safe space for them.
I'm so happy with the direction Far Cry is taking...
Every time you see an FC5 thread with a provocative opener just report it and the mods will remove it, sooner if there are multiple reports.
praise kek xD
Calling crazy people crazy is not a controversial thing to do.
Will do
No they won't. They just let a porn thread get to 600 posts.
you do realize the alt-right isn't a real thing that has cults and big landmasses, right?
I live in Montana where Far Cry 5 is apparently taking place and no-one here is "alt right". They voted against Hilary because of all the shit she said about blue collar workers, ranchers farmers and miners, not because of memes and video games.
>Le sages are downvotes XDD
So you're saying they're now properly repenting for voting for a monster?
I don't think they're "now" doing anything. I think day-to-day life has remained largely unchanged.
Go home nazi.
Until the ACA is repealed, then they'll all just die.
Rainbow 6 Siege has a literal white wing terrorists attack a college with mustard gas
people don't go to the doctor here, they just keep taking ibuprofen until they die
>the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again
>ubisoft makes the same games over and over
really made me think
I'm pretty glad about that, desu. I have great healthcare. Most people who I don't share political views with, don't. They're going to die. Their children are going to die. It's a comforting thought.
In as much as the DNC is repenting for nominating one.
>Trump diehards stay loyal in Montana's 'white man's country'
They weren't dead before the ACA, so...
Tfw the alt-right are the biggest snowflakes of all but don't realize it
>the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.
I flipped a coin once, and now I know the outcome of all coin flips. Remember, from now on, all coin flips will be tails. No need to thank me for letting you know what all coin flips will be forever. I'm just letting you in on a little secret.
Is Far Cry Primal worth pirating?
And they wonder why civilized people think they're hicks.
You have great healthcare until they come up with some bullshit pre-existing condition you have and force you to pay quadruple what you're paying now.
that guy didnt post his politics
Not everyone in the US is on ACA.
>people were dropping dead before obamacare
are you people underage?
>quadruple what I pay now
>$464 a month to not die
Okay, sounds good. Sign me up.
reporting threads about videogames?
back to reeddit
I wish this whole website would fucking die
They say they value logic and free speech, but when it works against them they start doing mental gymnastics and start censoring everything they disagree with.
I don't think they do wonder. People here really don't care about what view they present, they just want to tend their farm until they die and not have their land sold out from under them.
Nobody gives a shit enough to come waste their day on Sup Forums trying to convince others of their political leanings. They're usually out doing hick stuff like fishing or mudding or posting barely-researched articles on Facebook.
>The alt-right
No one gives a shit about that CIA honeypot.
no it's reporting obvious Sup Forums bait
same reason the WE WUZ KANGZ threads get deleted
this was a shitpost thread from the getgo
Poor people are. Lots of poor people are republicans.
>implying there is ever any video game discussion in these threads
It's just shitposts and poor bait. Fuck off
>They're usually out doing hick stuff like fishing or mudding
Sounds fun.
that's not the "alt-right", that's how it's always been here. Those are all old people in your video, not Sup Forums basement nerds.
what even is the "alt-right", it just sounds like a boogyman
I'm poor. I'm not on it.
it is for them, that's why they do it
they barely discuss politics outside of the breakfast table because they know you have to turn off and enjoy life when you're not breaking your back working every day
Its worth buying you african nigerian prince scum.
Doesn't sound too dissimilar from the way things are around here, mostly.
I live in Wisconsin.
Yes it is, you call a feminist crazy in reddit, you get downvoted to hell.
is Primal even good? I bought FC3 a while ago but found it dreadfully boring
Medicaid will be affected too.
Or are you one of those crazies who only buys emergency plans? Just because you don't care about your health doesn't mean other people shouldn't.
Sup Forums basement nerds
It's like, "SJW" for SJWs.
It's a pretty bland open world collect-a-thon. The setting isn't interesting enough to justify it.
at least we know that SJWs exist, but they've been irrelevant for a while now.
In the shitty subs like twoxchromosomes, maybe.
>Medicaid will be affected too.
Medicaid is generally state run.
my favorite thing about this boxart is that no one in Montana would be caught dead with any of these haircuts but the two guys on the top left
Am I the only one who thinks they're pandering to faggots with those male character designs?
That pic is from the opening cinematic. They literally say the terrorist have no motives for their violence right there in the opening cinematic.
the game is going to be shit anyway, the last good one was Blood Dragon, FC3, 4 and Primal were average at best, like 90% of Ubisofts library
I love how a video game triggers you this much. lol cant wait to shoot up right wingers in FC5.
Its a good fun game. If you don't like Far Cry 3 however you're probably a Sup Forumsipster who doesn't like actual video games or at least pretends not to to be cool so maybe you wont like it maybe you will. Pirate it to be edgy and fit in with the hi/v/e hating ubisoft if you want.
I personally don't call those certain people SJWs anymore. I just call them pretentious cucks.
It doesn't matter, the AHCA will change it.
Damn right, freedom of speech should be protected and those rednecks look as mighty punch-able as the real-life ones. Glad they didn't shy away from it.
Hopefully there'll be DLC where your MC goes deep into Chicago to rescue his daughter from a hard Antifa Marxism-based cult invading from SanFran, spurring up hordes of Blacks to burn and destroy the neighborhood she's living in.
Imagine how creepy that'd be. It'd be awesome seeing Ubisoft shed light on every side of today's troubling American tensions, might make some lucky kids in Yemen or the Congo feel great not to live in such a shithole like the US.
nigger look at the title, this is a bait thread with next to no discussion because of it.
you people are either trolling or genuinely retarded, this is no different from the WE WUZ SOLDIERS battlefield threads.
It just seems really heavy handed and hamfisted. It doesn't interest me at all. It's bottom of the barrel storytelling.
I'm sure people who think video games are about politics instead of being video games will love it though.
I don't see what the big deal is. They're a cult and probably financed through drugs or something.
so Neogaf and reddit?
Also it feels like this shit has been releasing yearly, i swear.
Basically a euphemism for neo-Nazis but has come to encompass all sorts of frogposters, "ironic" anime Nazis, and various deplorables whom it would not technically be correct to call Nazis but who are close enough anyway.
Im just tired of the farcry formula, if this game came in 2012 I'd probably be down to try it out.
There's a strong cultural appropriation in this cover picture. The man wielding a knife on the right from main antagonist has a Polish traditional haircut called "chupryna" (or Polish halfshave). Since I believe he's white American I demand immediate action to be taken on this issue
there isn't any deal, it's trolls trolling trolls, we both know this game will be mediocre at best so all this whining and trolling is meaningless.
so basically a label for people who certain groups don't like? Sounds dumb.
Nice, make it clear that it really is just an empty insult
>Their children are going to die. It's a comforting thought.
And somehow you're not a monster like your political enemies (left or right) for thinking that?
It'll just be another BioShock Infinite: historic/social commentary so half-assed and poorly handled it'll end up being obnoxious to everyone. I mean, this is Ubisoft we're talking about.
everyone who disagrees with me is a nazi
If I understand this brief, this means that during 2008-2012, they expanded medicare to cover certain individuals it did not already cover. Meaning if you weren't covered before then and were covered as a result of that, then you may be affected.
If you were covered before that and the expansion did not affect your eligibility, you were and will remain eligible. Is that accurate?
>Set in one of the whitest states in the US 87+% white
>Antagonists are white
What's the problem?
>Hopefully there'll be DLC where your MC goes deep into Chicago to rescue his daughter from a hard Antifa Marxism-based cult invading from SanFran, spurring up hordes of Blacks to burn and destroy the neighborhood she's living in.
I find it funny that people are saying this and also complaining that a bunch of gun-toting radical Christian white nationalists are too exaggerated to be believable.
I try to avoid it too because it doesn't clarify quite succinctly. In this case, it was somewhat unavoidable.
I don't know, few things can come close to being as simultaneously contrived and obnoxious as Bioshock Infinite.
>so basically a label for people who certain groups don't like? Sounds dumb.
No, the neo-nazis actually call themselves the alt-right. People with traditional conservative values and Sup Forums trolls don't call themselves that, but because they all have similar goals they're often grouped together.
>blue collar workers, ranchers farmers and miners
Kek, all these jobs will be replaced by robots within 15 years.
Because one exists on a massive level and one doesn't dumb cuck.
If you've played any number of recent Ubisoft games not really
and Bioshock was handled horribly too
don't try to understand extremists, you will only give yourself a headache, perfect examples of do as I say, not as I do.
My question why Montana? What even happens there? Why not New Orleans or something where this would make more sense.
That 2nd paragraph is pretty much Bioshock infinite.
that's 15 more years for them to live unopposed and they are damn sure going to take it
Sup Forumsipster cuck
What is FC5?
You know people have been saying this since the 80's, yes?
Well, the people with traditional conservative values would be the mainstream right, but Sup Forums is definitely alt-right, even if they like to pretend they aren't. In fact they often go too far in the other direction by denying that the alt-right even exists, which seems to be some sort of weird defensive obfuscation tactic seeing how anyone who's been following the election (as Sup Forums surely has) would have some idea of what the alt-right is. Hell, the term is better defined than "SJW" and people still throw that around like candy.
Most likely the opposite. I know it's pretty scary being outside of the r/the_Donald groupthink but a lot of people don't really care. All this kind of talk serves to do is to market their game for them.
That's what they said 15 years ago.
I don't think you can afford to be that smug when all the white collar workers are already replaced with Indians still living in India.
Besides, if you think you have some career that can't be replaced with a robot, you're SERIOUSLY underestimating robotics or, more likely, overestimating the difficulty of your job.
And a lot of them have. Instead, the work force is made up of people who can repair or operate the machinery manually.
"The Brain Center at Whipple's"
Twilight Zone, 1964.
So I kind of have to correct myself. People have been saying this for 53 years. I'm sure we're right this time though.
Sure, I guess, in the sense that the fevered imagination of Sup Forumstards is pretty massive.
Check my 6