Over level 50

>over level 50
>still playing Soldier 76

It's time to take the training wheels off

He's a good hero

>can't aim properly with him even it being fucking easy
should I use a mousepad? I think that's my mistake

just the ulti. Dash and regen are incredible skills, and the weapon is gud enough.

He's wonderful.
Why should I change?

>still playing this game after level 50

Would help, but make sure you're firing in short bursts. Holding down the trigger is only for when you're fairly close to a tank and the full spread is more or less going to hit anyway.

>playing this game


Back to forum posting you go

Are you actually gold

soldier has some of the most consistent dps in the game, why change?

unironically this

thanks user, will do
I'm fucking awful

Even when I switched to him and dominated the enemy team I still wasn't having fun with him. Some heroes in overwatch are considered powerful but fundamentally boring to play(Winston for example).



Only offense characters worth playing are 76, Tracer, and maybe Genji. Every other choice is stupid

Now I want a meiko Mei.

>pick pharah
>have some mercy on my ass
>win game

>tfw Reaper is only viable against shit players

Pharah is great

Gengu is the best overall Offense in the game. Soldier's only saving grace is his insane damage output. If that ever gets fucked again Soldier is going to drop off hard.

Pharah is worthless without Mercy my dude.

D.Va master race, even for DPS

I just wanna stomp around and shoot people with fragments of my edge

Why does blizzard hate him

Shit opinion

Console fag detected

>Gengu and pharah make 3/4 of the cast obsolete and they are immune to their damage

How is this allowed? Why havent they been nerfed yet?

No other character forces your team to build this much around countering them.

Do you need a specific counter to kill a soldier/junkrat/mei/tjorb?

No its possible with anyone to kill and damage them.

But if you dont pick the designated genji and pharah counters you cant even harm them. This is especially true for pharah

why does his heavy pulse rifle sound like a nerfed nerf gun toy. god i fucking hate it. being shot from it sounds more satisfying than actually shooting it

I occasionally do well with him in Competitive.

Maybe that's why I'm only at SR 2790

Pharah is fine with Zenyatta and Sombra. Mercy is obviously the best for her because Mercy can just easily pocket her but she's not useless without a Mercy, and only the shitty Pharahs use Mercy as a crutch. The shitty Pharahs are the ones who stay in the air where they're a slow hovering target. The good Pharahs jump in and out of cover to keep from dying even without a Mercy.

>reaper will forever be outclassed
>even Jeff has said he does not need a buff in his twitter(?) questions video

:B nope

you guys didn't tell me Mei was fun

I just wish he could teleport while wraithing


You're retarded, soldier and genji are both good for different reasons, to begin with, they're not even in the same league, one is sustained dps and the other is a burst flanker with anim cancelling. One isn't /better/ than the other, they can't even do each other's jobs so how do you weigh them against each other like that, it's like saying mercy is better than reinhardt, makes no fucking sense, you're probably plat if you really think like that lmao

Allow vertical movement during wraith form.
Too bad blizz has no idea how to make useless characters viable

Pharah gets put down easily without any sort of constant support.

>immune to their damage

I hate this shit too, Overwatch's sound design leaves a lot to be desired. 76's and McCree's guns have no "oomph" to them.

>Shadow Step is unironically on a 10 second cool down while Deflect is on 8.

>>immune to their damage

1/4 of the cast cannot physically damage a non retarded pharah. e.g junkrat

Another 1/4 cannot consistently damage her like hanzo, mei etc

Only the hitscans like soldier,mcree and widow can reliably damage her and they are not even counters, they are more like a minimum requirement that your teams needs to be able to touch her at all

>has to play around flanks and have good map knowledge
>need to be balls deep in enemy territory and shove your gun into the enemies torso to be effective and have a weak escape tool in wraith to get out as soon things go south

>just fucking stun and yank them out of position into yours and slam them right into your crosshair/shotgun
>have enough damage to fuck up frail characters, have 600 health and self heal to keep you vitalized

The worst part is they said Reapers in a good position and that buffing him might step on Hogs toes, what horseshit.

>Not Pharah's direct hard counter

Depending on the map McCree puts her down for free if you are even half decent at aiming. You guys make Pharah + Mercy some impossible game combo that no one can beat and they aren't even a thing in the pro league.

What i said is still true.

I dont necessarily say pharah is OP, but its terrible design that only like 3 characters can actually harm her.

No other character forces you to pick around it this much


Plenty of characters counter her wtf are you talking about

>1 year playing
>still an absolutely abysmal shot
>even have trouble tracking with winston against nimble fucks and end up running out of ammo before they die

just fucking kill me i just want to be good at a single character please

>over 21 years old
>playing overwatch

Pharah rapes widow unless you're permabad.
>widow start peeking Pharah
>get raped by splash damage
Golds, please stop posting your retarded opitions.

Almost everybody I know that plays is in their mid twenties

yeah, it's pathetic


playing anyone but d.va

only stoners play d.va since she's braindead as fuck to play

Why? Because you don't like the game?

no it's because i have no friends

>playing Overwatch long enough to get past 50

No, because I played TF2 a decade ago and this effectively makes Blizzard fans a decade behind me while still being my age.
It's like how a normal person would like Barney in their youth, but then grow up to find a bunch of people just getting into shit like Barney at age 20

>x hypoethical situation
>y happens every single time

Boy what a great argument my man, I'll have to remember that next time I two shot Pharah out of the sky on King's Row.

I'n a weeab not a stoner.


Most of the times I'm replacing Soldier with Bastion

And it works great

Set your sensitivity lower and make sure you have a fairly good mouse with a decent DPI. Then start practicing in custom games with you versus nothing but Ana bots. Start with the bots on the easiest difficulty. This way their movement is simplest and their reaction times are lengthier. Set the characters you want to practice to either "Receive headshots only" for invincability, or set their received damage to only 10%.

You may start with Soldier or Tracer for tracking practice, Soldier probably being easier to start with. McCree can help you practice tracking and flicking, and i would suggest practicing McCree tracking in the training ground before bothering with flicking.

When tracking, you will sometimes need to make large, sweeping movements - use mostly your arm (not your wrist) for such movements. This is common for when you are really close to enemies. For smaller movement during tracking, I find it easier to use my wrist to adjust my aim. So I use a hybrid method. For McCree, I use a tracking and flicking method.

Search YouTube for beginner drills for improving mechanical skills like tracking and aiming. Also do NOT neglect game sense skill as well, as map knowledge and positioning can give you huge advantages even if you are still developing your aim.

why are the skills and mechanics for the overwatch heros so fucked?
many of the skills given to their heros dont correlate that well and dont suit their heros playstyle

>braindead as fuck to play

pretty redundant statement on this game.

Literally a game hipster

the braindead argument still stands


Blizzard are known for their poor balancing

thats not what I meant though Im aware of their shitty numbers for characters
why the fuck does reinhart have a charge/pin even though hes an anchor tank
symmetras forward moving shield helps push up more then he does and shes support
more then half their heros have this issue of being autistically designed

I play exclusively sombre and robonig girl. Suck my fucking balls.

I have this guy on my friends list who is 4000+ every season and has 200 hours in reaper, and nothing else

I don't know how he does it

I just played on Kings Row as Reaper in defence against dive and it's fucking working. 3680 SR

>over level 50
>still playing Overwatch

It's time to take the training wheels off.

Some of the top players are Reaper mains

Screencapping and posting this on my twitter right now. Way too epic to let it fade into obscurity.

the only fun to play character is Roadhog

I only ever play lucio, rein and symmetra, you suck mine

Tip on how to go from bronze to GM reaper.


Its that simple? Time to try it out next game

see the thing about mccree being a counter to anything is... yeah no.

lmao git gud

The only times i've ever played him are when I was forced to in those 1v1's where your heroes are randomly selected, otherwise my slates clean with no play time on him


>Play balls to the wall aggressive dive Lucio
I'm plateauing around low diamond, I think the fact that I'm beginning to run into competent Widows and Hanzos who'll headshot me when I try to rush them down is making this playstyle no longer viable.

I always thought it was dumb when people said a certain dev played a class so they left them broken. But fuck, they buffed roadhog while calling it a nerf two times in a row

I swear there are some blizz devs who are purposing trying to disguise roadhog nerfs into buffs:
>lets give him less spread dave.
>change it so when they get hooked, their end position is further away, as a way to "compensate" this change and to make him more "inconsistant" with 1-shotting people.

No way fag

>get 10% ultimate charge free from self healing

>recon mode bastion
Good taste, user. I love 1v1ing cocky offense players, people don't seem to realize how much his headshots fuck you up, or how much damage his heal can absorb

76 isn't training wheels. If ya doing good keep at it unless ur bored.

Gengu is the shitposting name for Genji.

But why?


I'd agree if McFalloff could do damage from even half as far as Soldier does

I wish there'd be a way to manually compensate Mccree's revolver recoil rather than letting the game do it for me. It's fucking annoying.

>tfw sombra main
if she decloaked right away she'd be good
if her translocating lasted 5 more seconds she'd be better
if she did any fucking damage at all she'd be good
if her ult would cast instantly instead of waiting for her dumb as to pose her arms she'd be better

but she will forever be mostly useless. hacking health packs isn't even that good. even when sitting on top of one you are still out DPSd by literally everyone and most team fights (which is all this game is) happen far away from health packs.
so fucking useless yet she's like one of the 4 fun characters to play.

i'm pretty sure theres an option for that in the options now. I recall it being mentioned in the latest patch?

unless you're pulling some old fashioned tomfoolery then you got me, you silly goose.

Because reaper is actually really good on defense and some select maps. He chews through tanks like nothing and is fucking good with winston.

playing any aggressive flanker is impossible when they have a sniper
>round corner to attack healer
>instantly lose 2/3 of health from getting shot in the toe by someone so far away you have zero chance of doing anything to them or even knowing they are there

snipers ruin every shooter. wish people would stop fucking adding them in games

reaper is probably the worst hero in the game right now

>The only one that can actually take out Pharah if you aren't retarded paying attention to her.
>Is good at picking off people from a distance
>Has a healing ability
>has sprint since characters are slow as all hell.
>Auto-aim fucks with everyone's shit if you do it from behind.
Why would anyone hate Soldier?