What the fuck is wrong with dice?

Seriously, First they make half the german army black now they add in women when the russian battalion was a failed experiment of like 3000 of them?

What a fucking joke, fuck dice fuck them so hard

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t. little dick white boi

I guess the constant Far Cry 5 threads were getting boring
report and sage

Meanwhile in Rainbow Six Siege.....

>DICE is a company
>As a company, they want to make money
>Girl power and pandering to minorities are the biggest trends nowadays
>They want to capitalize on these trends so they add black and female soldiers
>People now are talking about how DICE's newest game adds black and female soldiers
>People talking means people are now interested in your game
>Interest means sales

Not that hard to understand buddy.

Stop discussing this racist shit

gas yourself nigger
Some serious cuckolding going on in Sup Forums these days

But that's fine, they don't have to live up to historical accuracy since it's a modern day setting. BF1 is a fucking WW1 game

>implying that minorities and women make up a significant or even relevant portion of the player-base. top kek buddy boy

>an fps based around characters and their respective abilities
>implying "diversity" is a bad thing in this case

It works in character based fps games like siege and overstretch, but sticks out like a sore thumb in military fps like battlefield.

There was once a dog in WW1 can we play as dogs? Or carrier pigeons?

>Mfw I kick the ass of any lil dick white boi I see on the street
They're such pussies lmao

>implying their objective is to get black people and girls to buy their game

It's to get the attention of the middle-class white teenagers/young adults so they look at the game and think "hey this got guns and stuff, I don't know about this girl bullshit but the game looks pretty cool", this thread means this strategy is working as intended.

I'm just pissed I paid full price for a shitty game

I still like BF1, even if it's goofy and inaccurate. However, they should just go back to Vietnam for the next one because there were actually lots of blacks in that so the diversity would make sense. Would be weird to have women still, though.

Who the fuck cares? Its hardly an accurate tactical SIM game.

>reeeee stop reminding me women and black people exist reeeeee


Frost is cuter

What expression is she trying to convey ?
It's the same way the niggers on the cover do.

its like they are trying to say
>yes I'm in battlefield, fuck you biggot

Fuck them for doing what they want with their video game?

>Muh history
Its a game you fucking spergs, kys ten times please

Next game will be set in WW2 because since CoD is "going back to its roots" EA will decide that so should Battlefield.

The suits at EA/DICE probably didn't even consider adding female soldiers until Activision did it, after that it was a scramble to get some last-minute changes in the russian expansion

There was a point before this where BF1 had female soldiers?




>mfw you can now destroy a woman's head with a shovel

the reason is simple and always the same
money and reaching large demographics (to get more money)

I'll tell you what I tell everyone, go play verdun. Its more historically accurate and an all around better game.

>my biggest problem with modern dice games is race


Actually yes

so if the next battlefield had mlp references scettered throught the maps and on the guns/character models that would be fine since its just a game and doesnt need to be accurate?

BF3 had dinosaurs and Ace Combat references

Thank you. I hope the next DLC adds in Adventure Time characters. DAE love Battlefield Heroes?

>on the guns/character models

You mean like it is already happening?

>cartoon characters are the same as people who actually existed


what the hell is he injecting?

I have no sources but I'd wager pabdering to sjws and the like hurts sales because they're not the userbase.

Thank god. This is what I have been waiting for for a long time. Just imagine being the German soldier behind that MG as dozens of beautiful young russian women rush toward you, rifles quivering in their hands, you can almost see the fear in their eyes, as you pull the trigger, the scythe of lead cutting through their soft innocent bodies, through their thighs and hips and round bellies, tearing them open like burst fruit, their bodies falling and spattering in the mud, pushed down as their comrades step on them in the mad rush forward, before long they are all dead and there is nothing but their moans and whimpers of pain as they lie in the mud, some trying to drag themselves back to their trench, before collapsing, their last hours spent in utter agony, some of the carrion birds landing to peck at their flesh while they are still alive.

So it's not even about realism just like I thought. They just didn't want to deal with whiny people like OP. I guess they just don't care now.

Wouldn't care, I didn't get into BF becuase of it's accuracy or realism.

Their game can't stand on its own merit, so they need to add in characters that will get them press and attention. Stop giving it to them and they'll go away.

BF1 is an abortion anyways, and I pity anybody who didn't see it coming after the nosedive in quality 3 and 4 were.

>not removing player created content in options


They make up the majority of the population in countries over the world. You know places where the game is sold. You have a point with women though.

>our game sucks ass and is pretty mediocre, what do we do, boss?
>uhhh uhhh more controversy uhh more superficial inclusion and uhhh DLC

I think it's fun to see how creative people can be. some of them are pretty good.

The sjw machine is more about getting people in droves to cyberstalk and e-protest things, despite the fact that nobody in the socjus circle touches this shit. Take the woman-with-penis joke in oblivion. They actually got that shit changed because of how upset it made sjws on twitter. We all know damn well that if they just SAID it was gone then nobody complaining would actually buy the game and look themselves.

Swedes have no respect for the first world war because they were neutral fags who did not participate.

Just play the OG ww1 game user

modern day
also she is a cute tomboy

Haven't played this in years, what is it like now?

Either way I love the smaller studios outdoing the AAA schlop. Shit like Day of Infamy is worlds better than BF1.

Its still a rigid, unfun but accurate depiction of WW1

Same old same old. Has a few new squads like the Belgians and the scots, some more gore and people screaming in agony added.

You forgot the aimbot killing you at 100ft with simple pistol.