Did anyone else here even play this game?

Did anyone else here even play this game?


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i didn't like it but the developers are making another game to be released early next year

I got through half of it I think

It's a very visually interesting game

Great music.

That's about it. The area goes off the deep end quick then ends shortly afterwards. It was trying to be a weird Nier almost but didn't work out that well.

Shame their next game looks like hot garbage.

Seemed sort of neat but not enough that I'd cared to spend money on it


played it exclusively when i was stoned outta my gourd. it was a near religious experience. (ironic considering the name)

Played it and really liked what it was going for. Gameplay was kinda janky at times, but I liked the visual style and the story was interesting.

Overall, looking forward to seeing what the new game coming from these guys looks like

I've only seen this title thrown around - what kind of game is it? What is it about?

El Shaddai means "God almighty" in Hebrew and there's a song that goes "El shaddai, el shaddai,
El-elyon na adonia" and I think that means "God almighty - please my lord"

Also "Enoch" was a Biblical character. Is this like a Bible game or something?

t. Christian minister and foreign missionary

fitting* not ironic

Got drunk and beat it in an afternoon. I can't remember a damn thing about it except that Japan can't into Christian mythos and it was very pretty at parts.

Fuck I was gonna play this on my 360 but the shit iso was in fucking pal fuck this shit there are no good sites that has this on torrent. Only gazellegames but faggots are never open

>actual replies within a few minutes
I love you guys

played the demo, did not care for it

I didn't play it but the sequel looks pretty neat

Exactly how I feel


Yes, its pretty cool. I've been wanting to replay it soon

Kept waiting for Suda 51 to show up

It had a good motorcycle level


Its loosely based on the Book of Enoch, the non-canon hebrew text.

Enoch works with God and Lucifer to stop a group of fallen angels on Earth.

It's a good game but I didn't knew what the fuck was going on throughout the whole thing. At one point there was a dancing nigger taking up the whole screen.

I was curious, but didn't enjoy the demo, so I didn't buy it.

I played the demo and liked it. Always had other higher priority games to buy, though...

Oh, that's pretty interesting.

Why does Lucifer want to stop fallen angels? I mean, that's nitpicky and problem a major plot point, but just curious.

I looked up some screenshots and it looks incredible, visually.

A good trip.
The game was fun, really repetitive but the combat was interesting enough not to make you quit the game.
the game is anyway a big "im going to trip on lsd and then make all the drawing im gonna draw while on acid into a game".

Which is amazing.

great art and visuals, the plot makes basically no sense and its just an exuse to put a lot of shit togheter with pseudo religious stuff.

Even tho the storytelling itself is very original and it has some neato ideas.

Great visuals
Great soundtrack
Shit gameplay

Listening to the music and thinking about it kinda makes me want to give it a replay. Maybe when I have a few days off I'll give it another run.

Its loosely based of the books of enochs you play as enoch who is sent by god to take care of a bunch of angels called the watchers since they started breeding with humans and are giving them knowledge far beyond thier grasp. Or else yhwh is gonna start flooding shit. The music is great and the visuals are trippy yet pleasing the gameplay is pretty simple and bland though. I liked it enough it and it only takes maybe 12-15 hours to complete. Also i guess this is enochs story up until he becomes metatron.

true mb

It was boring, especially on higher difficulties, because enemies were just damage sponges. The ending was pretty awful too. The dance sequence was weird, the platforming was awkward due poor visibility/angles. Story doesn't go anywhere or really explain anything. There's very few enemy types combat is too rps.

You're not missing much, they removed freeleech on new torrents and moved to some retarded system last month that buggered everyone without a large upload already. Get gold from seeding, swap for upload or freeleech on specific torrents. Problem being the gold gain is insanely low compared to the price of these things

From an admin in the thread this was announced
>I'd like to point out that Seewhyseeoh above is seeding roughly 300GB's worth of content and gaining a bit over 6k gold a month. That means for keeping alive 300GB's worth of games, he gets 1 free game every single month. I think this hits an ideal target pretty well

Seriously? I thought they stopped making games/went out of business. I'll check it out then. Might as well remaster El Shaddai for PS4 while they are at it.

Dance off is amazing in this game.

So, yeah, a lot of people've played it.

I played it because of the memes.

This is literally Knight Templar on a bike.

I played it.
It's very pretty, I loved the way they presented the story and the music was amazing. The gameplay is super repetitive though. I can't play too much in one sitting before getting bored. All in all, bretty good

>posting moba shit
>thinking anyone cares about your opinion on gameplay

+Beautiful watercolor artstyle
+Interesting interpretation of The Book of Enoch
+No real control problems

-repetitive simplistic combat
-corridor level design