>Buh-Buh there's literally no reason not to hack your 3DS
people still play this?
>im very sorry
no you're not, you fucking bitch LOL
>buy piece of hardware
>modify it
>corporate overlord decides he doesnt like what you did
>bricks your hardware
lmao nintenbros
>Nintendo anti-piracy countermeasures
So it'll be a minor inconvenience for about 3 days.
It's not bricked. It literally only stops online play, the pirates can still pirate
are you defending hacking the console to get free games?
>bank gives you a credit card
>modifiy it so it doesn't substract money from your account
>banks decides he doesn't like what you did
>puts you in jail
C'est la vie. Not like Mario Kart Sup Forumseekends covered 7 anymore.
They're too stupid to ban people who linked their NintendoID accounts to their Switch though.
Oh no they're gonna ban my emulator !!1
>playing 3ds games online
>hackers get banned from playing online
>nintenbros act like it's some kind of personal victory for them
>hackers continue to play video games for free
>eventually an unbanning method gets released
Someone just needs to post a crying Wojak.
Post yfw you got banned but don't give a flying hoot
>>eventually an unbanning method gets released
N-nintendo w-will ban that too!! p-piratefags will never win!
>pirates get free games because nintendo is too stupid to secure their devices in any meaningful way
>after years and years of this nintendo finally console bans anyone that happened to be online
>offline pirates still get free games
>even banned consoles still get free games
Wow yeah man, pirates sure got blown the fuck out.
>losing online to a 3DS
and nothing of value was lost
i literally went online just to see if im banned, really dont give a shit if i was
And were you?
I wonder if a snitch actually got paid to let nintendo know how to deal with this/
Didn't they have a ad for it?
I don't really care, I've got two 3ds' and my hacked one is just for old games, mohun translated and FE fates cause it's shit.
They're about two years too late. As expected of Nintendo.
>Piratefags blown out
>Can still pirate games
oh no.. I wont be able to visit my friend's town in animal crossing or.. um.. what else would I miss out on?
>want to check if I'm banned
>don't know if doing so will lead me to being banned
huh. that's kind of annoying.
The inferior version of Smash Bros, Monster Hunter, and Pokemon.
Not much lost, really.
You know this is always a risk when pirating games that have online features.
If someone affected by this is mad, then they are hypocrites.
Oh no! I hope my Dual-IPS Hacked Hyrule Gold Edition isn't banned!
>wait 3 weeks
>edit nand with non banned ID
yeah blown the fuck out
>It doesn't disable freeshop
>it doesn't disable cias
>it doesn't disable FBI
>it doesn't disable custom firmware
>and if you can hex-edit you can circumvent the ban by changing your FC-seed
At least they tried?
>your friend list will break
isn't it really easy to undo a ban on a 3ds regardless of the type
>random nigger on discord
>a credible source
>yfw it's just a server outage and not an actual banwave
>Saying the n-word
Shit can you do that?
No one mentioned free games but you.
What about region locking? That is a valid reason to mod your console.
>just hacked it this weekend because I wanted to play a jap game
>going online with hacked hardware
serves you dumbfucks straight
>Go online
>Get banned
>Days later work around unbans users
>Life goes on
Haha yeah! Dumb fucks being all mildly inconvenienced!
This is great, I've never seen Sup Forums be so wrong
The only people that would lose out from this are injectors for Pokemon frankly. You'd pretty much lose half the reason to even play those games.
Don't be full of shit user. Even if you're specifically were using these modifications for means other than getting content you'd otherwise have to pay for, a vast majority of people who hacked their 3DS were doing so to put games, stickers, and backgrounds on it
>not having a hacked, usually offline console and a legit unhacked console
even 3ds' that were turned off for the past 2 weeks at least got banned
Nintendo are lobbying against the nebraska right to repair bill. Another lobbyist against that bill is John Deere (obviously with vehicles instead of video game consoles), who sent a letter to the copyright office which contained a statement expressing the fact that you don't own your tractor: you merely own a license to operate it. Just figured I'd let you know what companies like Nintendo who oppose that bill think of personal property.
You're the one that's full of shit making gay analogies on the level of food ones as if they somehow help your retarded argument.
Reminder that nobody who actually did any purchases through eShop in the past got banned.
Only ones that were hit were literal scumbag pirates. Not all of them, yet, but I anticipate the moment justice is brought upon you.
Oh fuck me...
>You don't own your own tractor just the licence to operate it
People like this should be publicly beaten.
Me and my friend both have our 3ds' hacked and we haven't been banned. I used to play smash all the time and we even did some pokemon duels online.
We haven't played much these past months tho.
I agree commie
>people pay money for an electronic device
>creators flip a switch and kill it
It's basically like killing every DVD player that ever ran a disc you burned yourself. This is a terrible PR move that won't even fix what their problem is.
Fake and gay
damn, now i can't play all the amazing online games for the 3DS like, uhm... smash 4?
to be fair if you're USA you do not own property since Eminent Domain allows USA property to be taken by USA government at their whim
Just got home, how do I check if my 3ds is banned?
yea so terrible of them to try and punish piracy. Fuck NINTENDO
>tfw 40+ games pirated and no ban
B9S and all legit cias here. I don't use freeshop or FBI
>people pay money for an electronic device
>creators flip a switch and kill it
That didn't happen, though.
we're just a perpetually changing cluster of atoms
can you really lay claim to the ones that temporarily represent you?
well if you REALLY want to check, turn on the wi-fi and check your friends list. If you get an error you're banned, if you get nothing or just a prompt to update your software you're in the clear.
However we don't know what triggers a ban so it's best to not turn on wifi until we know what causes a ban.
>modifiy it so it doesn't substract money from your account
dunning kruger
>can you really lay claim to the ones that temporarily represent you?
except our conciseness lies within a single nitrogen atom in the thalamus
Good. Pirates deserve everything bad that happens to them.
Has anyone actually gotten banned here or is this guy just making stuff up?
>So it'll be a minor inconvenience for about 3 days.
It's the same ban people got from pirating SM early so it's been an inconvenience for 6 months.
I have often imagined such things myself
yeah if i play MP its local wireless with people i know
yeah if i need a second one i'll just buy a new 2DS
Just checked, not banned for now. Don't really care, just playing romhacks on this system these days.
Ban is only for idiots that apparently use online for Nintendo games. The people who use offline AKA the majority of pirates and normal paying customers are safe and this does nothing.
>yfw all those threads asking "why you haven't hacked your 3DS yet?" resulted in thousands of bans
>retarded piratefags going online
Jesus christ. More reason to hate the nu-pirates.
Guess I'll shill out $90 for a sky 3DS+
Thank god I never went beyond home brew
I don't get what the big deal is. Can't pirate scum just reset the system to factory settings? If not, why did Nintendo wait until now to unleash this secret prophylactic measure?
thousands of temporary bans that will have a workaround in a couple of days, that is.
This filter is still active? Fucking yellow monkey moot
>all these faggots butthurt about piracy
There's some deep-seeded problems with these guys
>yfw all those threads asking "why you haven't been drinking alcohol yet?" resulted in prohibition
look mom I posted it again
You wish.
Prohibition was a mistake, but the worst part of it is that it gives lolbergs an excuse to say that other drugs should be legal.
because somebody fulfilled an exploit bounty nintendo listed for $100
console gets banned
>Mario Kart is oudatted and boring
>Animal Crossing isn't played by people much anymore
>Pokemon online was never good
What am I missing out on if I'm banned again? I haven't touched the online on this thing in years.
>if you are hit with it
>connecting online with CFW
look at it this way, if heroin was legal you wouldn't have the thousands of overdoses going on because the dealer cut it with Fentanyl
Lmaoing at all the fags going on about how there's literally no reason to not hack your 3DS. Purity, justice, and faith win again.
the inferior version of smash 4, that's it.
Isn't Nintendo just going to kill the 3DS after Switch picks up steam? They're barely release any games lately, much less good ones.
>yfw I sell my 3DS to gamestop for 45 dollars after it getting banned
>Purity, justice, and faith == sucking a company's dick because you like their gaems
Corporate loyalty is cancer.
>Going online
I don't have any interest in any online games for the 3DS, so whatever.
don't worry, if you get ban there is going to be away to reset your console ID, Nintendo is shit at everything which is why hacking it is so easy compared to other consoles.
I've bought stuff from the eshop before and I still got banned
meh, i don't care if weed stays illegal, just don't be a dumbass about it and you'll never have an issue. its the idiots who wanna be out in public DUDE WEED LMAOing and act retarded that get in trouble.